1. (of land or soil土地或土壤) not good enough for plants to grow on it •贫瘠的;不毛的:
»a barren desert 不毛的沙漠
4.[usually before noun]notproducing anything useful or successful•无益的;无效果的:
»The team will come through thisbarren patchandstart to win again.这个队将会在经历这段低潮时期之后再创佳绩。
1.[V]~ (on sth)(of a bird鸟)to land and stay on a branch, etc. •栖息;停留:
»A robin was perching on the fence. 一只知更鸟落在篱笆上
• a high steep rough mass of rock•悬崖;峭壁;绝壁:
»a castle set on a crag above the village位于村子上方悬崖上的城堡
1. the food and drink that people, animals and plants need to live and stayhealthy•食物;营养;养料:
»(figurative)Arguing would only give further sustenance to his allegations. 越是争论,他越会觉得自己那些说法有道理。
2.~ (of sth)the process of making sth continue to exist •维持;保持:
»Elections are essential for the sustenance of parliamentary democracy.
1. too little in amount for what is needed •不足的;欠缺的;太少的:
»Details of his life are scanty. 关于他的生平,详细资料不多。
2. (of clothes衣服)very small and not covering much of your body •小而暴露身体的:
»a scanty bikini 遮不住多少身体的比基尼泳装
1. a small military camp away from the main army, used for watching an enemy'smovements, etc. •前哨(基地)
2. a small town or group of buildings in a lonely part of a country •偏远村镇;孤零住区:
»a remote outpost 偏远的村镇
»the last outpost of civilization 文明的边缘地区
7.throw off: get rid of
8.yoke/jEuk; NAmEjouk/
2.[sing.](literaryorformal)rough treatment or sth that restricts your freedom and makes your life verydifficult to bear •奴役;束缚;枷锁;羁绊:
»the yoke of imperialism 帝国主义的枷锁
◙adj.[not usually before noun]• not opposed or stopped by anyone •无人反对;无阻挠:
»The party leader was re-elected unopposed. 这个党派的领袖再次顺利当选。
•[usually passive]~ sth (with sth)tolive in a place or fill it with people •居住在;把…挤满人;住满居民:
»The ballroom was peopled with guests. 舞厅里满堂宾客。
◙verb(flung,flung/flQN/ )
1.[VN +adv. / prep.] to throw sb / sth somewhere withforce, especially because you are angry • (尤指生气地)扔,掷,抛,丢 【SYN】hurl:
»Someone had flung a brick through the window. 有人把一块砖扔进了窗户。
»The door was suddenly flung open. 门突然被推开了。
--› note atthrow
2.[VN +adv. / prep.] to move yourself or part of your bodysuddenly and with a lot of force •猛动(身体或身体部位):
»She flung herself onto the bed. 她扑倒在牀上。
3.~ sth (at sb)to say sth to sb in an aggressive way 粗暴地(向某人)说;气势汹汹地(对某人)说
»They were flinging insults at each other.他们互相辱骂。
◘'fling yourselfat sb (informal,disapproving)
• to make it too obvious to sb that you want to have a sexual relationship withthem (太露骨地)向某人求爱;向(异性)献殷勤
◘'fling yourself into sth
• to start to do sth with a lot of energy and enthusiasm •投身于;一心扑在…上:
»They flung themselves into the preparations for the party. 他们一心一意地准备聚会。
◘fling sb∽'out(BrE,informal)
• to make sb leave a place suddenly •逐出;开除
【SYN】throw out
◘fling sth∽'out(BrE,informal)
• to get rid of sth that you do not want any longer •扔掉;丢掉,throw out
◙noun[usually sing.](informal)
1. a short period of enjoyment when you do not allow yourself to worry or thinkseriously about anything 一阵尽情欢乐;一时的放纵:
»He was determined to have six last fling before retiring. 他决心在退休前最后痛痛快快地玩乐一番。
2.~ (with sb)a short sexual relationship with sth •短暂的风流韵事
•~ (A) (with B)|~ A and B(formal) to mix people,ideas, colours, etc. together; to be mixed in this way •使(人、思想、色彩等)混合:
»The book intermingles fact and fiction. 这本书事实和虚构并存。
»tourists and local people intermingling in the market square 聚集在市场广场上的观光客和当地人
1. to deal successfully with a difficulty •克服;解决 【SYN】overcome:
»She was well aware of the difficulties that had to be surmounted. 她很清楚必须克服哪些困难。
2.[usually passive]to be placed on top ofsth •处于(某物)上面;置于(某物)顶端:
»a high column surmounted by a statue 顶端立着一尊雕像的高大的柱子
• (formalorliterary) a person's face or their expression •面容;脸色;面部表情
• (formal) to support sth or agree to sth happening •支持;赞成;同意
【SYN】consent to:
»The committee refused to countenance his proposals.
