Memories of a Theoretical Physic

Memories of a Theoretical Physic

作者: aLulujasmine | 来源:发表于2018-07-25 20:52 被阅读0次

之前看到有人推荐这篇文章Memories of a Theoretical Physicist ,作者Joseph Polchinski。今天看微信文章,才知道他于2月2号因病去世了。



章节名:1 Early years

The next year, I took Advanced Algebra……It was taught by the football coach

真·数学是体育老师教的(= =开个玩笑)


章节名:2 Caltech,1971-1975

I remember spending a few hours moving some lead blocks with Tom, and thinking I did not want to spend my career moving lead blocks.

“move lead blocks”,是不是可以翻译成搬砖?= =


章节名:2 Caltech,1971-1975

Another source of particle physics excitement was the discovery of a new long-lived heavy particle J/ψ, something that had not been seen before……Glennys Farrar, proposed that it was a bound state of thecharmed quark with its antiquark. Fairly quickly, the latter was confirmed.

Bing了一下Glennys Farrar,原来是一位女物理学家!她于1971年在普林斯顿获得理论物理博士学位,“ breaking the gender-barrier in physics at Princeton in the process”,当真是我的榜样!


章节名:2 Caltech,1971-1975

Murray Gell-Mann

从维基百科上链接到了他的个人主页 ,第一眼觉得老爷爷真慈祥啊!

然后看到了照片右边的研究领域:Cosmology(宇宙学),The Evolution of Human Languages(人类语言的演化),Quantum Mechanics(量子力学),Regularities in Human History(人类历史的规则性)。“Publication”里列出的最新的论文是2009年发表在Journal of Language Relationship上面的一篇语言学论文,老爷子是一作。

以前听说,“夸克”名字的出处为James Joyce的Finnegans Wake(《芬尼根的守灵夜》),命名者即为Gell-Mann。现在看来,这位大师同赵元任一样,都是复合型的天才啊!


章节名:3 Berkeley,1975-1980

After five years, it was time to write a dissertation.  In theoretical physics,the  custom  was  simply  to  combine  one’s  published  papers,  often  written with  one’s  advisor  or  others,  and  insert  some  amount  of  overview.  But  I had a problem:  I had written no papers at all (the undergrad papers under Tombrello didn’t count). This is extremely rare. ......  I  was  simply  suffering  from  a  lack  of common  sense  and  of  any  collaborative  instinct,  and  an  advisor  who  wasmuch the same. Somehow I cobbled together 130 pages about what I had understood about vortex operators, and related issues of field theory.



章节名:4 SLAC/Stanford,1980-1982



正如作者自己在结尾所言,在物理学领域他几乎是走一条直线(“taken a rather linear path”),没有旁枝末节(“with few deviations”),我想这大概是指他没有想过去从事其它事业吧。从最初的由科普书(“How and Why Wonder Books”)引起兴趣,到后来从事科学研究,他没有实现早期的创作科幻作品的愿望(“my early science fiction goals”),也没能回答“why there is something rather than nothing”,但他确实在基础科学领域作出了自己贡献(“had an impact on the most fundamental questions of science”)。



      本文标题:Memories of a Theoretical Physic
