38题 mental
39题 analytical
读完这篇文章用了很长的时间 发现了很多的生词 这篇讲了有关心理学的一些知识 还有几位有影响力的思想家 其实阅读这篇文章主要还是生僻词对于我来说太多 暴露出了平时我的词汇量积累太少的问题 所以对此 我通过摘抄新单词的学习方式把本文不会的单词都记录了下来并且在闲暇时间进行了复习
For this passage study, I learnedr a smallgroup of influential thinkers. I think this passage is more like a academic research, cause they discuss several achievers. It was hard for me to understading the article when I first read it. To many rare words for me. And I used my dictionaries to search it. Yet for all that, I accumulate new words for this passage study.
3. describe how something is done.
4. a. 200 and 400 million years
b. 10 million years
c. CH4
d. 70
e. 350 F
f. 700 F
g. 1112 F
h. over 900 F
5.a. C
b. E
c. F
d. A
e. G
f. D
g. B