本文主要基于2016年发表在『Nature Review Genetics』杂志上综述文章『A comparison of tools for the simulation of genomic next-generation sequencing data』。
- planning experiments
- testing hypotheses
- benchmarking tools
- evaluating particular results
The simulation of NGS data can be extremely useful for planning experiments,
testing hypotheses, benchmarking tools and evaluating particular results.
Given a reference genome or dataset, for instance, one can play with
an array of sequencing technologies to choose the best-suited technology and parameters for the particular goal,
possibly optimizing time and costs.
Yet, this is still not the standard practice and researchers often base their choices on
practical considerations like technology and money availability.
As shown throughout this Review, simulation of NGS data from known genomes or transcriptomes can be extremely useful
when evaluating assembly, mapping, phasing or genotyping algorithms exposing their advantages and drawbacks under different circumstances.

NGS genomic simulators decision tree.

Main characteristics of current NGS technologies

General overview of the sequencing process and steps that can be parameterized in the simulations

General overview of NGS simulation

General information about 23 NGS genomic simulators

Technical information about 23 NGS genomic simulators

Genomic variants

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