SDWebImage 源码(5.15.7)分析

SDWebImage 源码(5.15.7)分析

作者: barry | 来源:发表于2023-05-15 15:21 被阅读0次

SDWebImage 源码(5.15.7)分析记录



【step 1】sd_setImageWithURL

由于SDWebImage 添加了UIImageView+WebCache分类,所以可以直接在UIImageView的实例上调用图片加载方法, 分类里定义了一些sd_setImageWithURL相关的方法,最终这些方法都会调用到下面的方法

- (void)sd_setImageWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url
          placeholderImage:(nullable UIImage *)placeholder
                   context:(nullable SDWebImageContext *)context
                  progress:(nullable SDImageLoaderProgressBlock)progressBlock
                 completed:(nullable SDExternalCompletionBlock)completedBlock {
    // 这个方法是在`UIView+WebCache`分类内,这个分类里面定义了通用的一些属性和方法,因为不只是UIImageView在使用,像UIButton也在使用
    [self sd_internalSetImageWithURL:url
                           completed:^(UIImage * _Nullable image, NSData * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error, SDImageCacheType cacheType, BOOL finished, NSURL * _Nullable imageURL) {
                               if (completedBlock) {
                                   completedBlock(image, error, cacheType, imageURL);


  • SDWebImageContext:这个类型是在5.0之后出现的,本质就是一个字典,如果外部未提供的话,内部会自动生成一个

  • SDExternalCompletionBlock: 外部完成回调,相应的SDWebImage内部使用的是SDInternalCompletionBlock,两种回调的定义如下

    typedef void(^SDExternalCompletionBlock)(UIImage * _Nullable image, NSError * _Nullable error, SDImageCacheType cacheType, NSURL * _Nullable imageURL);
    typedef void(^SDInternalCompletionBlock)(UIImage * _Nullable image, NSData * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error, SDImageCacheType cacheType, BOOL finished, NSURL * _Nullable imageURL);

【step 2】sd_internalSetImageWithURL


/// 给imageView设置图片
/// @param url 图片链接
/// @param placeholder 占位图
/// @param options 图片加载选项
/// @param context 配置项,NSDictionary
/// @param setImageBlock 设置图片 Block(基于 UIImageView 方式调用的该参数一般为 nil)
/// @param progressBlock 图片进度回调
/// @param completedBlock 图片完成回调 
- (nullable id<SDWebImageOperation>)sd_internalSetImageWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url 
    placeholderImage:(nullable UIImage *)placeholder
             context:(nullable SDWebImageContext *)context 
       setImageBlock:(nullable SDSetImageBlock)setImageBlock 
            progress:(nullable SDImageLoaderProgressBlock)progressBlock
           completed:(nullable SDInternalCompletionBlock)completedBlock
    // 如果外部传入context,则对context做copy操作,防止改变,否则内部自动创建一个不可变的context
    if (context) {
        context = [context copy];
    else {
        context = [NSDictionary dictionary];
    // 获取OperationKey,在外部未传入context时,第一次取出就是nil
    NSString *validOperationKey = context[SDWebImageContextSetImageOperationKey];
    // OperationKey = nil 进入下面的操作
    if (!validOperationKey) {
        // 对于UIImageView实例来说,这里的self就是UIImageView
        validOperationKey = NSStringFromClass([self class]);
        // mutableCopy -> 存储 -> copy, 将OperationKey存入到context
        SDWebImageMutableContext *mutableContext = [context mutableCopy];
        mutableContext[SDWebImageContextSetImageOperationKey] = validOperationKey;
        context = [mutableContext copy];
    // 将key保存到`UIImageView+WebCache`中的sd_latestOperationKey关联属性中
    self.sd_latestOperationKey = validOperationKey;
    // 取消上一次OperationKey对应的下载
    [self sd_cancelImageLoadOperationWithKey:validOperationKey];
    // 将url保存到`UIImageView+WebCache`中的sd_imageURL关联属性中
    self.sd_imageURL = url;

    // 和validOperationKey类似,在外部未传入context时,第一次取出时就是nil
    SDWebImageManager *manager = context[SDWebImageContextCustomManager];
    if (!manager) {
        manager = [SDWebImageManager sharedManager];
    else {
        // 如果外部传入manager,context里要删除,避免内存泄漏
        // remove this manager to avoid retain cycle (manger -> loader -> operation -> context -> manager)
        SDWebImageMutableContext *mutableContext = [context mutableCopy];
        mutableContext[SDWebImageContextCustomManager] = nil;
        context = [mutableContext copy];

    // 是否使用内存弱引用,5.12.0 之前默认是YES,之后是NO
    BOOL shouldUseWeakCache = NO;
    if ([manager.imageCache isKindOfClass:SDImageCache.class]) {
        shouldUseWeakCache = ((SDImageCache *)manager.imageCache).config.shouldUseWeakMemoryCache;
    // 默认是要显示占位图,如果设置了SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder,则不显示占位图
    // ⚠️ SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder可以当作图片下载失败的占位图,而不是图片下载过程中的占位图,下载过程中不显示,下载失败时会显示
    if (!(options & SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder)) {
        // ⚠️ 触发弱引用存储,如下注释所示此结构可能要被删除
        if (shouldUseWeakCache) {
            NSString *key = [manager cacheKeyForURL:url context:context];
            // call memory cache to trigger weak cache sync logic, ignore the return value and go on normal query
            // this unfortunately will cause twice memory cache query, but it's fast enough
            // in the future the weak cache feature may be re-design or removed
            [((SDImageCache *)manager.imageCache) imageFromMemoryCacheForKey:key];
          [self sd_setImage:placeholder imageData:nil basedOnClassOrViaCustomSetImageBlock:setImageBlock cacheType:SDImageCacheTypeNone imageURL:url];

    id<SDWebImageOperation> operation = nil;

    // url非空,进入正常逻辑处理,为空停止旋转菊花,并触发空图片错误回调
    if (url) {
        // 获取`UIImageView+WebCache`中的sd_imageProgress关联属性,并将进度重置
        NSProgress *imageProgress = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, @selector(sd_imageProgress));
        if (imageProgress) {
            imageProgress.totalUnitCount = 0;
            imageProgress.completedUnitCount = 0;