1.[U]the study of family history,including the study of who theancestorsof a particular person were•家谱学;系谱学;宗谱学
2.[C]a particular person's line ofancestors; a diagram that shows this•家谱(图);系谱(图);宗谱(图)
◙noun[U, C, usually sing.]
•~ (to sb / sth)(formal) something that is said or done to showrespect for sb •敬辞;表示敬意的举动:
»The kings of Francepaid homageto no one.法国国王不对任何人效忠。
»They stood in silent homage around the grave.他们恭敬地站在坟墓周围致默哀礼。
1.~ (to sb / sth)|~ (of sb / sth)a place where people come toworship because it is connected with a holy person or event
»a shrine to the Virgin Mary
»to visit the shrine of Mecca
2.~ (to sb / sth)|~ (for sb)a place that people visit becauseit is connected with sb / sth that is important to them
»Wimbledon is a shrine for all lovers of tennis.
• (in∙ten∙si∙fies,in∙ten∙si∙fy∙ing,in∙ten∙si∙fied,in∙ten∙si∙fied)to increase in degree or strength; to make sth increase in degree or strength (使)加强,增强,加剧
»Violence intensified during the night. 在夜间暴力活动加剧了。]
»The opposition leader has intensified his attacks on the government. 反对派领袖加强了对政府的攻击。
a'scribe sth to sb
• to consider or state that a book, etc. was written by a particular person •认为…是(某人)所写
»This play is usually ascribed to Shakespeare. 通常认为这部剧是莎士比亚所写。
a'scribe sth to sb / sth(formal)
1. to consider that sth is caused by a particular thing or person •把…归因于;认为…是由于:
»He ascribed his failure to bad luck. 他认为自己的失败是运气不好。
2. to consider that sb / sth has or should have a particular quality •认为…具有:
»We ascribe great importance to these policies. 我们认为这些政策十分重要。
♦ascrib∙ableadj.~ to sb / sth:
»Their success is ascribable to the quality of their goods. 他们的成功在于商品的质量。
♦ascrip∙tion/E5skripFn/noun[C, U]~ (to sb / sth) :
»the ascription of meaning to objects and events 事物所赋有的内涵
1. strong and able to survive difficult conditions and bad weather •能吃苦耐劳的;适应力强的:
»a hardy breed of sheep 适应力强的绵羊品种
2. (of a plant植物)that can live outside through the winter •耐寒的;能越冬的
•~ (from...) (to...)(formalorhumorous) a situation inwhich many people leave a place at the same time • (大批人同时)离开,外出,出去:
»themass exodusfrom Paris to the country in thesummer 夏日大批人从巴黎外出到乡村
2. (old-fashioned) communication between people, countries, etc. • (人、国家之间的)往来,交往,交际:
»the importance of social intercourse between different age groups 不同年龄段之间社交的重要性
•~ (about sth)a belief or an idea that is not based on correctinformation, or that is not understood by people •错误认识;误解:
»frequently held misconceptions about the disease 对这种疾病常见的误解
•~ sth (from sb / sth)to obtain information, knowledge etc., sometimeswith difficulty and often from various different places •费力地收集,四处搜集(信息、知识等):
»These figures have been gleaned from a number of studies. 这些数据是通过多次研究收集得来的。
1.[C, U]a traditional short story thatteaches a moral lesson, especially one with animals as characters; thesestories considered as a group •寓言;寓言故事:
»Aesop's Fables 伊索寓言
2.[U, C]a statement, or an account ofsth, that is not true •谎言;不实之词;无稽之谈
◙noun~ (of sth)
1.[U](formal) the great sizeor importance of sth; the degree to which sth is large or important •巨大;重大;重要性:
»We did not realize the magnitude of the problem. 我们没有意识到这个问题的重要性。
2.[C, U](astronomy天)thedegree to which a star is bright •星等;星的亮度:
