rug: n. 小地毯;〔尤指旅行用、可裹身的〕大毛毯
bang:[I,T] to hit something hard, making a loud noise. bang about/around phr v. to move around a place, making a lot of noise
drawn: adj.someone who looks drawn has a thin pale face, because they are ill, tired or worried 脸色苍白的,形容枯槁的,憔悴的
window shade: n. 遮光窗帘;百叶窗
trapeze: [træ'piz]n. [C ] a short bar hanging from two ropes high above the ground, used by acrobats
sill: n. 窗台
acrobat: n. 杂技演员
snap: n. [singular,单数] a sudden loud sound, especially made by something breaking or closing啪嗒一声〔尤指突然折断或关上某物发出的声音〕
budge: to move, or to make someone or something move
mackerel: ['mækrəl]n. 鲭(产于北大西洋);马鲛鱼 holy mackerel: int. 天哪;好家伙
bruise: [I,T] if part of your body bruises, or if you bruise part of your body, it gets hit or hurt and a bruise appears
curious: strange or unusual
shrill:adj. a shrill sound is very high and unpleasant〔声音〕尖锐的,刺耳的
He arose early as was his custom, washed and dressed himself, took his hat and cane, and went downstairs into the living room to what was doing.
Snowbell opened his mouth and showed two rows of gleaming white teeth, sharp as needles.
Stuart glanced around the room to see what he could do to prove to Snowbell what good stomach muscles he had.
She gave a shrill scream which brough everybody on the run.