        // 如果设置了菊花(指示器),开始旋转菊花(默认是无菊花,未调用setSd_imageIndicator)
        [self sd_startImageIndicator];
        id<SDWebImageIndicator> imageIndicator = self.sd_imageIndicator;
        // 设置图片加载进度回调
        // 🔅 receivedSize:已获取的图片大小,expectedSize:期望的图片总大小
        SDImageLoaderProgressBlock combinedProgressBlock = ^(NSInteger receivedSize, NSInteger expectedSize, NSURL *_Nullable targetURL) {
            // imageProgress关联属性非空,设置相应的参数
          if (imageProgress) {
              imageProgress.totalUnitCount = expectedSize;
              imageProgress.completedUnitCount = receivedSize;
            // 如果菊花实现了`SDWebImageIndicator`协议中的updateIndicatorProgress方法,就更新进度
          if ([imageIndicator respondsToSelector:@selector(updateIndicatorProgress:)]) {
              // 获取图片完成的进度
              double progress = 0;
              if (expectedSize != 0) {
                  progress = (double)receivedSize / expectedSize;
              // 进度是在0-1之前,
              // ⚠️ 异常情况下<0,取0,>1,取1
              progress = MAX(MIN(progress, 1), 0); // 0.0 - 1.0
              // 主线程更新菊花
              dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                [imageIndicator updateIndicatorProgress:progress];
            // 图片进度回调
          if (progressBlock) {
              progressBlock(receivedSize, expectedSize, targetURL);
        //【step 3】: 获取图片加载operation
        operation = [manager loadImageWithURL:url
                                    completed:^(UIImage *image, NSData *data, NSError *error, SDImageCacheType cacheType, BOOL finished, NSURL *imageURL) {
                                      if (!self) {
                                      // 异常状态下,在完成回调中将进度设置为100%
                                      // if the progress not been updated, mark it to complete state
                                      if (imageProgress && finished && !error && imageProgress.totalUnitCount == 0 && imageProgress.completedUnitCount == 0) {
                                          imageProgress.totalUnitCount = SDWebImageProgressUnitCountUnknown;
                                          imageProgress.completedUnitCount = SDWebImageProgressUnitCountUnknown;

                                      // 回调完成,停止菊花
                                      // check and stop image indicator
                                      if (finished) {
                                          [self sd_stopImageIndicator];
                                      // finished = true,或 SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage(禁止自动设置图片)
                                      BOOL shouldCallCompletedBlock = finished || (options & SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage);
                                      // 图片存在且SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage,或者图片不存在且未设置SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder
                                      BOOL shouldNotSetImage = ((image && (options & SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage)) ||
                                                                (!image && !(options & SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder)));
                                      SDWebImageNoParamsBlock callCompletedBlockClosure = ^{
                                        if (!self) {
                                        if (!shouldNotSetImage) {
                                            [self sd_setNeedsLayout];
                                        // 已完成且回调存在
                                        if (completedBlock && shouldCallCompletedBlock) {
                                            completedBlock(image, data, error, cacheType, finished, url);

                                      // case 1a: we got an image, but the SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage flag is set
                                      // OR
                                      // case 1b: we got no image and the SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder is not set
                                      if (shouldNotSetImage) {

                                      UIImage *targetImage = nil;
                                      NSData *targetData = nil;
                                      if (image) {
                                          // 获取了图片且未设置`SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage`
                                          // case 2a: we got an image and the SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage is not set
                                          targetImage = image;
                                          targetData = data;
                                      else if (options & SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder) {
                                          // 未获取到图片且设置了`SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder`,用占位图当返回结果
                                          // ⚠️ 这里是`SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder`定义所描述的情形
                                          // case 2b: we got no image and the SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder flag is set
                                          targetImage = placeholder;
                                          targetData = nil;

                                      // 判断是否需要转场动画
                                      // check whether we should use the image transition
                                      SDWebImageTransition *transition = nil;
                                      BOOL shouldUseTransition = NO;
                                      if (options & SDWebImageForceTransition) {
                                          // 设置强制转场SDWebImageForceTransition
                                          // Always
                                          shouldUseTransition = YES;
                                      else if (cacheType == SDImageCacheTypeNone) {
                                          // 从网络中获取也需要转场
                                          // From network
                                          shouldUseTransition = YES;
                                      else {
                                          // 从内存获取不需要转场,
                                          // 如果从磁盘中获取且设置SDWebImageQueryMemoryDataSync或SDWebImageQueryDiskDataSync 不需要转场
                                          // From disk (and, user don't use sync query)
                                          if (cacheType == SDImageCacheTypeMemory) {
                                              shouldUseTransition = NO;
                                          else if (cacheType == SDImageCacheTypeDisk) {
                                              if (options & SDWebImageQueryMemoryDataSync || options & SDWebImageQueryDiskDataSync) {
                                                  shouldUseTransition = NO;
                                              else {
                                                  shouldUseTransition = YES;
                                          else {
                                              // Not valid cache type, fallback
                                              shouldUseTransition = NO;
                                      // 处理转场回调
                                      if (finished && shouldUseTransition) {
                                          transition = self.sd_imageTransition;
                                      // 🍉 回到主线程并将图片设置相应的视图上
                                        [self sd_setImage:targetImage
                [self sd_setImage:targetImage
        // 🍉 将operation 保存到sd_operationDictionary内
        [self sd_setImageLoadOperation:operation forKey:validOperationKey];
    else {
        [self sd_stopImageIndicator];
        if (completedBlock) {
              NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:SDWebImageErrorDomain code:SDWebImageErrorInvalidURL userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Image url is nil" }];
              completedBlock(nil, nil, error, SDImageCacheTypeNone, YES, url);

    return operation;



- (void)sd_cancelImageLoadOperationWithKey:(nullable NSString *)key
    if (key) {
        // 获取关联对象sd_operationDictionary
        // Cancel in progress downloader from queue
        SDOperationsDictionary *operationDictionary = [self sd_operationDictionary];
        id<SDWebImageOperation> operation;
        // 同步获取operation
            operation = [operationDictionary objectForKey:key];
        if (operation) {
            // 如果实现了`SDWebImageOperation`协议中的cancle,把operation任务取消掉
            // ⚠️ NSOperation 本身有cancel方法,sd又在分类 NSOperation (SDWebImageOperation)中遵守了SDWebImageOperation协议,分类中的cancel有效
            if ([operation respondsToSelector:@selector(cancel)]) {
                [operation cancel];
            // 同步移除operation
                [operationDictionary removeObjectForKey:key];



- (SDOperationsDictionary *)sd_operationDictionary
        SDOperationsDictionary *operations = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, @selector(sd_operationDictionary));
        if (operations) {
            return operations;
        // 初始为空时会强制设置一个关联对象
        operations = [[NSMapTable alloc] initWithKeyOptions:NSPointerFunctionsStrongMemory valueOptions:NSPointerFunctionsWeakMemory capacity:0];
        objc_setAssociatedObject(self, @selector(sd_operationDictionary), operations, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
        return operations;