»The star varies in brightness by about three magnitudes. 星体的亮度大约分三个星等。
3.[C, U](geology地)thesize of anearthquake•震级
27.start∙ling/5stB:tliN; NAmE5stB:rt-/
1. extremely unusual and surprising •惊人的;让人震惊的:
»a startling discovery 惊人的发现
2. (of a colour颜色)extremely bright •极鲜亮的:
»startling blue eyes 蓝盈盈的眼睛
1.~ (to sth)a thing that is added to sth else to improve or completeit •增补(物);补充(物);添加物:
»vitamin / dietary supplements(=vitaminsand other foodseaten in addition to what you usually eat)补充的维生素;补充饮食
»Industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government funding. 工业界的赞助是对政府拨款的补充。
2. an extra separate section, often in the form of a magazine, that is soldwith a newspaper (报纸的)增刊:
»the Sundaycolour supplements 星期日彩色增刊
4. an amount of money that you pay for an extra service or item, especially inaddition to the basic cost of a holiday / vacation •额外费用,附加费(尤指度假服务的)
»Safety deposit boxes are availableat a supplement. 有贵重物品保管箱可供使用,费用另计。
•[VN]~ sth (with sth)to add sth to sth in order to improve itor make it more complete•增补;补充:
»a diet supplemented with vitamin pills
29.il∙lu∙min∙ate/i5lu:mineit/ (also less frequentil∙lu∙mine)
1. to shine light on sth•照明;照亮;照射:
»The earth is illuminated by the sun.太阳照亮地球。
2. (formal) to make sth clearer or easier to understand•阐明;解释
»This text illuminates the philosopher's early thinking.这篇课文解释了这位哲学家的早期思想。
4. (literary) to make a person's face, etc. seem bright and excited
•使容光焕发 【SYN】light up:
»Her smile illuminated her entire being.微笑使她整个人神采奕奕。
day 24 单词
1. to dig up sth, especially a dead body, from the ground •从地下掘出(尤指尸体)
2.~ sth (from sth)to find sth that has been hidden or lost for a longtime •发现(丢失或藏了很久的东西);使显现
1. a large machine that is used for digging and moving earth•挖掘机;挖土机
2. a person who digs in the ground to look for old buildings and objects •发掘者
1.[VN]to produce or provide sth, for example a profit, resultor crop •出产(作物);产生(收益、效益等);提供:
»The research has yielded useful information.这项研究提供了有用的资料。
»trees that no longer yield fruit不再结果实的树
2.[V]~ (to sth / sb)to stopresisting sth / sb; to agree to do sth that you do not want to do•屈服;让步 【SYN】give way:
»After a long siege, the town was forced to yield. 经过长时间的包围,这座孤城被迫投降。
3.[VN]~ sth / sb (up) (to sb)(formal)to allow sb to win, have or take control of sth that has been yours until now •放弃;缴出
»He refused to yield up his gun. 他拒绝缴枪。
»(figurative)The universe is slowly yielding up its secrets. 宇宙慢慢地展现出它的秘密。
4.[V]to move, bend or break because of pressure • (受压)活动,变形,弯曲,折断:
»Despite our attempts to break it, the lock would not yield. 这把锁我们砸也砸不开。
5.[V]~ (to sb / sth)(NAmE,IrishE)to allow vehicles on a bigger road to go first •给(大路上的车辆)让路
【SYN】give way:
»Yield to oncoming traffic. 给迎面驶来的车辆让路。
◘'yield to sth(formal)• to be replaced by sth •被…替代;为…所取代:
»Barges yielded to road vehicles for transporting goods. 在货物运输方面,驳船让位给了公路车辆。
32.◙noun[C, U]
• the total amount of crops, profits, etc. that are produced•产量;产出;利润:
»a high crop yield 丰收
• a famous person's signature, especially when sb asks them to write it • (名人的)亲笔签名:
»Could I have your autograph? 我能请你签个名吗?
• (of a famous person名人) to sign your name on sth for sb tokeep • (在…上)签名:
»The whole team has autographed a football, which will be used as a prize.
