

作者: diplomaticoffic | 来源:发表于2019-07-24 00:17 被阅读0次

Today,we went to New York. We ate lunch at 10.30,which seemed ok for this journey. But when we arrived at central  New York,it was already nearly 2pm. I thought we went to Columbia University first as arranged,but the guide explained later in the evening that the boating have spent money in the journey,but the university didn't. This annoyed me and when Huang asked me the last time if I want to go to CU. I said no. Because that Australia Kevin nearly beat me and Bob want send me back to China. They lose Chinese and foreigners people,s faces and they should came back to China.  It,s also the fault of Sandy require these students in the school. Anyway,I took lots of good scenery on the first and second floor of the ship including some selfies.I also took a video of introduction of NY. Then we walked for a while and arrived at Wall Street. In the right hand,we saw the Federal Hall and in the left hand,Isaw the New York Stock Exchange,one of the biggest business stocks purchase and financial area in the world. You will meet all the smart person in the world talking about the world,s hot issue,we also see New York subway station here. Walking forward,I took some photos with the red Bull and King,s College. On the car,I took some pictures of the Locfeil Square. Then we spent boring 10 minutes standing in front of the Times Square. It,s just  like the Xidan Square in China. I found the McDonald s advertisement most charming and yummy. We didn't visit the UN and the CU and 5th avenue as scheduled.



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