

作者: 田野_4750 | 来源:发表于2018-07-28 19:10 被阅读20次

1.Do  I know  that  name  ?That  sounds  familiar  .

Well, it Does not ring a bell with me .

2.There's Just a couple of things  I wanted  to say  .

I'm really gonna miss you.

3.They  even  do  You  .

4.I've  kind of been waiting  for the right person .

5.I  think  You  just gotta  face  it .


1.Do We have to know about that?

2.I'm gonna be in the waiting room ,handing out  cigars.

3.You. have to pick your moment.

4.Let it  Go .

5.How You doing with your contractions  ?

Each one's like a little party in my  uterus .

6.Yes,I am  paying  to  Stop  .

7.What is deal with  You znd  doctors , anyway, Is like ,your father is a doctor ?

8.We've been through  This  .

9.She  wants  to talk  to  You .

She's not much of a phone  person .


1.Where's the money come from ?

I'm helping out at NUY Med School with Some ,uh ,research.

2.What kind of research ?

It's a  fertility  study.

3.It's not  big deal .

4.Don,t give me that deep freeze.


1.where  do  i  start  ?

2.I just  gave  away  the  ending  ,did't  i  ?

3.But  the  silver  lining  ,if  You  wanna  see  it  ...

How  is  a silver  lining ?

4.I'm incredibly  anal and An  unbelievable  control  freak.

5.I'm Just  gonna  deal  with  it  .

6.Please,just a little bit  off the  back .

7.Your tailor  took advantage  of  me  ,

No  way.

I've been  going  to the  Guy  for  12  years  .

8.No i  .swear  to  god  ...

9.You  Hang  up  .

10. I  just  call  her  back  .

11. I  really  thought  i just  hit rock  bottom.


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