

作者: CC望岛 | 来源:发表于2019-06-06 20:55 被阅读0次

    Soy foods and broccoli can help boost your body’s cancer-fighting defense system.

    It’s a frightening but true fact that you are developing cancer right now as you read this. Indeed, microscopic tumors start growing when your body’s cells divide incorrectly. And shockingly, your body makes around ten thousand of these mistakes every day. The result? Cancer formation isn’t just common; it’s inevitable.

    Fortunately, your body has a natural defense system that stops these cancers from ever becoming a problem. It’s called angiogenesis.

    Angiogenesis is the process by which your body grows and maintains blood vessels. Under normal circumstances, your blood vessels support you by carrying nutrients and oxygen to your body’s organs. However, if blood vessels grow irregularly, then they’re just as likely to deliver this nourishment to your microscopic cancers instead, providing them with the fuel they need to grow, spread and eventually invade your organs.

    Angiogenesis stops this from happening by controlling where and when blood vessels grow, and thus stops tumors from becoming dangerous. And encouragingly, you can boost this cancer-starving defense system by eating certain foods.

    Soybeans, for example, have been found to have a powerful influence on angiogenesis. A 1993 study by the University of Heidelberg found that soy foods contain genistein, a potent cancer-fighting substance that suppresses the blood vessels that feed nutrients to tumors. Furthermore, it was found that genistein prevented the growth of several types of cancer cells, including Ewing’s sarcoma cells, which lead to bone and soft-tissue tumors. Studies have found you’ll need to consume a daily portion of at least 10 grams of soy protein to enjoy the cancer-fighting benefits. You can achieve this through eating foods like tofu, soy milk and edamame as well as fermented soy products like miso and soy sauce.

    And if you’re not a fan of soy, then don’t worry, because broccoli has also been found to have a potent effect on angiogenesis too.

    Broccoli contains brassinin and sulforaphanes, substances that help angiogenesis keep blood vessel production in balance and fight cancer. For instance, research conducted by Harvard University has shown that broccoli consumption is associated with a 33 percent lower risk of ovarian cancer, a 59 percent lower risk of prostate cancer, and a 28 percent lower risk of melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer. So to reduce your risk of cancer, add between one and two cups of broccoli to your diet each week.