NSMapTable 是 NSDictionary 的通用版本。和 NSDictionary / NSMutableDictionary 不同的是,NSMapTable 具有下面这些特性:

  • NSDictionary / NSMutableDictionary 对键进行拷贝,对值持有强引用。
  • NSMapTable 是可变的,没有不可变的对应版本。
  • NSMapTable 可以持有键和值的弱引用,当键或者值当中的一个被释放时,整个这一项就会被移除掉。
  • NSMapTable 可以在加入成员时进行 copy 操作。
  • NSMapTable 可以存储任意的指针,通过指针来进行相等性和散列检查。

注意: NSMapTable 专注于强引用和弱引用,意味着 Swift 中流行的值类型是不适用的,只能用于引用类型。


- (void)sd_setImageLoadOperation:(nullable id<SDWebImageOperation>)operation forKey:(nullable NSString *)key
    if (key) {
        // 🎂删除旧operation
        [self sd_cancelImageLoadOperationWithKey:key];
        if (operation) {
            // 获取关联对象sd_operationDictionary,并将同步保存新operation
            SDOperationsDictionary *operationDictionary = [self sd_operationDictionary];
                [operationDictionary setObject:operation forKey:key];

【step 3】loadimage(url, options, context, progressBiock, completedBlock)


- (SDWebImageCombinedOperation *)loadImageWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url
                                          context:(nullable SDWebImageContext *)context
                                         progress:(nullable SDImageLoaderProgressBlock)progressBlock
                                        completed:(nonnull SDInternalCompletionBlock)completedBlock
    // Invoking this method without a completedBlock is pointless
    NSAssert(completedBlock != nil, @"If you mean to prefetch the image, use -[SDWebImagePrefetcher prefetchURLs] instead");

    // Very common mistake is to send the URL using NSString object instead of NSURL. For some strange reason, Xcode won't
    // throw any warning for this type mismatch. Here we failsafe this error by allowing URLs to be passed as NSString.
    // 如果外部传入NSString,这里尝试转换成NSURL
    if ([url isKindOfClass:NSString.class]) {
        url = [NSURL URLWithString:(NSString *)url];

    // Prevents app crashing on argument type error like sending NSNull instead of NSURL
    // 判断url是否合法
    if (![url isKindOfClass:NSURL.class]) {
        url = nil;

    SDWebImageCombinedOperation *operation = [SDWebImageCombinedOperation new];
    operation.manager = self;

    BOOL isFailedUrl = NO;
    if (url) {
        // 判断url是否加载失败过
        isFailedUrl = [self.failedURLs containsObject:url];

    // Preprocess the options and context arg to decide the final the result for manager
    SDWebImageOptionsResult *result = [self processedResultForURL:url options:options context:context];

    // url为长度为空或失败过且未设置重试(SDWebImageRetryFailed)
    if (url.absoluteString.length == 0 || (!(options & SDWebImageRetryFailed) && isFailedUrl)) {
        NSString *description = isFailedUrl ? @"Image url is blacklisted" : @"Image url is nil";
        NSInteger code = isFailedUrl ? SDWebImageErrorBlackListed : SDWebImageErrorInvalidURL;
        // 触发错误完成回调,内包含错误信息,这里的错误信息要么是图片加载失败要么是url为空
        [self callCompletionBlockForOperation:operation completion:completedBlock error:[NSError errorWithDomain:SDWebImageErrorDomain code:code userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : description}] queue:result.context[SDWebImageContextCallbackQueue] url:url];
        return operation;

    // 如果之前未加载过,将operation加到runningOperations中
    [self.runningOperations addObject:operation];

    // Start the entry to load image from cache, the longest steps are below
    // Steps without transformer:
    // 1. query image from cache, miss
    // 2. download data and image
    // 3. store image to cache

    // Steps with transformer:
    // 1. query transformed image from cache, miss
    // 2. query original image from cache, miss
    // 3. download data and image
    // 4. do transform in CPU
    // 5. store original image to cache
    // 6. store transformed image to cache
    // 🍉查询缓存操作
    [self callCacheProcessForOperation:operation url:url options:result.options context:result.context progress:progressBlock completed:completedBlock];

    return operation;


// Query normal cache process
- (void)callCacheProcessForOperation:(nonnull SDWebImageCombinedOperation *)operation
                                 url:(nonnull NSURL *)url
                             context:(nullable SDWebImageContext *)context
                            progress:(nullable SDImageLoaderProgressBlock)progressBlock
                           completed:(nullable SDInternalCompletionBlock)completedBlock
    // Grab the image cache to use
    // 如果context外部未传入相应的SDImageCache,默认用imageCache (SDImageCache单例)
    id<SDImageCache> imageCache = context[SDWebImageContextImageCache];
    if (!imageCache) {
        imageCache = self.imageCache;
    // Get the query cache type
    // 默认是缓存类型是SDImageCacheTypeAll,如果通过context传入,则用外部的
    SDImageCacheType queryCacheType = SDImageCacheTypeAll;
    if (context[SDWebImageContextQueryCacheType]) {
        queryCacheType = [context[SDWebImageContextQueryCacheType] integerValue];

    // Check whether we should query cache
    // 如果未设置SDWebImageFromLoaderOnly(直接网络加载)那么就先查找缓存,否则直接网络加载
    BOOL shouldQueryCache = !SD_OPTIONS_CONTAINS(options, SDWebImageFromLoaderOnly);
    if (shouldQueryCache) {
        // transformed cache key
        // 根据url生成相应的key
        NSString *key = [self cacheKeyForURL:url context:context];
        // 【step 4】查找图片
        operation.cacheOperation = [imageCache queryImageForKey:key
                                                     completion:^(UIImage *_Nullable cachedImage, NSData *_Nullable cachedData, SDImageCacheType cacheType) {
                                                       // operation不存在或取消,触发错误完成回调
                                                       if (!operation || operation.isCancelled) {
                                                           // Image combined operation cancelled by user
                                                           [self callCompletionBlockForOperation:operation completion:completedBlock error:[NSError errorWithDomain:SDWebImageErrorDomain code:SDWebImageErrorCancelled userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Operation cancelled by user during querying the cache" }] queue:context[SDWebImageContextCallbackQueue] url:url];
                                                           [self safelyRemoveOperationFromRunning:operation];
                                                       else if (!cachedImage) {
                                                           // 如果缓存图片不存在,将当前传入的key和根据urla获取的key比较,如果相符,那么直接查找原始缓存好的图片,否则重新下载图片
                                                           NSString *originKey = [self originalCacheKeyForURL:url context:context];
                                                           BOOL mayInOriginalCache = ![key isEqualToString:originKey];
                                                           // Have a chance to query original cache instead of downloading, then applying transform
                                                           // Thumbnail decoding is done inside SDImageCache's decoding part, which does not need post processing for transform
                                                           if (mayInOriginalCache) {
                                                               [self callOriginalCacheProcessForOperation:operation url:url options:options context:context progress:progressBlock completed:completedBlock];
                                                       // Continue download process
                                                       // 🍉 直接下载图片
                                                       [self callDownloadProcessForOperation:operation url:url options:options context:context cachedImage:cachedImage cachedData:cachedData cacheType:cacheType progress:progressBlock completed:completedBlock];
    else {
        // Continue download process
        // 🍉 直接下载图片
        [self callDownloadProcessForOperation:operation url:url options:options context:context cachedImage:nil cachedData:nil cacheType:SDImageCacheTypeNone progress:progressBlock completed:completedBlock];

