

作者: 冬之物语 | 来源:发表于2024-01-24 23:44 被阅读0次


    Personalized medicine tailors therapies, disease prevention, and health maintenance to the individual, with pharmacogenomics serving as a key tool to improve outcomes and prevent adverse effects. Advances in genomics have transformed pharmacogenetics, traditionally focused on single gene-drug pairs, into pharmacogenomics, encompassing all "-omics" fields (e.g., proteomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, and metagenomics). This review summarizes basic genomics principles relevant to translation into therapies, assessing pharmacogenomics' central role in converging diverse elements of personalized medicine. We discuss genetic variations in pharmacogenes (drug-metabolizing enzymes, drug transporters, and receptors), their clinical relevance as biomarkers, and the legacy of decades of research in pharmacogenetics. All types of therapies, including proteins, nucleic acids, viruses, cells, genes, and irradiation, can benefit from genomics, expanding the role of pharmacogenomics across medicine. Food and Drug Administration approvals of personalized therapeutics involving biomarkers increase rapidly, demonstrating the growing impact of pharmacogenomics. A beacon for all therapeutic approaches, molecularly targeted cancer therapies highlight trends in drug discovery and clinical applications. To account for human complexity, multicomponent biomarker panels encompassing genetic, personal, and environmental factors can guide diagnosis and therapies, increasingly involving artificial intelligence to cope with extreme data complexities. However, clinical application encounters substantial hurdles, such as unknown validity across ethnic groups, underlying bias in health care, and real-world validation. This review address the underlying science and technologies germane to pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, integrated with economic, ethical, and regulatory issues, providing insights into the current status and future direction of health care. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Personalized medicine aims to optimize health care for the individual patients with use of predictive biomarkers to improve outcomes and prevent adverse effects. Pharmacogenomics drives biomarker discovery and guides the development of targeted therapeutics. This review addresses basic principles and current trends in pharmacogenomics, with large-scale data repositories accelerating medical advances. The impact of pharmacogenomics is discussed, along with hurdles impeding broad clinical implementation, in the context of clinical care, ethics, economics, and regulatory affairs.

    尽管药物基因组学的起源尚不清楚,但其相关性的早期迹象可能可以追溯到公元前 510 年,当时某些人在摄入蚕豆时经历了致命的溶血性贫血(红细胞破坏)。后来证明这是由于葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD)的遗传性缺乏,这对于保护红细胞免受氧化应激很重要。G6PD 缺乏症更常见于非洲和地中海血统。根据 FDA 药物标签的建议,患有 G6PD 缺乏症的人不应使用某些药物。一些例子包括拉布立酶(用于接受化疗患者的药物)和抗疟药伯氨喹。出于这个原因,对个人基因的了解可以提供一种个性化的方法,以确保个人接受正确的药物和正确的剂量。

    2003年完成的人类基因组图谱绘制和技术的进步共同加速了药物基因组学的发现,扩大了其在实践环境中的临床效用。如今,全基因组测序的成本已大幅降低到每人不到1000美元。当医务人员怀疑药物出现无法耐受的副作用或药物无效时,通常会要求对个人进行药物基因组学检测。这称为反应性测试。尽管药物基因组学检测的付款人覆盖率在美国尚未被普遍接受,但它正在改善。一些单基因检测的计费和覆盖范围得到了当前程序术语 (CPT) 代码的支持,CPT® 代码是一种通用语言,用于编码医疗服务和程序,以简化报告并提高准确性和效率。然而,多基因panel比单基因panel更具成本效益,前一种方法由一些大型商业支付方覆盖,特别是对于抗抑郁药和抗精神病药等药物治疗失败的个体。

    预计未来,药物基因组学检测和消费主义的临床应用将呈指数级增长。美国卫生系统药剂师协会 (ASHP) 等专业药学组织支持将药物基因组学纳入临床实践的努力。因此,医疗保健专业人员的教育对于跟上快速发展的药物基因组学领域的步伐至关重要。这种教育对于满足患者当前的需求、确保优化患者治疗结果和长期节省成本是必要的。跨专业临床药物基因组学证书课程是一个基于实践的互动课程,旨在为医生和药剂师提供更大的准备、信心和倡导,以使用药物基因组学数据优化药物管理。该计划将为参与者提供关于基本药物基因组学原理的广泛知识,并提高他们在各种实践环境中将这些信息应用于多个治疗领域的整体能力,以改善患者护理的提供。



