每日一词 trouble

每日一词 trouble

作者: 松果_ | 来源:发表于2018-09-28 22:40 被阅读1次

trouble=to cause inconvenience or discomfort to 给某人带来麻烦,使某人感到痛苦或焦虑虑

trouble sb.

I'm sorry to trouble you.

He was troubled by his health.

Many students today are constantly troubled by their inability to concentrate.

People are increasingly troubled by overload of information so much so that they end up buying many online mini-courses that they do not actually need.

Many innternational cities ,say LosAngeles, Beijing, and Neadelhi,are troubled by traffic congestion.

new word/phrase:

1.congestion=extremely crowded or be blocked with traffic /jam/mass/crowdind/overcrowding

2.交通堵塞:traffic congestion

3.一线城市:first-tier city  二线城市 :second-tier city

4.人才短缺:a shortage of talent


What troubles many second-tier cities the most is a shortage of talent.


But the most luxuriously housed has little to boast of in this respect,nor need we trouble ourselves to speculate how the human race may be at last be destroyed.


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