The Pursuit of Happiness - No. 1

The Pursuit of Happiness - No. 1

作者: 一隅生 | 来源:发表于2017-12-02 20:57 被阅读26次


I've decide to learn spanish on the side of my actual work and my writing tasks.

Why do you want to learn a new language? A friend of mine asked me curiously, whom happens to be a English teacher in the university where I teach, well, something. Naturally, People tend to wonder why someone suddenly decides to do something "unusual". But why not? I told myself.

This is a task I wanna try for myself for a long time. And finally I have the guts to say, if not today, when? if not me, who?

so I bought a bunch of text books, spanish text books, online and try not to let the enthusiasm fade away before the books even arrive.


Another big decision I made this week is that I'm gonna take the writing thing more seriously,  that means devoting more time and energy into it.

I am kinda known for my passion in books, at least it's what I'd love to believe. Then, as The Joker put it, IF you are good at something, never do it for free. Maybe I can make something out of it , or maybe not, I'm just so eager to find out.

At this point I will need a Plan. Bacically, I'm just gonna start to write, and write , and write some more. However, this won't surffice I reckon. For this part, I might need to read more, since a wise guy once told me, you cannot have enough output if you do not have more input in the first place.


Trying to get out of my comfort zone is diffcult, but it's better than just staying where I am and waiting for days to go by, getting older and older, konwing that I will never be able to become the person I wanted to be when I was a Child. Failing is bitter, but not fighting for it, is just excuciating.

I spend my twenties, a whole decade, believing that I can be something different, someone that can make a difference. In the first few months of my 30, I came to doubt it, and this is killing me.

I want to do things that matter. 

So I am going to keep fighting, or die trying.


love to my wife, my child, and my parents.

good night.


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