• extremely large or great •极大的;巨大的
»There is still an immense amount of work to be done. 还有非常非常多的工作没有做。
»a project of immense importance 极其重要的工程
• behaviour that is very cruel and violent •残暴行为
»The police were shocked by the savagery of the attacks. 警察对这些惨无人道的袭击感到震惊。
• (of a thing or person物或人) very old and not in good condition orhealth •衰老的;老朽的;破旧的
1.[U]the ancient past, especiallythe times of the Greeks and Romans •古代(尤指古希腊和古罗马时期):
»The statue was brought to Romein antiquity. 这座雕像是古时运来罗马的。
2.[U]the state of being very old orancient •古老;古:
»A number of the monuments are of considerable antiquity. 有些历史遗迹相当古老。
3.[C, usually pl.]an object from ancienttimes •文物;古物;古董;古迹:
»Egyptian / Roman antiquities 埃及/罗马古物
• (formal)(not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时)tohave a particular opinion about sth •认为;视为;相信
»The evening was deemed a great success. 大家认为这次晚会非常成功。
»They would take any actiondeemed necessary. 他们会采取认为必要的任何行动。
◙adj.~ (to do sth)
1. having enough skill or knowledge to do sth well or to the necessary standard •足以胜任的;有能力的;称职的:
»He's very competent in his work.他非常胜任自己的工作。
2. of a good standard but not very good•合格的;不错的;尚好的
3. having the power to decide sth•有决定权的:
»The case was referred to a competent authority.事情已交给有关当局处理。
»to perform competently 出色地完成
• (disapproving)being certain that your beliefs are right and thatothers should accept them, without paying attention to evidence or otheropinions •自以为是的;教条的;武断的:
»a dogmatic approach 武断的方法
• a situation in which there is a lot of damage, destruction or confusion•灾害;祸患;浩劫:
»The floods caused havoc throughout the area.洪水给整个地区带来了灾害。
◙noun(pl.dwarfsordwarves/dwC:vz;NAmEdwC:rvz/ )
1. (in stories) a creature like a small man, who has magic powers and who isusually described as living and working under the ground, especially workingwith metal• (神话中有魔法的)小矮人
2. (sometimesoffensive) an extremely small person, who will never growto a normal size because of a physical problem; a person suffering fromdwarfism•矮子;侏儒
◙adj.[only before noun]
• (of a plant or an animal植物或动物) much smallerthan the normal size•矮小的:
• to make sth seem small or unimportant compared with sth else•使显得矮小;使相形见绌:
»The old houses were dwarfed by the huge new tower blocks.这些旧房子在新建的高楼大厦的映衬下显得十分矮小。
1.~ sb / sth (to sth)to give sb a lower or less important position,rank, etc. than before•使贬职;使降级;降低…的地位:
»She was then relegated to the role of assistant.随后她被降级做助手了。
2.[usually passive] (especially BrE)tomove a sports team, especially a football (soccer) team, to a lower position within an official league使(运动队,尤指足球队)降级;使降组
»teams threatened with relegation受降级威胁的球队
◙adj.[only before noun](formalorhumorous)
• a word used to emphasize that sb / sth can be compared to sb / sth else thatis more exciting, more impressive, etc. •十足的;名副其实的;不折不扣的
»The meal that followed was a veritable banquet. 随后摆上的饭菜俨然是一桌宴席。
•~ (with sb / sth)(formal) happening or existing at the sametime•同时发生(或存在)的;同时期的;同时代的
»How do we know that the signature is contemporaneous with the document? 我们怎样才能知道这个签字和文件是同一个时间的呢?
re∙solve/ri5zClv; NAmEri5zB:lv/
1.[VN]to find an acceptable solution to a problem or difficulty
»toresolve an issue / a dispute /
a conflict / a crisis
»Both sides met in order to try to
resolve their differences.
2.~ (on sth / on doing sth)to make a firm decision to do sth
▪ [Vtoinf]
»He resolved not to tell her the
▪ [V (that)]
»She resolved (that) she would never
see him again.
▪ [V]
»We had resolved on making an early
3. (of a committee, meeting, etc.委员会、会议等) to reach adecision by means of a formal vote
▪ [Vthat]
»It was resolved that the matter be
referred to a higher authority.
▪ [Vtoinf]
»The Supreme Council resolved to
resume control over the national press.
◘re'solve into sth◘| re'solve sth
into sth
1. to separate or to be separated into its parts
• (使)分解为:
»to resolve a complex argument into
its basic elements
2. (of sth seen or heard at a distance远处景物、响声等) to graduallyturn into a different form when it is seen or heard more clearly
»The orange light resolved itself
into five lanterns.
3. to gradually become or be understood as sth
»The discussion eventually resolved
itself into ten main issues.
