

作者: 524d2fc9ae19 | 来源:发表于2018-02-18 22:01 被阅读0次

1. Everyone who met them sensed that they lived blessed lives.

2. They were persistent after setbacks and acknowledged their mistakes.

3. They possessed enough confidence to take risks and enough integrity to live up to their commitments.

4. They tried to control their worst impulses.

5. We are living in the middle of a revolution in consciousness. Over the past few years, geneticists[dʒəˈnɛtɪsɪst]遗传学者, neuroscientists, psychologists, sociologists, economists, anthropologists and others have made great strides in understanding the building blocks of human flourishing. And a core finding of their work is that we are not primarily the products of our conscious thinking. We are primarily the products of thinking that happens below the level of awareness.

make great stride in sth 在某方面取得巨大进步

6. These submerged(淹没的) process are the seedbeds(温床) of accomplishment.

Seedbed for/of sth (人或事发展的有利环境和温床)

7. Just as Galileo “removed the earth from its privileged position at the center of the universe”, so this intellectual revolution removes the conscious mind from its privileged place at the center of human behavior. This story removes it from the center of everyday life. It points to a deeper way of flourishing and a different definition of success.

8. The unconscious mind coat things with emotional significance.

coat sth with sth 在……涂上一层

9. I want to show you what this unconscious system looks like when it is flourishing, when the affections and aversions that guide us every day have been properly nurtured,the emotions properly educated.

10. The central evolutionary truth is that the unconscious matters most. The central humanistic truth is that the conscious mind can influence the unconscious.

humanistic [ˌhju:mə'nɪstɪk] 人道主义的,人文主义的

11. It gives itself the credit for performing all sorts of tasks it doesn’t really control.

12. People are still blinded to the way unconscious affections and aversions shape daily life.

13.On these matters, they are almost entirely on their own.

On these matters 在这些事情上

14. We’ve spent a generation enrolling more young people in college without understanding why so many don’t graduate.

15. Rather than just confine himself to an abstract description of human nature…

restrain/confine/restrict to

Restrain  主要指压抑或者控制,指人的主观行为。

Confine  暗示束缚性、限制性的或阻挠性的限制

Restrict 指保持在规定的范围内, 如选择或行动

15. to illustrate how the recent scientific findings play out in real life ...

Play out 逐渐发生,展开

16. when you look deeper into the unconscious, the separations between individuals get a little fuzzy 模糊的,含糊不清

17. In fact, we are separated from the other animals because we have phenomenal social skills that enable us to teach, learn,sympathize, emote, and build cultures, institutions and the complex mental scaffolding of civilisations.

18. The unconscious is impulsive, emotional, sensitive, and unpredictable. It has its shortcomings. It needs supervision. But it can be brilliant. It’s capable of processing blizzard of data and making daring creative leaps.

blizzard [ˈblɪzərd] 大量

19. Men everywhere value clear skin, full lips, long lustrous hair,symmetrical features,shorter distances between the mouth and chin and between the nose and chin, and waist to hip ratio of about 0.7.

20. carry oneself well


21. flat-chested 平胸的

22. set off 出发;(使)开始;引起;点燃

23. serve no purpose/ serve no nutritional purpose 


24. Women in general are less visually aroused than men.

25. Human babies require years to become self-sufficient. 

26. set one's eyes on 关注

when a woman sets her eyes upon a potential mate, her time frame is different from his.

27. Women have found that it pays to trade off a few points in the first-impression department in exchange for reliability and social intelligence down the road. 

trade off 以…交换

in exchange for 交换

down the road 在将来,以后

28.Standards of female beauty are pretty much the same around the globe.

29. People can make snap judgements about a person’s trustworthiness, competence, aggressiveness, and likability within the first tenth of a second. These sorts of first glimpses are astonishingly accurate in predicting how people will feel about each other months later. People rarely revise their first impression.

30. He’s good-looking but he is not one of those man who are so good-looking that they don’t need to be interesting. 

31. Most men and women fall in love with individuals of the same ethic, social, religious, educational and economic background, those of similar physical attractivenesscomparable intelligence, similar attitudes, expectations, values, interests and those with similar social and communication skills.

32. Without realizing it, they were also measuring each other’s intellectual compatibility.

33. Preferences are formed below the level of awareness

34. lean in forward/lean forward 

35. Ninety percent of emotional communication is nonverbal. Gestures are an unconscious language that we use to express not only our feelings but to constitute them. 

36. click 合得来,一见如故

we met at a party and clicked immediately 

37. upbringing 抚育、教养

the way in which a child is cared for and taught how to behave when it is growing up.

38. kindness is the most important quality desired in a sexual partner by both men and women. 

39. A woman’s attractiveness is an outstanding predictor of her husband’s annual income.

40. Men who are deficient in one status category can compensate if they are high in another.

deficient(in sth) 不足的,有缺陷的

compensate for sth = make up for  补偿

compensate sb for sth 给某人赔偿

41. Human culture exists in large measure to restrain the natural desires of the species. The tension of courtship is produced by the need to slow down when the instincts want to rush right in.

42. People who succeed in courtship are able to pick up the melody and rhythm of a relationship.

43. Walk down the sidewalk 

44. as he escort Julia back to her car 

44. Decision making is an inherently emotional business.

inherently [ɪnˈhɪrəntlɪ] 天性地,固有地

45. One of the breakthroughs that helped us understand the interplay between emotion and decision making began with a man named Elliot, whose story has become one of the most famous in the world of brain research. 

breakthroughs 突破点,突破性进展,重要的新发现

46. Emotions measure the value of something, and help unconsciously guided us as we navigate through life - away from things that are likely to lead to pain and toward things that are likely to lead to fulfilment.

47. well informed 见多识广, diplomatic 圆滑的

48. he was proficient at making estimates based on incomplete information.

proficient in sth/at doing sth 精通的,熟练的



