

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2020-07-19 12:47 被阅读0次
Announcement 通告
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Steven Lee 李司提反
1 Peter 2:11–12 彼得前书 2:11-12
11 Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. 12 Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation. 11 亲爱的,我劝你们作客旅和寄居的人,要禁戒肉体的私欲,这私欲是与灵魂争战的。 12 你们在教外人中,应当品行端正,使那些人,虽然毁谤你们是作恶的,但因为看见你们的好行为,就要在鉴察的日子颂赞 神。
[Intro: Lynda Oatley] We have a Global Partner, Lynda Oatley, who serves children in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She has battled cancer and her chemotherapy has not been effective, with no more treatment options. She is choosing to remain with her Brazilian family with whatever time she has left. She’s not coming “home” to America, but staying in Brazil. Why? Because she knows that neither Brazil nor America is truly her “home.” Her true and lasting citizenship is heaven, and it is there that she will be more alive than ever. [引子: 林达-奥特利]我们有一位全球宣教伙伴林达-奥特利,她为巴西里约热内卢的儿童提供服务。她正在与癌症作斗争,化疗效果不佳,也没有更多的治疗方案。她选择用剩下的一切时间,留在巴西家人身边。她不回美国的“家”,而是留在巴西。为什么?因为她知道,巴西和美国都不是她真正的“家”。她真正而永久的公民身份是在天国,在那里,她将比以往任何时候都更有活力。
[Transition to 1 Peter 2:11–12] This is the perspective and attitude that Peter wants from his readers as they face outside pressure, attacks on their faith, and unjust treatment and accusations. Let your identity and true citizenship show in how you live. Don’t respond to the outside pressure and hostility like a cornered animal—fight or flight. Peter knows there are very real temptations for his readers as they face maligning, slander, and persecution. [过渡到彼得前书2:11-12]这就是彼得希望他的读者在面对外界的压力、信仰的攻击、不公正的对待和指控时,能够坚守的观点和态度。让你的身份和真正的公民身份体现在你的生活方式上。对待外界的压力和敌意不要像被逼无奈的动物那样—要么战斗,要么逃跑。彼得知道,当他的读者面对恶意、诽谤和逼迫时,有非常真实的诱惑。
[Temptation #1: Give In] The first temptation is to give up on their faith, compromise their faith, or perhaps privatize their faith. They might be tempted to abandon Christ, or at least assimilate to their society and be a closeted Christian. They might say, “We’re trying to follow Jesus, to do the right thing, and yet we’re still being accused of evil and wrongdoing.” The temptation is to stop swimming against the current, and just go with the cultural current down river. [诱惑1:屈服]第一个诱惑是放弃自己的信仰,妥协自己的信仰,或者可能将自己的信仰隐藏起来。他们可能会被引诱放弃基督,或者至少同化于社会,做一个躲在壁橱里的基督徒。他们可能会说:“我们在努力跟随耶稣,做正确的事情,但我们仍然被指责为邪恶和错误的行为。”这里的诱惑是,不要再逆流而上,只需顺着文化的潮流。
[Temptation #2: Fight Back] The second temptation is to fight back. They might say, “If you’re going to attack and slander me, then get ready for a fight!” The instinct is to attack when under attack, to lash out when maligned, or to fight fire with fire. Two can play that game. The temptation is to go on the offensive against one’s enemies. [诱惑2:反击]第二种诱惑是反击。他们可能会说:"如果你要攻击并诽谤我,那就准备好战斗吧!"我们的本能是在受到攻击的时候进攻,在受到恶意攻击的时候发火,或者以火攻火。以毒攻毒。这里的诱惑是对自己的敌人发起进攻。
[Main Theme of 1 Peter] Both temptations would fall short of how God calls believers to live. Peter’s main theme in this letter is: “as elect exiles stand firm in the truth grace of God” (cf. 1 Peter 1:1; 5:12). Not run away, not fight back, but stand firm. Be steadfast. Persevere. Be immovable, upheld by the true grace of God. [彼得前书的主旨]这两种诱惑都亏缺了神的呼召。彼得在这封信中的主旨是:“作为蒙拣选的寄居者,在神的真理恩典中站稳”(参彼得前书1:1;5:12)。既不是逃跑,也不是反击,而是站稳。要坚定不移。持守忍耐。要不动如山,由上帝的真恩典来支撑。
[Main Point/Proposition] Peter’s main point in our passage is that citizens of heaven live—through killing passions and honorable conduct—in order to display the glory of God so that some might be saved. True believers live not for earthly vindication or temporary acceptance, but with an eternal perspective. [要点/主张]彼得在我们这段经文中的主要观点是,天国公民的生活—通过禁戒私欲和品行端正--是为了彰显神的荣耀,使一些人可以因此得拯救。真正的信徒不是为了地上的平反或短暂的接纳而活,而是带着永恒的眼光。
