principle 快捷键(Shortcuts)
添加矩形(Add rectangle): R (Alt + R to add as child)
添加文本(Add Text): T (Alt + T to add as child)
添加画板(Add Artboard): A
编组(Group): Cmd + G
取消编组(Ungroup): Cmd + Shift + G
移到顶层(Bring to Front): Shift + Cmd + ]
上移一层(Bring forward): Cmd + ]
下移一层(Send Backward): Cmd + [
移到底层(Send to Back): Shift + Cmd + [
移动(Nudge): Arrow Keys
快速移动(Big Nudge): Shift + Arrow Keys
旋转(Rotate): Cmd + Drag handle
旋转15°的倍数(Rotate in 15 degree increments): Cmd + Shift + Drag handle
复制(Duplicate): Cmd+D
复制并移动(Duplicate and Move): Alt+Drag
选择器文本框(Inspector Textfields): understand basic equations like "320/2+10"
选择器标签(Inspector Labels): dragging textfield labels quickly scrubs values
重命名(Rename Layer): Cmd+R
画布导航(Canvas navigation)
移动画布(Pan): Space + drag
放大画布(Zoom in): Z + Click
缩小画布(Zoom out): Alt + Z + Click:
连续缩放(Continuous Zoom): Alt + Space + Drag
放大画布(Zoom in): Cmd + =
缩小画布)Zoom out): Cmd + -
完整显示(Zoom All): Cmd + 1
区域完整显示(Zoom Selection): Cmd + 2
把选区移到中央(Center Selection): Cmd + 3
实际大小(Actual Size): Cmd + 0
联动导航(Driver Navigation)
选择(Pan): Space + drag
放大(Zoom in): Z + Click
缩小(Zoom out): Alt + Z + Click:
Continuous Zoom): Alt + Space + Drag
动画导航(Animate Navigation)
选择(Pan): Space + drag
选择父级文件(Select Parent): Esc
选择子级文件(Select Child): Enter
选择其他(Select Next Sibling): Tab
选择当前其他(Select Previous Sibling): Shift+Tab
全选(Select all Siblings): Cmd + A
改变光标类型(Change cursor type): View -> Toggle Preview Cursor Type
重置预览(Rewind Prototype): W
开始录制(Start recording video): Ctrl+V
开始录制不带光标(Start recording video without cursor): Ctrl+alt+V