英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part3 Regulat

英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part3 Regulat

作者: 哩哩嘞 | 来源:发表于2020-09-22 20:44 被阅读0次

    Regulation   n.章程; 规章制度; 规则; 法规; (运用规则条例的) 管理,控制;

    To sue, to take someone to court in a legal disagreement.

    They broke our contract and didn't pay, so we sued them and won.

    She sued her employer for firing her, but she lost because they had the right to fire her.

    We couldn't agree to her plan to avoid paying taxes,which was illegal, so she threatened to sue us.

    sue  v.控告; 提起诉讼; (尤指在法庭上) 提出请求;

    cord   n.法院; 法庭; 审判庭; 全体出庭人员; (尤指) 全体审判人员; (网球等的) 球场;

    legal  adj.与法律有关的; 法律的; 法律允许的; 合法的; 法律要求的;

    (When she left her job she sued her employer for not keeping its promise to pay her a bonus.)

    (We had to be very careful when we talked to her because we didn't want to be sued.)

    To restrict, to put limits on something.

    This is a restricted area, so stay away.

    We need to restrict them from talking to anyone about our project.

    (The government tried to restrict people from going there because it was too dangerous, but some people insisted on going.)

    (We have unlimited access to their research and there are no restrictions on how we use the information.)

    (We can't trust him, so we will have to restrict his activities until we know him better.)

    (If something is confidential, you should restrict access to it.) 你应当限制对他的访问

    restrict   v.限制,限定(数量、范围等); 束缚; 妨碍; 阻碍; (以法规) 限制;

    restricted   adj.(大小或数量) 有限的,很小的; (指能做的事) 有限的,受限制的; 受(法规)制约的; 受控制的; 受约束的;

    stay away  [词典]远离; 不靠近;

    unlimited  adj.尽量多的; 任意多的; 无限制的;

    restriction  n.限制规定; 限制法规; 限制; 约束; 制约因素;

    confidential  adj.机密的; 保密的; 秘密的; 隐密的; 受信任的; 委以机密的;

    To negotiate, to deal with or bargain with others to reach an agreement.

    Instead of starting a war, we should negotiate and find a way to compromise.

    We are trying to negotiate a better deal, but it isn't easy.

    (If we agree to buy more, then we can negotiate for a volume discount.)

    (The price is too high, but if we negotiate we may be able to get a discount.)

    negotiate   v.谈判; 磋商; 协商; 商定; 达成(协议); 通过,越过(险要路段);

    deal with  [词典]处理; 应付; 与…打交道; 

    bargain  v.(与某人就某事) 讨价还价,商讨条件;

    agreement  n.协定; 协议; 契约; (意见或看法) 一致; 应允; 同意;

    compromise  n.妥协; 折中; 互让; 和解; 妥协(或折中)方案; 达成妥协(或和解);

    volume discount   n.数量折扣,总购量折让;

    Responsible for or responsible to, to be responsible for something means to have the job of getting it done or taking care of.

    If you are responsible to someone, it means that you are working under their control.

    (He is responsible to the CEO, so he can't sign the contract without her final approval.)

    Responsible for   [词典]为…负责; 是造成…的原因; 

    responsible to sb     对某人负责,表示前者服从于后者

    approval n.赞成; 同意; 批准,通过,认可(计划、要求等); (商品) 试用,包退包换;

    Oversee or supervise, to control or direct a process or  project.

    One of his responsibilities was to supervise the rescue operations and keep things under control.

    As product manager, she oversees the work of several departments.

    (Their new project is behind schedule because nobody oversees how the departments work together.)

    (When we got to the accident, everyone was confused because there was nobody there to supervise.)      没有人在那

    Oversee    v.监督; 监视;

    supervise    v.监督; 管理; 指导; 主管;

    behind schedule   [词典]落后于预定时间;

    to control a direct process or project    to supervise

    Instead of starting a war,it's better    to negotiate 

    If you have a legal disagreement,you?     may have to sue

    Instead of starting a war, it's better?   to negotiate

    To be responsible for something means?   to have the job of getting it done or taking care of 

    If something is confidential, you should restrict access to it.

    We had to be very careful when we talk to her because we didn't want to be sued.

    We have many responsibilities, but she is the one  responsible for product development.

    We need to report this to our boss because we are responsible to her and because she will judge our performance.

    lose  v.遗失; 丢失; (因事故、年老、死亡等) 损失,丧失,失去; 被…夺去;

    compromise n.妥协; 折中; 互让; 和解; 妥协(或折中)方案; 达成妥协(或和解);                                v.(为达成协议而) 妥协,折中,让步; 违背(原则); 达不到(标准); (尤指因行为不很明智) 使陷入危险,使受到怀疑;



          本文标题:英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part3 Regulat
