

作者: 口语小达人Echo | 来源:发表于2017-06-13 12:05 被阅读0次



People have all kinds of ways of expressing meaning in interesting ways. In English, when we don't want to say things so directly, or when we feel like not being so serious, we often use idioms. Generally, idioms are used in casual conversation and if used correctly they make you sound more relatable. Unlike成语 where perhaps you sound more cultured or intelligent, the use of idioms in English can make a person seem more down to earth (relatable).

We'll look at a few idioms relating to teeth. Yeah, that's right—teeth. Why do we care so much about teeth? You know, I'm not too sure…anyway, here we go!

Sink your teeth into something 饶有激情做某事

This refers to doing something with great energy or interest.

It seems like he has really sunk his teeth into making the project a success.

I like working with kids, but being a teacher isn't really something I can sink my teeth into.

Lie through your teeth 睁眼说瞎话

People say this phrase when describing that someone is lying to an extreme degree.

I can't believe anything this guy says. He lies through his teeth.

They are lying through their teeth about the business deal.

Like pulling teeth 极端的困难

This phrase describes situations with stubborn people or difficult tasks.

Getting him to see the doctors like pulling teeth—he never wants to go.

My students don't like to ask questions in class. Trying to make them ask questions is like pulling teeth.

Bite off more than you can chew 贪多嚼不烂

Occasionally people volunteer themselves to do too much, or they find themselves busier than expected. This is when people use this phrase to describe their situation.

I'm way too busy now. It seems that I've bitten more off than I can chew.

I am trying to finish the project, but I've bitten off more than I can chew, so I won't be able to finish on time.

By the skin of your teeth 勉强,侥幸

This is a way of describing that something was "barely" accomplished, or that it was close to failure but didn't fail in the end.

They barely beat the opposing team by the skin of their teeth.

I passed the class, but only by the skin of my teeth.

Those are a few phrases for today. Try to use them in a sentence!

Sink your teeth into something

Lie through your teeth

Like pulling teeth

Bite off more than you can chew

By the skin of your teeth

Thanks for joining me today!

Until next time…

——Echo每日陪你练口语 · Adrian(今日主创)


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