【step 4】queryImage(key, options, completionBlock)


- (id<SDWebImageOperation>)queryImageForKey:(NSString *)key options:(SDWebImageOptions)options context:(nullable SDWebImageContext *)context cacheType:(SDImageCacheType)cacheType completion:(nullable SDImageCacheQueryCompletionBlock)completionBlock
    // 获取缓存相关的配置
    SDImageCacheOptions cacheOptions = 0;
    if (options & SDWebImageQueryMemoryData)
        cacheOptions |= SDImageCacheQueryMemoryData;
    if (options & SDWebImageQueryMemoryDataSync)
        cacheOptions |= SDImageCacheQueryMemoryDataSync;
    if (options & SDWebImageQueryDiskDataSync)
        cacheOptions |= SDImageCacheQueryDiskDataSync;
    if (options & SDWebImageScaleDownLargeImages)
        cacheOptions |= SDImageCacheScaleDownLargeImages;
    if (options & SDWebImageAvoidDecodeImage)
        cacheOptions |= SDImageCacheAvoidDecodeImage;
    if (options & SDWebImageDecodeFirstFrameOnly)
        cacheOptions |= SDImageCacheDecodeFirstFrameOnly;
    if (options & SDWebImagePreloadAllFrames)
        cacheOptions |= SDImageCachePreloadAllFrames;
    if (options & SDWebImageMatchAnimatedImageClass)
        cacheOptions |= SDImageCacheMatchAnimatedImageClass;

    return [self queryCacheOperationForKey:key options:cacheOptions context:context cacheType:cacheType done:completionBlock];


- (nullable SDImageCacheToken *)queryCacheOperationForKey:(nullable NSString *)key options:(SDImageCacheOptions)options context:(nullable SDWebImageContext *)context cacheType:(SDImageCacheType)queryCacheType done:(nullable SDImageCacheQueryCompletionBlock)doneBlock
    // 处理key为nil的情况
    if (!key) {
        if (doneBlock) {
            doneBlock(nil, nil, SDImageCacheTypeNone);
        return nil;
    // 处理无效缓存类型的情况
    // Invalid cache type
    if (queryCacheType == SDImageCacheTypeNone) {
        if (doneBlock) {
            doneBlock(nil, nil, SDImageCacheTypeNone);
        return nil;

    // First check the in-memory cache...
    // 1、首先查找内存缓存
    UIImage *image;
    if (queryCacheType != SDImageCacheTypeDisk) {
        image = [self imageFromMemoryCacheForKey:key];
    // 内存中存在相应的图片
    if (image) {
        // 是否只解码第一帧
        if (options & SDImageCacheDecodeFirstFrameOnly) {
            // Ensure static image
            // 如果image是动图,那么只获取其第一帧
            if (image.sd_isAnimated) {
#if SD_MAC
                image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithCGImage:image.CGImage scale:image.scale orientation:kCGImagePropertyOrientationUp];
                image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:image.CGImage scale:image.scale orientation:image.imageOrientation];
        else if (options & SDImageCacheMatchAnimatedImageClass) {
            // Check image class matching
            // 如果设置了图片期望的类型,但是 image 的类与设置的类型不一致则将 image 置空
            Class animatedImageClass = image.class;
            Class desiredImageClass = context[SDWebImageContextAnimatedImageClass];
            if (desiredImageClass && ![animatedImageClass isSubclassOfClass:desiredImageClass]) {
                image = nil;

    // 是否设置了只查询内存
    // 缓存类型是SDImageCacheTypeMemory 或在图片存在的情况下,未设置SDImageCacheQueryMemoryData(强制查询图片数据)
    BOOL shouldQueryMemoryOnly = (queryCacheType == SDImageCacheTypeMemory) || (image && !(options & SDImageCacheQueryMemoryData));
    // 只查询内存的情况下,直接走完成回调
    if (shouldQueryMemoryOnly) {
        if (doneBlock) {
            doneBlock(image, nil, SDImageCacheTypeMemory);
        return nil;

    // 2、查找磁盘缓存
    // Second check the disk cache...
    // queue是否经context由外部传入,这里可空
    SDCallbackQueue *queue = context[SDWebImageContextCallbackQueue];
    SDImageCacheToken *operation = [[SDImageCacheToken alloc] initWithDoneBlock:doneBlock];
    operation.key = key;
    operation.callbackQueue = queue;
    // 判断是否需要同步查找磁盘缓存
    // 1. 内存缓存命中且 SDImageCacheQueryMemoryDataSync
    // 2. 内存缓存未命中且 SDImageCacheQueryDiskDataSync
    BOOL shouldQueryDiskSync = ((image && options & SDImageCacheQueryMemoryDataSync) ||
                                (!image && options & SDImageCacheQueryDiskDataSync));
    // 查询磁盘数据回调,下同,只不过这里返回NSData, 下面返回UIImage
    NSData * (^queryDiskDataBlock)(void) = ^NSData *
            if (operation.isCancelled) {
                return nil;

        return [self diskImageDataBySearchingAllPathsForKey:key];
    // 查询磁盘图片回调
    UIImage * (^queryDiskImageBlock)(NSData *) = ^UIImage *(NSData *diskData)
        // 判断操作是否被取消
            if (operation.isCancelled) {
                return nil;

