L39/40At the Foreign Exchange 出国

L39/40At the Foreign Exchange 出国

作者: Simin的快乐法杖 | 来源:发表于2020-12-14 08:45 被阅读0次


    1.  外汇部门  foreign exchange

    2.  旅行支票  traveler's check 

    3.  arrive at 小地方(目的地,车站,学习);  in大地方(城市,国库)

    arrive at one's destination

    4.  将支票换成现金  cash the checks

    5.  手续费  handling charges

    6.  复习 brush up on……

    7.  汇率 exchange rate

    8.  拿去吧/在这里   Here you are.

    【语法 | 句子 | 仿写】

    》need to do 必须…… 

    你得先去银行买好旅行支票  You will need to go the bank to buy some traveler's checks.

    >>  need 与 not 并用时, need not 视为助动词,后直接接动词原形,无需to; 且本身无人称和时态的变化

    He needs not to go ×

    He need not go √  

    He doesn't need to go. √ 

    >>  doesn't need to do 与 needn't do区别

    He doesn't need to go. 不用去,且没去

    He need not go. 虚拟语气,不用去,但去了

    【Simin 的转述】

    Some years ago, going abroad isn't a convenient thing. At least, it didn't have Alipay ! In the past, we have to buy some travel checks in advance, and when we arrived at our destination, we should go to the local bank to cash the check.

    And what's the more troubles is that although  every bank has its own foreign exchange departments, the tellers may probably not understand Chinese, So, you have to brush up on some of phrase and word that commonly used when changing money at a bank. For example, you might want to know what the day's exchange rates is and if there are any handling charges.


    Our next lesson will give you a good idea of what you need to say and how to say it.


    7.  如以前一样  as usually

    5.    没有人会再相信你了 no one will trust you anymore / any longer.

    4.   流星 meteor   小行星 asteroid

    11.  将它推离轨道  push it off its course

    1.  不要觉得别扭

    Don't be a fish out of water.

    Don't be embarrassingly differently from everyone else.

    3.  抓狂  go craze

    5.  脱离困境/危险   be off the hook

    6.  感到自在,不约束  feel at home; feel relaxed

    讲究礼节,拘于形式  stand on ceremony

    Make yourself feel at home; don't stand on at home.

    8.  怎么样啊?最近怎么样? What's up?  What's happening ?  What's going on?

    9.  试试某事  give it a shot

    尽(某人)全力试试某事   give it one's best shot

    10.be apt / inclined / prone to + v.



          本文标题:L39/40At the Foreign Exchange 出国
