
作者: 甜蜜的光 | 来源:发表于2019-07-23 16:10 被阅读10次

Red Wild Fruit 红山果



A flower,a tree

a house, a path.一座房子,一条路

A hill ,a river一座山,一条河

a boat and I.一只小船,一个我


A heart, a fire,一颗心,一把火.              a Papaya,and you个木瓜,一个你

Rowing a boat to cross the river划着船,过了河

You are looking at me by the water.你在水边看着我

A year ago, you passed by,一年前,你路过

The path in front of my home.我家门前的那条路

I’m just looking at you in the side,so quietly我悄悄地看着你

You were also Looking at me secretly你也偷偷地望着我

Round the hill crossed the river绕过山,趟过河

Three days and five days you pretend to pass by,

You already have me in your hear你心里早有我

I want you to tell me now.我要你现在就告诉我


The wild Flowers of southern mountain blossom  all over the slop.南山野花开满坡

We play hide-and-seek你东藏来我西躲

I want you to hold on to my hand. Let's go across the river together你要抓紧我的手

Again, you picked red wild fruit for me 你又摘来红山果

Give me one by one一颗一颗送给我

Happy the whole day.日出日落都快乐

I'll be with you for a hundred years一百年也要陪着我



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