        UIImage *diskImage;
        if (image) {
            // the image is from in-memory cache, but need image data
            // 这里的图片是从内存中获取的
            diskImage = image;
        else if (diskData) {
            // 从磁盘中获取的图片默认要缓存到内存中
            BOOL shouldCacheToMomery = YES;
            // 取出context中的缓存类型
            if (context[SDWebImageContextStoreCacheType]) {
                SDImageCacheType cacheType = [context[SDWebImageContextStoreCacheType] integerValue];
                shouldCacheToMomery = (cacheType == SDImageCacheTypeAll || cacheType == SDImageCacheTypeMemory);
            CGSize thumbnailSize = CGSizeZero;
            // 取出context中的缩略图大小,正常情况下是未传入的这里可为空
            NSValue *thumbnailSizeValue = context[SDWebImageContextImageThumbnailPixelSize];
            if (thumbnailSizeValue != nil) {
#if SD_MAC
                thumbnailSize = thumbnailSizeValue.sizeValue;
                thumbnailSize = thumbnailSizeValue.CGSizeValue;
            // ⁉️:缩略图不应该回到内存中,也就是不应该放在memoryCache里(这里的判断有点不太懂)
            if (thumbnailSize.width > 0 && thumbnailSize.height > 0) {
                // Query full size cache key which generate a thumbnail, should not write back to full size memory cache
                shouldCacheToMomery = NO;
            // Special case: If user query image in list for the same URL, to avoid decode and write **same** image object into disk cache multiple times, we query and check memory cache here again.
            // 再次查询内存中是否存在
            if (shouldCacheToMomery && self.config.shouldCacheImagesInMemory) {
                diskImage = [self.memoryCache objectForKey:key];
            // decode image data only if in-memory cache missed
            // 如果内存中不存在图片,就利用diskData生成
            if (!diskImage) {
                diskImage = [self diskImageForKey:key data:diskData options:options context:context];
                // 设置了内存缓存 将图片放入内存中
                if (shouldCacheToMomery && diskImage && self.config.shouldCacheImagesInMemory) {
                    NSUInteger cost = diskImage.sd_memoryCost;
                    [self.memoryCache setObject:diskImage forKey:key cost:cost];
        return diskImage;

    // Query in ioQueue to keep IO-safe
    // 同步查询
    if (shouldQueryDiskSync) {
        __block NSData *diskData;
        __block UIImage *diskImage;
        dispatch_sync(self.ioQueue, ^{
          diskData = queryDiskDataBlock();
          diskImage = queryDiskImageBlock(diskData);
        // 获取上步的data和image,放入doneBlock回调中
        if (doneBlock) {
            doneBlock(diskImage, diskData, SDImageCacheTypeDisk);
    else {
        // 异步查询
        dispatch_async(self.ioQueue, ^{
          NSData *diskData = queryDiskDataBlock();
          UIImage *diskImage = queryDiskImageBlock(diskData);
              if (operation.isCancelled) {
          if (doneBlock) {
              // queue 为外部传入,未传入的情况下用主队列
              [(queue ?: SDCallbackQueue.mainQueue) async:^{
                // Dispatch from IO queue to main queue need time, user may call cancel during the dispatch timing
                // This check is here to avoid double callback (one is from `SDImageCacheToken` in sync)
                // 防止再次回调
                    if (operation.isCancelled) {
                doneBlock(diskImage, diskData, SDImageCacheTypeDisk);

    return operation;

【step 5】disk result


  • 从磁盘中查找的过程:【step 4】中的queryCacheOperationForKey方法
  • 从网络下载放入磁盘的过程:【step 8】中磁盘存储过程

【step 6】requestImageWithURL(url, options, context, progressBlock, completedBlock)

下载代码位于 SDWebImageDownloader内,requestImageWithURL具体代码如下所示:

- (id<SDWebImageOperation>)requestImageWithURL:(NSURL *)url options:(SDWebImageOptions)options context:(SDWebImageContext *)context progress:(SDImageLoaderProgressBlock)progressBlock completed:(SDImageLoaderCompletedBlock)completedBlock
    UIImage *cachedImage = context[SDWebImageContextLoaderCachedImage];
    // 从options中获取所有下载的配置
    SDWebImageDownloaderOptions downloaderOptions = 0;
    if (options & SDWebImageLowPriority)
        downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderLowPriority;
    if (options & SDWebImageProgressiveLoad)
        downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderProgressiveLoad;
    if (options & SDWebImageRefreshCached)
        downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderUseNSURLCache;
    if (options & SDWebImageContinueInBackground)
        downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderContinueInBackground;
    if (options & SDWebImageHandleCookies)
        downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderHandleCookies;
    if (options & SDWebImageAllowInvalidSSLCertificates)
        downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderAllowInvalidSSLCertificates;
    if (options & SDWebImageHighPriority)
        downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderHighPriority;
    if (options & SDWebImageScaleDownLargeImages)
        downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderScaleDownLargeImages;
    if (options & SDWebImageAvoidDecodeImage)
        downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderAvoidDecodeImage;
    if (options & SDWebImageDecodeFirstFrameOnly)
        downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderDecodeFirstFrameOnly;
    if (options & SDWebImagePreloadAllFrames)
        downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderPreloadAllFrames;
    if (options & SDWebImageMatchAnimatedImageClass)
        downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderMatchAnimatedImageClass;

    if (cachedImage && options & SDWebImageRefreshCached) {
        // force progressive off if image already cached but forced refreshing
        downloaderOptions &= ~SDWebImageDownloaderProgressiveLoad;
        // ignore image read from NSURLCache if image if cached but force refreshing
        downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderIgnoreCachedResponse;
    // 下载图片
    return [self downloadImageWithURL:url options:downloaderOptions context:context progress:progressBlock completed:completedBlock];



SDWebImageDownloaderOperation 内部有具体的图片下载方法。

- (nullable SDWebImageDownloadToken *)downloadImageWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url
                                                   context:(nullable SDWebImageContext *)context
                                                  progress:(nullable SDWebImageDownloaderProgressBlock)progressBlock
                                                 completed:(nullable SDWebImageDownloaderCompletedBlock)completedBlock
    // The URL will be used as the key to the callbacks dictionary so it cannot be nil. If it is nil immediately call the completed block with no image or data.
    // 判断url是否为空,为空则直接完成回调,并返回错误信息
    if (url == nil) {
        if (completedBlock) {
            NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:SDWebImageErrorDomain code:SDWebImageErrorInvalidURL userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Image url is nil" }];
            completedBlock(nil, nil, error, YES);
        return nil;

