Comparing the mergesort and quicksort, the mergesort needs O(n) space complexity to realize, while quicksort doesn't need it, for the exchange is utilised here. However, the space complexity is log n, for a stack is necessary for its recursion.
As we see, the differences between them are the method after the comparison, as mergesort uses a new array to deposit result of comparison while quicksort take advantage of exchange to rearrange an order of elements.
All in all, the time complexity of them are nlogn.(height = logn, maximum of comparisons in a level = n )
More info about Quick sort
class Solution:
@param A: an integer array
@return: nothing
def mergesort(self, A):
mid = int(len(A)/2)
if mid == 0 or not A:
return A
A_1 = self.mergesort(A[:mid])
A_2 = self.mergesort(A[mid:])
if not A_2 or not A_1:
return A_1 + A_2
i = 0
j = 0
merge = []
while j < len(A_2) and i < len(A_1):
if A_1[i] > A_2[j]:
j += 1
i += 1
merge.extend( A_1[i:])
merge.extend( A_2[j:])
return merge
def quiksort(self, A, low, high):
if low < high:
pivot = self.pivot_count(A,low, high)
self.quiksort(A, low, pivot-1)
self.quiksort(A, pivot+1, high)
def pivot_count(self, A, low,high):
pivot = A[high]
leftwall = low
# divide 2 sides
for i in range(low, high):
if A[i] < pivot:
A[leftwall], A[i] = A[i], A[leftwall]
leftwall += 1
# rebuild a pivot
A[leftwall], A[high] = A[high], A[leftwall]
return leftwall
quick_sort 改进
class Solution:
@param A: an integer array
@return: nothing
def sortIntegers2(self, A):
# 快排 三者取中
def quick_sort(low, high, array):
if low < high:
pivot, array = find_pivot(low, high, array)
quick_sort(low, pivot-1, array)
quick_sort(pivot+1, high, array)
def find_pivot(low, high, array):
# 取中
middle = (low+high)//2
list_3 = [array[low], array[middle], array[high]]
# 冒泡排序
for i in (0, 1):
for j in range(i, 2):
if list_3[i] < list_3[i + 1]:
list_3[i], list_3[i + 1] = list_3[i + 1], list_3[i]
# 调换位置
array[low] = list_3[0]
array[middle] = list_3[2]
array[high] = list_3[1]
array_return = array
pivot = high
left_wall = low
for i in range(low, high):
if array[i] < array[high]:
array[i], array[left_wall] = array[left_wall], array[i]
left_wall += 1
array[left_wall], array[pivot] = array[pivot], array[left_wall]
return left_wall, array_return
quick_sort(0, len(A)-1, A)