“光绪元宝”当时共十九个省局铸造。除中央户部,地方省所铸铜元,皆在其正面上缘镌写省名。计有:1户部;2北洋;12湖北;7江南;15河南; 11湖南;14江西;9山东;8广东;5清江;6浙江;16江苏;13四川; 10福建;17安徽;3吉林;4奉天;18广西;19新疆;20黑龙江。此藏品具有很高的收藏价值及投资价值,欢迎来电咨询。
Guangxu Yuanbao is also a kind of Yuanbao, with the gold treasure and the silver treasure. Generally speaking, the silver treasure is more common, and the gold treasure is rare. Guangxu Yuanbao, as its name implies, is a currency used in the period of Guangxu. The first is that the viceroy Zhang Zhidong in the UK the introduction of minting machine casting.
Guangxu Yuanbao was officially issued in 1898, and the gold content or silver content of the general Guangxu treasure is about 96%. There are some inscriptions on the front engraving, and the top has the place of origin or the site of the factory. In the middle of the treasure, the treasure of Guangxu is a big word. The gold is a combination product of Manchu culture, because at the time of the Qing Dynasty is the people of Manchuria in the rule of the world, so gold combined with cultural factors in some people, this for us today of Manchu culture is very valuable.
"At that time a total of nineteen in ingot casting bureau. In addition to the central department, provincial cast copper, both on the front side edge of recording the name. There are 1 households; 2 Beiyang; Hubei 12; Henan 15; 7 South; Hunan 11; Jiangxi 14; Shandong 9; Guangdong 8; Qingjiang 5; Zhejiang 6; Jiangsu 16; Sichuan 13; Fujian 10; Anhui 17; Jilin 3; Guangxi 18; 4 Fengtian province; Xinjiang 19; Heilongjiang 20. This collection has a high collection value and investment value, welcome to inquire.
光緒元宝は1898年に正式に発行され、一般的な光緒元宝の賞金量や銀量は96 %だった。それの正面にいくつかの銘文彫刻、上部が馬蹄銀の産地や所在地、馬蹄銀の中間にある光緒馬蹄銀は大の字。光緒の馬蹄銀を組み合わせた満文化の産物だが、当時、清朝は満州人統制天下から、光緒馬蹄銀の結合はいくつか人の文化の要素を、私たちは今日研究満人文化は非常に価値がある。
(文章源自雅昌网 版权属原作者所有)
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