

作者: 巴黎望月 | 来源:发表于2020-05-22 12:39 被阅读0次


    最近,由美中文化艺术促进联合会发起。中美文化机构和艺术家们的真诚合作下,一首呼唤环保意识,激励人们奋起抗疫,保护地球家园的中美合作抗疫歌曲《LOSING MY VOICE》从美国唱响全球。这首歌唱出了人们发自内心的呼唤与期待。






    这首歌由旅美华裔歌唱家冯梦雪(巴黎望月)和美国音乐与戏剧学院资深教授RICHARD DANLEY(理查.丹利)在美国共同唱响,在美中文化艺术促进联合会发起和推动下,正在美国各地流行。目前,在中美人民的共同演绎下,成为一首鼓舞人们奋进的希望之歌。

    《Losing My Voice》已在北美各大平台播出,深受海内外民众的喜爱和赞许。不要说这首歌是不合基调,也许,这首歌正好反映普通民众的心愿的真正基调呢。






    A joint performance by Chinese and American artists, calling for environmental protection and cooperation for anti-epidemic songs

    Recently, it was initiated by the US-China Culture and Art Promotion Association. With the sincere cooperation between Chinese and American cultural institutions and artists, a song called "LOSING MY VOICE", which calls for environmental awareness, inspires people to fight against the epidemic and protects the homeland of the earth, sings from the United States. This song sings out the calls and expectations from people's hearts.

    As the lyrics say:

    "If we do n’t have so much greed ... the children are free to play among the flowers ... let us abandon prejudice and hatred together ... let us work together to save our planet ... .. "Once you listen to this song, you will be infected and attracted by its melodies that are neither humble nor humble, not slow, sad and expectant

    In the current delicate and tense situation of Sino-US relations, this song just reflects another voice of the peoples of the two countries, a persistent idea and affectionate call for the pursuit of peace and the peace of the earth.

    Maybe, a song ca n’t change anything, but as long as we are willing to sing our common song together, then only one song can arouse people ’s inner desire to promote and promote world peace. As long as we are willing to do our best, we should continue to sing even if we lose our voice due to the cry!

    This song was sung jointly by American Chinese singer Feng Mengxue (Mochizuki in Paris) and senior professor RICHARD DANLEY (Richard Danley) of the American Academy of Music and Drama in the United States. Popular in the United States. At present, under the joint interpretation of the Chinese and American people, it has become a song of hope that inspires people to forge ahead.

    "Losing My Voice" has been broadcast on major platforms in North America, and has been loved and praised by people at home and abroad. Do n’t say that this song is out of tune, maybe, this song just reflects the true tone of ordinary people ’s wishes.

    Music knows no borders, art knows no borders, peace-loving wishes, no borders.

    This song is sending love, thinking and confidence to the people of China and the United States who are struggling to fight the epidemic.

    This song is sending love, thinking and confidence to people all over the world who are struggling against the epidemic.

    Go China! Come on America! Come on in the world! Pray for people all over the world suffering from epidemic situation, disputes and crisis!



