

作者: 折漪 | 来源:发表于2022-09-26 10:20 被阅读0次

    Whenever it was snowy winter when I was a kid, I always felt reluctant to trample the white snow. I would press various cute shapes with my hands, write and draw with branches, and build castles, but when my works After being discovered by the adults, they will always be scolded.


    But my father would not. He would only let me wear gloves and tell me to be careful with frostbite and colds. Remember to roast the fire after a while. I still remember that one winter day of my senior year, my father suddenly proposed to make a snowman together. At that time, the snow had melted a lot, but there was still enough snow in the yard to make a snowman. I found a shovel and handed it to my father. I shoveled a lot of snow, and then handed me to let me do it myself. After my shaping, an oversized snowman finally landed. I am excited to take pictures with my mobile phone.


    This is the biggest snowman I have ever made, and it is also the real snowman in my life, but also the first and last snowman I made with my father, which I still think of in the future. The snowman stood in our yard for several months before it disappeared, but with the disappearance of the snowman, my childhood was gone forever.




