110、level3-unit2-part2 listening

110、level3-unit2-part2 listening

作者: 小猪慕慕 | 来源:发表于2019-05-09 23:14 被阅读0次

    In six weeks, Paul is going on a trip.
    (in+一段时间:…之后→eg: I will be back in a few minutes.我几分钟后就回来)
    (go on a trip:外出旅行→go on a business trip:出差)
    He is going to Japan and China.
    There are a couple of reasons for the trip.

    (a couple of: 两个,一对,一些→根据上下文意思来决定是翻译为“两个”还是“一些”) /ə'kʌpl ləv/ 连读
    (e.g.:She slept for a couple of hours.她睡了好几个小时)
    (reason for sth.某事的原因;→reasons for the trip这次旅行的原因)
    (reason for doing sth.做某事的原因→There are many reasons for being single.单身的理由有很多。
    One reason is for business.
    He’s thinking about starting restaurants in both countries.

    (think about sth.:想,考虑→He only thinks about money.他只想着钱)
    (think about是一个动词词组,后面通常加宾语,而宾语通常是名词或者名词性词组。文中start  restaurants,开餐厅是一个动作,为了能和think about搭配,所以要把动词start变成动名词starting.)
    The other reason is for pleasure.
    (do sth. for pleasure:做某事消遣娱乐)
    (thank you=it's my pleasure=you are welcome=不用谢)
    (Would you please help me?→With pleasure我很乐意→用于回答别人的请求。)
    He enjoys traveling, and he’d like to visit some friends.
    (visit+地点:去某地待一段时间→visit themuseum参观博物馆
    (visit sb./ go to see sb. 拜访某人→Paul is going to Japan and China=Paul will visit Japan and China.)

    问:What's going to happen in six weeks?- 答:In six weeks, Paul is going on a trip.
    填空:He enjoys traveling, and he’d like to visit some friends.


    Yesterday he went online and made airline reservations.
    (make airline reservations订机票)
    There were plenty of seats on the plane, so it was easy.
    (plenty of = a lot of  很多)
    (plenty of +可数名词复数:plenty of seats很多座位→plenty of+ 不可数名词:plenty of time很多时间)
    He also got a good discount.
    Unfortunately, he needs a new passport. 
     /ʌn'fɔrtʃənətli/ 不幸地,可惜地
    His old passport is expiring next week.  /ɪk'spaɪɚ/
    (expire:①各种证件、合约到期→My driver's license expired last month.我的驾照上个月就过期了)
    (②任期结束→His term will expire next year.他的任期明年结束)
    This is something he didn’t expect.
    Getting a new passport will take at least a week.

    (动名词短语getting a new passport在这里作主语)
    (想要让一个动作做主语,就要把这个动作名词化→跑步是我最喜欢的运动Running is my favorite sport.)
    He needs to apply for one right away.
    (need to do sth.需要做,得做→I need to learn English every day.我每天都得学英语)
    (apply for: 申请→apply for a job online网上申请工作)

    问:How did he make reservations?- 答:He made the reservations online.
    问:How long will it take to get a new passport?- 答:Getting a new passport will take at least a week.
    填空:Getting a new passport will take at least a week.


    Paul also needs a visa to enter China.
    The last time he went to China was 3 years ago.

    (last time上次)
    Getting a visa may also take a week or even two.
    (动名词getting a visa做主语)
    (a week or two一到两周;two days or three两到三天)
    So he doesn’t have much time. He needs to hurry.
    He can’t get the visa until he gets his new passport.

    (not...until: 直到...才...)
    He'll have to go to the Chinese consulate in Toronto.  /'kɑnsələt/ 领事馆
    Hopefully there won’t be any delays.

    问:What may take a week or two?- 答:Getting a visa may also take a week or even two.
    问:When was the last time he was in China? - 答:The last time he went to China was 3 years ago.:
    填空:He can’t get the visauntil he gets hisnew passport.
    复述1:He needs to apply for a new passport right away.:
    复述2:Unfortunately, he needs a new passport.:
    复述3:In six weeks, Paul is going on a trip.:
    跟读1:He can’t get the visa until he gets his new passport.:
    跟读2:Getting a new passport will take at least a week.


    enjoy doing sth: doing就是动名词



          本文标题:110、level3-unit2-part2 listening