[Aim] Peter’s aim is for Christians to live rightly in a pagan society as faithful witnesses of the true gospel of Jesus Christ. You have a new and distinct identity in Christ, so we live as visitors and not long term residents. [目的]彼得的目的是让基督徒在异教社会中正确地生活,成为耶稣基督真福音的忠实见证。你在基督里有了新的、独特的身份,所以我们是以访客的身份生活,而不是长期居住。
[Context & Flow] Here in 1 Peter 2:11 we have a significant shift in the letter. In 1 Peter 1:3–2:10, he has reminded them of their identity as God’s people and given them reassurance. Peter has told them (1) this is what happened in the new birth, (2) this is how you’re to live in light of that, and (3) this is your new identity and who God is making you to be. [语境和思路]在彼得前书2:11这里,我们在信中有一个重大的转折。在彼得前书1:3-2:10中,他已经提醒他们作为神子民的身份,并给他们保证。彼得告诉他们:(1)这是重生中发生的事,(2)这是你在重生中的生活方式,(3)这是你的新身份,是神要你成为的那种人。
[Middle Portion of 1 Peter] At 1 Peter 2:11 we get a break or shift in the letter. From 2:11–4:11, we have a shift from identity to behavior or conduct. It answers the question, “how are we to live rightly in a pagan society?” In coming weeks we’ll look at (1) submitting to pagan authorities, (2) submitting as servants, (3) living as Christian wives and husbands, and (4) how to suffer unjustly. Peter calls his readers to a counter-cultural and Christ-conformed way of living. [彼得前书的中间部分]在彼得前书2:11,我们在信中有一个间断或转折。2:11-4:11,是从身份转换到行为或品行。它在回答这个问题: “我们如何在异教社会中正确地生活?”在接下来的几周里,我们将看到(1)顺服异教当局,(2)作为仆人的顺服,(3)作为基督徒妻子和丈夫的生活,以及(4)如何忍受不公正的待遇。彼得呼召他的读者,以一种反文化和效法基督的方式来生活。
[Plan] Peter outlines two main things they ought to know and practice. [计划]彼得概述了他们应该知道和实践的两件主要事情。
1. Wage War Against Christ-Dishonoring Passions (2:11) 1.向不敬畏基督的私欲开战(2:11)
a. Sojourners and exiles a.作客旅和寄居的人
b. Passions of the flesh b.肉体的私欲
c. Wage war against our souls c.与灵魂争战
2. Display God’s Glory with Christ Honoring Conduct (2:12) 2.用尊崇基督的行为来彰显神的荣耀(2:12)
a. Keep your conduct honorable a.持守品行端正
b. Speak against you as evildoers b.毁谤你们是作恶的
c. See your good deeds and glorify God c.看见你们的好行为而荣耀神
1. Wage War Against Christ-Dishonoring Passions (2:11) 1.向不敬畏基督的私欲开战(2:11)
1 Peter 2:11 “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.” 彼得前书2:11“亲爱的,我劝你们作客旅和寄居的人,要禁戒肉体的私慾,这私慾是与灵魂争战的。”
[Identity: “Beloved”] Peter continues to reiterate how the believer’s identity informs and impacts how they live. He opens this section by calling them “beloved” or “dear friends.” Though you are estranged from society, you are the beloved of God and love by Peter. [身份:“亲爱的”]彼得继续重申信徒的身份是如何告知和影响他们的生活方式的。他在这一部分的开头,称他们为“亲爱的”或“亲爱的朋友们”。你们虽然与社会疏远,但你们是神所爱的,也是彼得所爱的。
Part 1: Sojourners and Exiles 第一部分:作客旅和寄居的人
[Identity: “I urge you as sojourners and exiles”] Peter reminds them they are sojourners and exiles. We looked that this last week quite a bit. They have dual passports, but they are mainly temporary residents of this earthly country, because they are primarily heavenly citizens. The language of “sojourner” likely echoes Genesis 23:4. [身份:“我劝你们作客旅和寄居的人”]彼得提醒他们,他们是作客旅和寄居的人。上周我们对这个花了不少时间探讨。他们拥有双重护照,但他们在这个人间国度主要是临时居民,因为他们本质上是天国的公民。“作客旅”的用语可能是回应创世记23:4。
[Genesis 23:4] In Genesis 23:4, Abraham attempts to buy a burial plot to bury his wife Sarah, because he is a foreigner. It says, “I am a sojourner and foreigner among you; give me property among you for a burying place, that I may bury my dead out of my sight” (Genesis 23:4). While Abraham was a literal sojourner and foreigner, Peter is again reorienting his readers to understand that they are Christ-first people, a heaven-bound population, and a holy nation, along with all those who have been chosen by God: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, the Prophets, Jesus, and the Apostles. [创世记23:4]在创世记23:4中,亚伯拉罕想要买一块墓地来埋葬他的妻子撒拉,因为他是一个外国人。它说:“我是在你们中间寄居的外族人,求你们在你们中间给我一块坟地作产业,使我可以埋葬我死了的人,使她不露在我面前。”(创世记23:4)尽管亚伯拉罕是一个字面上的旅人和外邦人,彼得在这里引导他的读者,让他们明白自己是以基督为第一的人,是天国的人口,是圣洁的国度,连同所有被神拣选的人:亚伯拉罕,以撒,雅各,大卫,众先知,耶稣和众使徒。