    id downloadOperationCancelToken;
    // When different thumbnail size download with same url, we need to make sure each callback called with desired size
    // 如果context从外部传入过滤器,直接使用过滤器查找cacheKey,否则使用url.absoluteString
    id<SDWebImageCacheKeyFilter> cacheKeyFilter = context[SDWebImageContextCacheKeyFilter];
    NSString *cacheKey;
    if (cacheKeyFilter) {
        cacheKey = [cacheKeyFilter cacheKeyForURL:url];
    else {
        cacheKey = url.absoluteString;
    // 获取解码配置
    SDImageCoderOptions *decodeOptions = SDGetDecodeOptionsFromContext(context, [self.class imageOptionsFromDownloaderOptions:options], cacheKey);
    NSOperation<SDWebImageDownloaderOperation> *operation = [self.URLOperations objectForKey:url];
    // There is a case that the operation may be marked as finished or cancelled, but not been removed from `self.URLOperations`.
    BOOL shouldNotReuseOperation;
    // operation存在的情况下,但是已经完成或被取消,那么不应该重用,
    if (operation) {
            shouldNotReuseOperation = operation.isFinished || operation.isCancelled || SDWebImageDownloaderOperationGetCompleted(operation);
    else {
        shouldNotReuseOperation = YES;
    if (shouldNotReuseOperation) {
        // 根据url创建operation
        operation = [self createDownloaderOperationWithUrl:url options:options context:context];
        // 创建失败直接完成回调,并返回错误信息
        if (!operation) {
            if (completedBlock) {
                NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:SDWebImageErrorDomain code:SDWebImageErrorInvalidDownloadOperation userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Downloader operation is nil" }];
                completedBlock(nil, nil, error, YES);
            return nil;
        operation.completionBlock = ^{
          if (!self) {
            // 回调完成移除URLOperations内的operation
          [self.URLOperations removeObjectForKey:url];
        // 将operation添加到URLOperations内
        [self.URLOperations setObject:operation forKey:url];
        // Add the handlers before submitting to operation queue, avoid the race condition that operation finished before setting handlers.
        // 在operation添加到downloadQueue之前 添加handler,防止在设置handler之前operation完成了
        downloadOperationCancelToken = [operation addHandlersForProgress:progressBlock completed:completedBlock decodeOptions:decodeOptions];
        // Add operation to operation queue only after all configuration done according to Apple's doc.
        // `addOperation:` does not synchronously execute the `operation.completionBlock` so this will not cause deadlock.
        // 将operation加入到下载队列,并在合适的时机启动任务
        // ✈️ addOperation不会同步执行operation.completionBlock,不会引用死锁
        [self.downloadQueue addOperation:operation];
    else {
        // When we reuse the download operation to attach more callbacks, there may be thread safe issue because the getter of callbacks may in another queue (decoding queue or delegate queue)
        // So we lock the operation here, and in `SDWebImageDownloaderOperation`, we use `@synchonzied (self)`, to ensure the thread safe between these two classes.
            downloadOperationCancelToken = [operation addHandlersForProgress:progressBlock completed:completedBlock decodeOptions:decodeOptions];

    // 返回token,外部获取之后可以cancel任务
    SDWebImageDownloadToken *token = [[SDWebImageDownloadToken alloc] initWithDownloadOperation:operation];
    token.url = url;
    token.request = operation.request;
    token.downloadOperationCancelToken = downloadOperationCancelToken;

    return token;

【step 7】network result


- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session task:(NSURLSessionTask *)task didCompleteWithError:(NSError *)error
    // If we already cancel the operation or anything mark the operation finished, don't callback twice
    // operation 如果完成直接返回,不再回调
    if (self.isFinished)

    NSArray<SDWebImageDownloaderOperationToken *> *tokens;
        tokens = [self.callbackTokens copy];
        self.dataTask = nil;
        __block typeof(self) strongSelf = self;
        // 下载完成发送 停止和错误(有的话) 通知
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
          [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:SDWebImageDownloadStopNotification object:strongSelf];
          if (!error) {
              [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:SDWebImageDownloadFinishNotification object:strongSelf];

    // make sure to call `[self done]` to mark operation as finished
    if (error) {
        // custom error instead of URLSession error
        if (self.responseError) {
            error = self.responseError;
        // 错误回调
        [self callCompletionBlocksWithError:error];
        // 标记下载结束
        [self done];
    else {
        // 如果有下载tokens不能为空
        if (tokens.count > 0) {
            NSData *imageData = self.imageData;
            self.imageData = nil;
            // data decryptor
            // 解析数据,这里基本上base64解密
            if (imageData && self.decryptor) {
                imageData = [self.decryptor decryptedDataWithData:imageData response:self.response];
            // 数据存在进入后续处理
            if (imageData) {
                /**  if you specified to only use cached data via `SDWebImageDownloaderIgnoreCachedResponse`,
                 *  then we should check if the cached data is equal to image data
                // 如果配置了忽略缓存,首先检查缓存数据是不是和下载数据一致,如果是的话,调用错误回调,标记结束
                if (self.options & SDWebImageDownloaderIgnoreCachedResponse && [self.cachedData isEqualToData:imageData]) {
                    self.responseError = [NSError errorWithDomain:SDWebImageErrorDomain
                                                         userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Downloaded image is not modified and ignored",
                                                                     SDWebImageErrorDownloadResponseKey : self.response }];
                    // call completion block with not modified error
                    [self callCompletionBlocksWithError:self.responseError];
                    [self done];
                else {
                    // decode the image in coder queue, cancel all previous decoding process
                    // 在coderQueue中解码图片,首先清空所有操作
                    [self.coderQueue cancelAllOperations];
                    // 存在多个token,进行遍历,在5.8.3的版本只处理了一个token
                    for (SDWebImageDownloaderOperationToken *token in tokens) {
                        [self.coderQueue addOperationWithBlock:^{
                          if (!self) {
                          UIImage *image;
                          // check if we already decode this variant of image for current callback
                          // 从imageMap(NSMaptable)中根据decodeOptions获取图片,如果第一次下载,肯定是空的
                          if (token.decodeOptions) {
                              image = [self.imageMap objectForKey:token.decodeOptions];
                          // 如果未在imageMap取到图上,根据imageData生成图片
                          if (!image) {
                              // check if we already use progressive decoding, use that to produce faster decoding
                              // 分段下载解码器
                              id<SDProgressiveImageCoder> progressiveCoder = SDImageLoaderGetProgressiveCoder(self);
                              // 下载配置
                              SDWebImageOptions options = [[self class] imageOptionsFromDownloaderOptions:self.options];
                              SDWebImageContext *context;
                              if (token.decodeOptions) {
                                  SDWebImageMutableContext *mutableContext = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:self.context];
                                  // 将解码配置放入到context中
                                  SDSetDecodeOptionsToContext(mutableContext, &options, token.decodeOptions);
                                  context = [mutableContext copy];
                              else {
                                  context = self.context;
                              // 分段下载解码图片
                              if (progressiveCoder) {
                                  image = SDImageLoaderDecodeProgressiveImageData(imageData, self.request.URL, YES, self, options, context);
                              // 普通下载解码图片
                              else {
                                  image = SDImageLoaderDecodeImageData(imageData, self.request.URL, options, context);
                              // 将图片放入imageMap保存
                              if (image && token.decodeOptions) {
                                  [self.imageMap setObject:image forKey:token.decodeOptions];
                          CGSize imageSize = image.size;
                          if (imageSize.width == 0 || imageSize.height == 0) {
                              // 图片宽高不正确,调用完成回调,并返回错误信息
                              NSString *description = image == nil ? @"Downloaded image decode failed" : @"Downloaded image has 0 pixels";
                              NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:SDWebImageErrorDomain code:SDWebImageErrorBadImageData userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : description}];
                              [self callCompletionBlockWithToken:token image:nil imageData:nil error:error finished:YES];
                          else {
                              // 调用完成回调
                              [self callCompletionBlockWithToken:token image:image imageData:imageData error:nil finished:YES];
                    // call [self done] after all completed block was dispatched
                    dispatch_block_t doneBlock = ^{
                      if (!self) {
                      [self done];
                    // 所有的token处理完成之后,再处理完成任务doneBlock
                    if (@available(iOS 13, tvOS 13, macOS 10.15, watchOS 6, *)) {
                        // seems faster than `addOperationWithBlock`
                        [self.coderQueue addBarrierBlock:doneBlock];
                    else {
                        // serial queue, this does the same effect in semantics
                        [self.coderQueue addOperationWithBlock:doneBlock];
            else {
                // 数据不存在,完成回调,直接标记结束
                [self callCompletionBlocksWithError:[NSError errorWithDomain:SDWebImageErrorDomain code:SDWebImageErrorBadImageData userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Image data is nil" }]];
                [self done];
        else {
            // tokens为空, 表示没有下载,直接标记结束
            [self done];



