英作文9: 博物館嬉鬧

英作文9: 博物館嬉鬧

作者: 駝駝小欣 | 来源:发表于2019-10-28 23:32 被阅读0次


英作文9: 博物館嬉鬧

The incident has still been vivid in my mind till the present day. At one time, My parents took me and my brother to the museum, which housed a large collection of works of art, aiming to cultivate our ability to appreciate those famous paintings and sculptures so that we can have a taste for art and grow up sophisticated. But neither I nor my brother had the slightest idea to keep our voices down, to pay attention to what our mom was saying, and follow the etiquette of a museum. We were busy indulging in our own world, totally disregarding where we were, playing with a ball and shouting at the top of the lungs to each other, which, for sure, caused dissatisfaction. We even ran away from our parents and started to play ball-chasing in such a grand hushed museum. An unexpected tragedy happened while we were enjoying our time as if we were in our own playground; I threw a ball, and it hit one of the sculptures, whose worth was estimated at millions of dollars. I was thunderstruck on seeing the falling hand of that sculpture, which later was broken into many fragments. My mind went blank, not knowing what to do to have the thorny issue handled at the same time. I stared ahead blankly. Every possible outcome for what I had done quickly flashed into my mind, and then my parents saw what had happened, being scared out of their wits. Not only my parents but also the spectators stood in astonishment, and I could feel that someone was pointing at me, saying something like “What a rude boy!”. Feeling embarrassed and humiliated, I blushed. I feel like weeping and finding a hole large enough to conceal myself.

Then the safeguard of the museum came over with a furious look. My mom seemed to quickly compose herself in this short period of time, preparing herself well for what was to take place, and she approached the man, explaining and apologizing for what had happened profusely. She said she was to shoulder all the responsibility and compensate for the loss. And to my astonishment, the man told my mom it was lucky enough for me that the sculpture was a replica, for the original piece had temporarily gone for polishing. We still needed to pay for the loss, though with a much cheaper cost. I nearly fainted when I got to know what the price would be if it were the original one. I was grateful for a relatively low price, which I could easily afford. I learned a lesson that I would never ever play in the museum at will like this.


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      本文标题:英作文9: 博物館嬉鬧
