

作者: 梦痕无忧 | 来源:发表于2019-05-10 13:08 被阅读0次


2019 年 5 月 8 日,以太币交易总额为 3,093,694 ETH ,比前日下降 7.85%;日活跃用户量 177,138,比前日上升 2.12%;新增合约 12,597 个,比前日下降  31.66%;平均交易费用为 10.92 GWEI,比前日下降 13.20%;最活跃合约为 FAIRDOLLARS (FDS);通证代币交易总额为 354,417 个,比前日上升 1.12%。

May 8, 2019, ETH transferred volume is 3,093,694 ETH, decreasing 7.85% (compared to May 7); the number of daily active users is 177,138, increasing 2.12%; the number of new contracts is 12,597, decreasing 31.66%; average fees are 10.92 GWEI, decreasing 13.20%; the most active contract is FAIRDOLLARS (FDS); tokens transferred volume is 354,417, increasing 1.12%.


据Cryptoglobe 5月8日消息,最近的统计数据表明,在与以太坊2.0相关的升级集合被激活后,验证以太坊区块链上的交易将不会产生显著投资回报(主要针对Staking奖励)。根据V神建议中的例子,目前价值约5440美元的32 个ETH在进行PoS的Staking奖励之后,可获得(每年)5%的利息。但如果考虑购买维护设备和电力消耗相关的成本,那么以太坊网络Staking奖励的利润将减少到仅约41美元,投资回报率(ROI)仅有0.8%。

Staking After Ethereum 2.0 Upgrade Will Not Yield Significant Profits

Recently compiled data suggests that validating transactions on the Ethereum blockchain, after the set of upgrades associated with Ethereum 2.0 have been activated, will not yield significant returns on investment (mainly the staked amount). According to a proposal by Ethereum co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, transaction validators on the smart contract platform may receive 5% interest (per annum) on a minimum deposit of 32 ETH, an amount currently valued at approximately $5,440. However, if we factor in the costs associated with purchasing and maintaining new hardware equipment and electricity consumption, then the profits earned by Ethereum network transaction validators is reduced to only around $41 (on a 32 ETH deposit) - which is merely a 0.8% return on investment (ROI).



Binance's Lost 7074 BTC Moved To 7 New Addresses

According to China-based blockchain security firm PeckShield, as of 14:35 (UTC) on May 8, 7,074 BTC stolen from Binance's hot wallet had been moved multiple times before the hacker assembled the assets from 20 addresses to seven new ones, including addresses starting with bc1q2rdpy, 16SMGihY9, 1MNwMURYw, 16SMGihY9, bc1qnf2ja, bc1qx3628, and bc1q3a5hd. The former six wallets each has 1,060 BTC, and the last one has 707 BTC. Counting those minor-balance wallets with a minimal amount of BTC, Binance’s 7,074 BTC have been transferred.


据CCN消息,澳本聪的律师已在截止日期前提交了一份与Tulip Trust有关的比特币地址清单,据推测,这份清单可以证明他是否是中本聪。不幸的是,该地址清单已被编辑,因此,政府之外的区块链专家无法对其进行分析。

Craig Wright Submits List of Bitcoin Addresses

Craig Wright's attorneys successfully met the deadline by which he was required to submit a list of Bitcoin addresses associated with the Tulip Trust, presumably proving whether or not he is Satoshi Nakamoto. The list is unfortunately redacted. As a result, blockchain experts outside the government have no way to analyze them. A motion to redact immediately followed - and then approval of the redaction - and also a "paperless" order to file the redacted version in the public record.



Bitmain Lost First Trial On Its Trademark

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