- (void)callCompletionBlockWithToken:(nonnull SDWebImageDownloaderOperationToken *)token
                               image:(nullable UIImage *)image
                           imageData:(nullable NSData *)imageData
                               error:(nullable NSError *)error
    SDWebImageDownloaderCompletedBlock completedBlock = token.completedBlock;
    if (completedBlock) {
        SDCallbackQueue *queue = self.context[SDWebImageContextCallbackQueue];
        [(queue ?: SDCallbackQueue.mainQueue) async:^{
          completedBlock(image, imageData, error, finished);

【step 8】store(image, imageData, key, toDisk completionBlock)

- (void)storeImage:(nullable UIImage *)image
         imageData:(nullable NSData *)imageData
            forKey:(nullable NSString *)key
           context:(nullable SDWebImageContext *)context
        completion:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)completionBlock
    // 图片且图片数据不存在 或者 key不存在,直接调用完成回调
    if ((!image && !imageData) || !key) {
        if (completionBlock) {
    // 缓存类型是SDImageCacheTypeMemory或者SDImageCacheTypeAll,需要存储到内存中
    BOOL toMemory = cacheType == SDImageCacheTypeMemory || cacheType == SDImageCacheTypeAll;
    // 缓存类型是SDImageCacheTypeDisk或者SDImageCacheTypeAll,需要存储到磁盘中
    BOOL toDisk = cacheType == SDImageCacheTypeDisk || cacheType == SDImageCacheTypeAll;
    // if memory cache is enabled
    // 存储到内存中
    if (image && toMemory && self.config.shouldCacheImagesInMemory) {
        NSUInteger cost = image.sd_memoryCost;
        [self.memoryCache setObject:image forKey:key cost:cost];
    // 如果未设置存储到磁盘中,直接调用完成回调
    if (!toDisk) {
        if (completionBlock) {
    NSData *data = imageData;
    if (!data && [image respondsToSelector:@selector(animatedImageData)]) {
        // If image is custom animated image class, prefer its original animated data
        data = [((id<SDAnimatedImage>)image)animatedImageData];
    SDCallbackQueue *queue = context[SDWebImageContextCallbackQueue];
    // data不存在但是image存在
    if (!data && image) {
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), ^{
          // Check image's associated image format, may return .undefined
          // 处理图片格式
          SDImageFormat format = image.sd_imageFormat;
          if (format == SDImageFormatUndefined) {
              // If image is animated, use GIF (APNG may be better, but has bugs before macOS 10.14)
              // gif格式
              if (image.sd_isAnimated) {
                  format = SDImageFormatGIF;
              else {
                  // If we do not have any data to detect image format, check whether it contains alpha channel to use PNG or JPEG format
                  format = [SDImageCoderHelper CGImageContainsAlpha:image.CGImage] ? SDImageFormatPNG : SDImageFormatJPEG;
          NSData *data = [[SDImageCodersManager sharedManager] encodedDataWithImage:image format:format options:context[SDWebImageContextImageEncodeOptions]];
          dispatch_async(self.ioQueue, ^{
            [self _storeImageDataToDisk:data forKey:key];
            [self _archivedDataWithImage:image forKey:key];
            if (completionBlock) {
                [(queue ?: SDCallbackQueue.mainQueue) async:^{
    else {
        // data存在的情况下,将图片存储到磁盘中
        dispatch_async(self.ioQueue, ^{
          [self _storeImageDataToDisk:data forKey:key];
          [self _archivedDataWithImage:image forKey:key];
          if (completionBlock) {
              [(queue ?: SDCallbackQueue.mainQueue) async:^{

【step 9】Image

- (void)callCompletionBlockForOperation:(nullable SDWebImageCombinedOperation *)operation
                             completion:(nullable SDInternalCompletionBlock)completionBlock
                                  image:(nullable UIImage *)image
                                   data:(nullable NSData *)data
                                  error:(nullable NSError *)error
                                  queue:(nullable SDCallbackQueue *)queue
                                    url:(nullable NSURL *)url
    if (completionBlock) {
        [(queue ?: SDCallbackQueue.mainQueue) async:^{
          completionBlock(image, data, error, cacheType, finished, url);

【step 10】set image

sd_setImage:mageData:basedOnClassOrViaCustomSetImageBlock:transition:cacheType:imageURL:会在【step 1】中的loadImageWithURL中的回调中调用。