•~ (to do sth)(formal) strong determination to achieve sth
»The difficulties in her way merely strengthened her
»The government reiterated its resolve to uncover the
1.[U]the study of the origin andhistory of words and their meanings •词源学
2.[C]the origin and history of a particularword •词源
• words written in the front of a book or cut in stone or metal • (书首页的)题辞;(石头或金属上)刻写的文字,铭刻,碑文
1. a man in the Middle Ages who promised to fight for and be loyal to a king orother powerful owner of land, in return for being given land to live on •封臣,家臣(中世纪为国王或其他权贵效忠的受封者)
2. a country that depends on and is controlled by another country •附庸国;属国
1.[VN]to accept sth as true orexisting and act on that basis, before it has been proved to be true•姑且认为;假设
»Teachers sometimes presuppose a fairly high level of knowledge by the students. 教师有时候假定学生的知识水平相当高。
2. to depend on sth in order to exist or be true •以…为前提;依…而定
»His argument presupposes that it does not matter who is in power. 他的论点前提是谁掌权都无关紧要。
• the quality of being genuine or true
to sb / sth(formal)
• to mention sth in an indirect way
--› see alsoallusion
--› note atmention
sb / sth (in / as sth)
1. to give back a job or position that had been taken away from sb
»He was reinstated in his post.
2. to return sth to its previous position or status
»There have been repeated calls to reinstate the death
• (formal) to make sb less angry or more friendly, especially by beingkind and pleasant or by giving them sth
• (尤指通过和蔼友善或送给某物来)平息…的怒火,抚慰,安抚
»A conciliation service helps to settle disputes between
employers and workers.
/stru:n/ )
1.[VN] [usually passive]~ A on,
over, across, etc. B|~ B with Ato cover asurface with things
»Clothes were strewn across the floor.
»The floor was strewn with clothes.
»(figurative)The way ahead is strewn with
2.[VN]to be spread or lying over asurface
»Leaves strewed the path.
•(not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时)todislike and have no respect for sb / sth
»She despised gossip in any form.
»He despised himself for being so cowardly.
• (literary) to defeat sb completely in a competition, war, etc.
• a type of dark rock that looks like glass and comes fromvolcanoes
• an ancient system of writing used in Persia and Assyria
• (古代波斯和亚述的)楔形文字
1. (of clothing衣服)very large; having a lot of cloth
»a voluminous skirt
2. (of a piece of writing, a book, etc.文章、书籍等) very long and detailed
3. (of a container, piece of furniture, etc.容器、家具等) very large
»I sank down into a voluminous armchair.
• a person who made copies of written documents before printing was invented
• (印刷术发明之前的)抄写员,抄书吏
【HELP】In senses 3 and 4knitis usually used for the past tense and past participle.
1. to makeclothes, etc. from wool or cotton thread using two long thin knitting needlesor a machine
▪ [VN]
»I knitted this cardigan myself.
▪ [VNN]
»She's knitting the baby a shawl.
▪ [V]
»Lucy was sitting on the sofa,
2. to use a basicstitchin knitting
▪ [VN]
»Knit one row, purl one row.
▪ [also V]
3.~ (sb / sth) (together)to join people or things closely together orto be joined closely together
• (使)紧密结合,严密,紧凑:
▪ [VN]
»aclosely / tightly knit
community(= one in which relationships are very close)
»Society is knit together by certain
commonly held beliefs.
▪ [also V]
4. (of broken bones断骨) to growtogether again to form one piece; to make broken bones grow together again
• (使)瘉合,接合
▪ [V]
»The bone failed to knit correctly.
▪ [also VN]
62.◘knit your'brow(s)
• to move youreyebrowstogether, to show that you are thinking hard, feeling angry,etc.
63.usurp/ju:5zE:p; NAmE-5zE:rp/
• (formal) to take sb's position and / or power without having the rightto do this
◙verb(-ll-)[VN]~ sb / sth (from sth)
1. to officially make sb leave a school or an organization
»She was expelled from school at 15.
»Olympic athletes expelled for drug-taking
2. to force sb to leave a country
»Foreign journalists are being expelled.
3.(technical术语)toforce air or water out of a part of the body or from a container
»to expel air from the lungs
65.sub∙vert/sEb5vE:t; NAmE-5vE:rt/
1.[VN , V]to try to destroy the authorityof a political, religious, etc. system by attacking it secretly or indirectly
2.[VN]to try to destroy a person'sbelief in sth or sb
•~ (over sb / sth)a position in which you have more power, authorityor status than anyone else
»the battle for supremacy in the region
»the dangerous notion of white supremacy(= that white
races are better than others and should control them)
»The company has established total supremacy over its
mer∙cen∙ary/5mE:sEnEri; NAmE5mE:rsEneri/
• a soldier who will fight for any country or group that offers payment
»foreign mercenaries
»mercenary soldiers
