

作者: 孤鹤横江 | 来源:发表于2022-04-19 23:02 被阅读0次

Huge, blubbery and a bit grumpy. Walruses2 are easy enough to spot. But thanks to their remote Arctic location, they're hard to count, and we don't know how many of these giant beasts there are.


Now, using satellite images, the plan is to locate every Atlantic and Laptev Sea Walrus1, and scientists say this is essential, because climate change means these animals are under threat.


Peter Fretwell, British Antarctic Survey

The sea ice on which they live most of the year is rapidly diminishing and they are having to change their behaviour and come out onto land much more often. That's almost certainly got some detrimental3 effect on them, but we're not sure how much their population is being affected4 by that. Hopefully, this project will tell us that important information.

彼得·弗雷特韦尔      英国南极调查局



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