eprintf - The Embedded String I/

eprintf - The Embedded String I/

作者: 野牛公爵 | 来源:发表于2016-12-10 22:03 被阅读0次

    eprintf - The Embedded String I/O library


    eprintf is a collection of string I/O functions specifically written for embedded systems with low-memory capacity and low computing capacity like MCU.
    The recommended use of this library includes: debug/maintenance console and writing formatted strings into display device.


    Output APIs are:
    • void eputchar(int character)
      Writes a character to default I/O.
    • void eputs(const char* string)
      Writes every character from the null-terminated string to default I/O.
    • void eprintf(const char* formatStringPointer, ...)
      Writes a formatted string to default I/O. For the syntax of format placeholder, please refer to the comment at the start of the definition of this function in eprintf.c
    • void esprintf(char *buffer, const char *formatStringPointer, ... )
      Writes a formatted string to a string buffer. The behavior is undefined if the string to be written (plus the terminating null character) exceeds the size of the array pointed to by buffer.
    • void esnprintf(char* buffer, int size, const char* formatStringPointer, ... )
      Writes a formatted string to a string buffer. With the maxium number of characters written designated by parameter size.
    • void evprintf(const char* formatStringPointer, va_list argumentsPointer)
      Writes a formatted string to default I/O using variable argument list.
    • void evsprintf(char *buffer, const char *formatStringPointer, va_list argumentsPointer)
      Writes a formatted string to a string buffer using variable argument list.
    Input APIs are:
    • /* upcoming soon */
      Set this Macro to 1 when you want a '\n' printed as "\r\n". This Macro is set to 1 in default. However, for some implemetation of putchar(int ch) , compilers like GCC for example, the"\r\n" might be interpreted as "\n\n", then you may want to set this Macro to 0.
    • /* upcoming soon */


    User shall always remember to use the LINK_USER_OUTPUT() Macro to link the user-defined one-byte output function to the library. e.g.

    • LINK_USER_OUTPUT(UART1_PrintOneByte);
    • LINK_USER_OUTPUT(LCD_PrintOneByte);


    //Examples for eprintf - The Embedded String I/O Library
    #include "eprintf.h"
    #include "stdio.h"
    int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
        //link the putchar() function in stdio.h to our library
        eprintf("1. Hello world\n");
        eprintf("2. %d\n", 123);
        eprintf("3. %6d,%3d%%\n", -75, 5);
        eprintf("4. %-6u\n", 99);
        eprintf("5. %ld\n", 123456789L);
        eprintf("6. %04x\n", 0xA3);
        eprintf("7. %08LX\n", 0x123ABC);
        eprintf("8. %016b\n", 0x550F);
        eprintf("9. %s\n", "String");
        eprintf("a. %-6s\n", "abc");
        eprintf("b. %6s\n", "abc");
        eprintf("c. %c\n", 'a');
        eprintf("d. %f\n", 10.0);
        return 0;
    //outputs are:
    1. Hello world
    2. 123
    3.    -75,  5%
    4. 99    
    5. 123456789
    6. 00a3
    7. 00123ABC
    8. 0101010100001111
    9. String
    a. abc   
    b.    abc
    c. a
    d. 'f' is not supported



          本文标题:eprintf - The Embedded String I/