- (void)sd_setImage:(UIImage *)image imageData:(NSData *)imageData basedOnClassOrViaCustomSetImageBlock:(SDSetImageBlock)setImageBlock transition:(SDWebImageTransition *)transition cacheType:(SDImageCacheType)cacheType imageURL:(NSURL *)imageURL
    UIView *view = self;
    SDSetImageBlock finalSetImageBlock;
    // 正常情况下是不会设置setImageBlock回调,所以这里不会走,如果外部设置了,会走这里
    if (setImageBlock) {
        finalSetImageBlock = setImageBlock;
    else if ([view isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]]) {
        // 将图片设置到UIImageView上
        UIImageView *imageView = (UIImageView *)view;
        finalSetImageBlock = ^(UIImage *setImage, NSData *setImageData, SDImageCacheType setCacheType, NSURL *setImageURL) {
          imageView.image = setImage;
    else if ([view isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]) {
        // 将图片设置到UIButton上
        UIButton *button = (UIButton *)view;
        finalSetImageBlock = ^(UIImage *setImage, NSData *setImageData, SDImageCacheType setCacheType, NSURL *setImageURL) {
          [button setImage:setImage forState:UIControlStateNormal];
#if SD_MAC
    else if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSButton class]]) {
        NSButton *button = (NSButton *)view;
        finalSetImageBlock = ^(UIImage *setImage, NSData *setImageData, SDImageCacheType setCacheType, NSURL *setImageURL) {
          button.image = setImage;
#if SD_MAC
    else if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSButton class]]) {
        NSButton *button = (NSButton *)view;
        finalSetImageBlock = ^(UIImage *setImage, NSData *setImageData, SDImageCacheType setCacheType, NSURL *setImageURL) {
          button.image = setImage;
    // 转场动画 
    if (transition) {



SDImageCacheConfig 主要是用于缓存配置的类,用于`SDDiskCache`和`SDMemoryCache`两个类中
默认的配置中磁盘最大过期时间kDefaultCacheMaxDiskAge = 1周
        _shouldDisableiCloud = YES;
        _shouldCacheImagesInMemory = YES;
        _shouldUseWeakMemoryCache = NO;
        _shouldRemoveExpiredDataWhenEnterBackground = YES;
        _shouldRemoveExpiredDataWhenTerminate = YES;
        _diskCacheReadingOptions = 0;
        _diskCacheWritingOptions = NSDataWritingAtomic;
        _maxDiskAge = kDefaultCacheMaxDiskAge;
        _maxDiskSize = 0;
        _diskCacheExpireType = SDImageCacheConfigExpireTypeModificationDate;
        _fileManager = nil;
        _ioQueueAttributes = DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL; // NULL
        _memoryCacheClass = [SDMemoryCache class];
        _diskCacheClass = [SDDiskCache class];


SDMemoryCache 继承自NSCache,同时拥有了它的优点

  • 1、收到内存警告时自动删减缓存
  • 2、线程安全
  • 3、优先删减“最久未使用”的对象
  • 4、NSCache不会拷贝键 ,而是强引用键。

SDMemoryCache 额外做的一点是加了自己的弱引用缓存,即使用NSMapTable weakCache,weakCache对值的引用是weak,而NSCache是强引用。
当使用了weakCache,在内存吃紧时需要自己手动处理,需要监听 UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification通知。
另外一点,使用weakCache,需要监听SDImageCacheConfig的 maxMemoryCost和maxMemoryCount,将匹配NSCache的属性 totalCostLimitcountLimit

- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary<NSKeyValueChangeKey, id> *)change context:(void *)context
    if (context == SDMemoryCacheContext) {
        if ([keyPath isEqualToString:NSStringFromSelector(@selector(maxMemoryCost))]) {
            self.totalCostLimit = self.config.maxMemoryCost;
        else if ([keyPath isEqualToString:NSStringFromSelector(@selector(maxMemoryCount))]) {
            self.countLimit = self.config.maxMemoryCount;
    else {
        [super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object change:change context:context];



static inline NSString *_Nonnull SDDiskCacheFileNameForKey(NSString *_Nullable key)
    const char *str = key.UTF8String;
    if (str == NULL) {
        str = "";
    unsigned char r[CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    CC_MD5(str, (CC_LONG)strlen(str), r);
    NSURL *keyURL = [NSURL URLWithString:key];
    NSString *ext = keyURL ? keyURL.pathExtension : key.pathExtension;
    // File system has file name length limit, we need to check if ext is too long, we don't add it to the filename
    if (ext.length > SD_MAX_FILE_EXTENSION_LENGTH) {
        ext = nil;
    NSString *filename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%@",
                                                    r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8], r[9], r[10],
                                                    r[11], r[12], r[13], r[14], r[15], ext.length == 0 ? @"" : [NSString stringWithFormat:@".%@", ext]];
    return filename;



_maxConcurrentDownloads = 6;
_downloadTimeout = 15.0;
_executionOrder = SDWebImageDownloaderFIFOExecutionOrder;
_acceptableStatusCodes = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(200, 100)];


  • 采用分类的形式,可以通过点语法应用到相应的控件上,比如UIImageView
  • 分类内的属性通过关联方法来添加对应的变量,比如:UIView (WebCache)中的 sd_imageURL属性
  • 将接口和实现分开,比如 定义了一个SDWebImageOperation协议,而具体的细节由SDWebImageCombinedOperation或其它类实现,其它还有像SDMemoryCache,SDImageLoader等


  • SDWebImage 源码分析

    SDWebImage 源码分析 首先我 fork 了 SDWebImage 的源码,见 conintet/SDWe...

  • SDWebImage源码分析

    SDWebImage源码分析 UIImageView+WebCache sd SDWebImageManager ...

  • SDWebImage源码分析

    技术无极限,从菜鸟开始,从源码开始。 由于公司目前项目还是用OC写的项目,没有升级swift 所以暂时SDWebI...

  • SDWebImage源码分析

    SDWebImage介绍 UIView+WebCache类别: 所有设置图片的方法内部都会且仅调用此方法 UIVi...

  • SDWebImage源码分析


  • SDWebImage源码分析

    SDWebImage库是一个支持缓存的异步图片下载库。为了方便使用,它提供了UIImageView, UIButt...

  • SDWebImage源码分析

    一、SDWebImage到底是什么 Asynchronous image downloader with cach...

  • SDWebImage源码分析

    使用SDWebImage无非就是做图片缓存 一起来看下SDWebImage的几种使用方式:SDWebImage下载...

  • 源码分析SDWebImage


  • 源码分析SDWebImage

    /* *ThisfileispartoftheSDWebImagepackage. *(c)OlivierPoit...


      本文标题:SDWebImage 源码(5.15.7)分析
