Designing a Controller-Static Co

Designing a Controller-Static Co

作者: 橡果 | 来源:发表于2016-10-01 13:33 被阅读19次

    你可以通过Static Constraints(静态约束)树节点进入静态目标。下图显示了用于指定静态约束的按钮标签。

    • Summary(摘要) - 无子控制周期,偏移和混合复选框。
    • Controlled variables(被控变量) - 仅允许复杂(即MVs和/或POVs的线性组合)被控变量。事实上,简单被控变量(通过检查特定的MVs和/或POVs)应在包含相应变量的子控制器中定义。
    • Weights(权重)- 没有与MVs相关的权重。
    • 没有压实点。
    Process Variables MVs(过程变量MVs) 控制器中操作变量名。
    Process Variables POVs(过程变量POVs) 控制器中过程输出名。
    Economic Functions List(经济函数列表) 定义的经济函数列表。该列表也将显示在EXASMOC HMI。
    Up(向上) 将列表中某个经济函数向上移动。
    Down(向下) 将列表中某个经济函数向下移动。
    New(新建) 向列表中添加一个新的经济函数。
    Delete(删除) 从列表中删除一个经济函数。
    Rename(重命名) 重命名列表中的某个经济函数。
    Copy(复制) 从列表中复制一个经济函数。
    Remote Target(远程终端) 定义一个经济函数,其值是从实时优化器(RTO)中读取的。
    Factor(因子) 一个正的或负的值。
    Econ. (Economic) Coefficients(经济系数) 可用于经济函数选择的经济系数列表。在列表的下部空白行可输入新的名称。下面为操作列表的按钮。

    The Static Constraints tree node is where you enter these static objectives. The following figure shows the tabs as well as the buttons used in specifying the static constraints.
    The associated tab views are similar to the sub-controller tab views except for the following:
    • Summary – No sub-control period, offset and blender check box.
    • Controlled variables – Only elaborated (i.e. linear combinations of MVs and/or POVs) controlled variables are allowed. Indeed, trivial controlled variables (via checking particular MVs and/or POVs) should be defined in the sub-controller containing the corresponding variables.
    • Weights – No weights associated with MVs.
    • No compaction points.
    In the overall controller, the Static constraints set becomes a sub-controller having the name as appearing in the Summary tab (default is “_StaticSubCont”).
    Defining the Economic Function
    SMOCPro has the capability of optimizing linear and quadratic economic functions of manipulated inputs and measured outputs. Under special considerations (regarding the active constraints), bilinear combinations of manipulated input and measured output variables can also be optimized. All of the economic functions defined in SMOCPro must have economic coefficients.
    Multiple economic functions can be defined, but only a single economic function is active at any given time. The active economic function is selected online. Furthermore, the economic coefficients can be changed online. The list of economic coefficients appears online; sorting through the economic functions online is no different from that in the offline package.
    Economic Function Window Fields and Buttons
    Process Variables MVs The names of the manipulated variables in the controller.
    Process Variables POVs The names of the process outputs in the controller.
    Economic Functions List The list of defined economic functions. The list also appears as-is in the EXASMOC HMI.
    Up Move an economic function up in the list.
    Down Move an economic function down in the list.
    New Add a new economic function to the list.
    Delete Delete an economic function from the list.
    Rename Rename an economic function from the list.
    Copy Copy an economic function from the list.
    Remote Target Define an economic function whose value is read from a Real Time Optimizer (RTO).
    Factor A positive or negative value.
    Econ. (Economic) Coefficients List of economic coefficients available for selection in any economic function. A new name can be entered in the empty row at the bottom of the list. The following buttons manipulate the list.




        本文标题:Designing a Controller-Static Co