[Constant Partial Alienation] One idea that I think we need to recover is that we are to experience a constant partial alienation while on earth. This is not our true home! We need that reminder again and again, because it’s so easy to lay down roots and to think this is where we’ll have our best life. Don’t believe it for a second. This is like camping—living in a tent, battling the heat and mosquitos—as we await our heavenly dwelling place. [持续的部分疏离]我觉得我们需要恢复的一个想法是,我们在世的日子里要不断地经历部分疏离。这里不是我们真正的家!我们需要一次次的提醒,因为我们很容易扎下根来,以为这里就是我们最好的生活。一秒钟都不要相信。这就像露营--住在帐篷里,与炎热和蚊虫作斗争--我们在等待我们的天国居所。
[Global Partners] Our missionaries and Global Partners instinctively understand this much better than us. They are always between cultures, always in temporary housing, always borrowing until they pass it along to the next owner, because their ultimate and lasting home in not here on earth. On Wednesday night I was talking with Global Partners that serve in north-central Africa, in a rural area, in a majority Muslim country. It’s very apparent they are aliens and foreigners. The wife was sharing how she and her teen girls all wear head coverings and scarves to cover even their face. It’s a small inconvenience in order to not offend the local culture, and to open doors for the gospel. [全球宣教伙伴]我们的宣教士和全球宣教伙伴本能地比我们更了解这一点。他们总是穿梭在在不同文化之间,总是在临时住房里,总是借用东西,直到把它传给下一个主人,因为他们最终的、永久的家在不在地上。周三晚上,我与在非洲中北部一个穆斯林占多数的国家的农村地区服务的全球宣教伙伴进行了交谈。很明显,他们是外族人和外国人。妻子分享她和她的少女们都戴着头套和围巾,连脸都要遮住。为了不冒犯当地文化,也为了给福音打开大门,这只是一个小小的不便。
[Exhortation: “Abstain from the Passions of the Flesh”] Peter gives the exhortation to “abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.” This leads to our next question. [劝告:“禁戒肉体的私欲”]彼得给出的劝告是“要禁戒肉体的私欲,这私欲是与灵魂争战的”。这就引出了我们下一个问题。
Part 2: Passions of the Flesh 第二部分:肉体的私欲
[“Passions of the Flesh”] These passions of the flesh could be seen as broadly as all sinful desires and actions. These “passions” or strong desires, characterize the sinful inclinations that reside within each one of us. Just the very mention of this should be comforting to believers. Why? Because even though you have a completely new identity and purpose, you will still battle against sinful desires. They do not just go away. Instead, believers are to abstain from them. This conveys keeping away from them, or continuously fleeing from sinful desires, not indulging in them. [“肉体的私欲”]这些肉体的私欲可以广义地看成是一切罪恶的欲望和行为。这些“私欲”或强烈的欲望,是我们每个人内心的罪恶倾向的特征。光是提到这一点,就应该让信徒们感到欣慰。为什么?因为即使你有了全新的身份和目标,你仍然要与罪恶的欲望作斗争。它们不会就这样消失。相反,信徒们要禁戒这些。这话说的是要远离它们,或不断地逃离罪恶的欲望,不沉溺于它们。
[Rebuke to Modern Age] This is a rebuke to our modern age of “just do what feels good” or “just go with your feelings.” We live in an age of instant gratification—if I want something, Amazon can get it to me in 2 days, or perhaps even within the hour. We have Amazon Prime Now which feeds our desires and cravings. Peter admits that believers have passions, longings, and desires, but they are not to indulge them, but to abstain and flee from them. Now, what “passions of the flesh” then are in view? [对现时代的谴责]这是对我们现代人“只做感觉好的事”或“跟着感觉走 ”的谴责。我们生活在一个即时满足的时代--如果我想要什么东西,亚马逊可以在2天内给我,甚至可能在一小时内给我。我们有亚马逊Prime Now账号,它能满足我们的欲望和渴望。彼得承认信徒有情欲、渴望和欲望,但他们不能放纵它们,而是要节制和逃避它们。那么,”肉体的私欲 "是指什么呢?
[Passion = Desire & Longing] The word “passions” conveys desire, longing, and craving. It’s the same word used in 1 Peter 1:14 and 1 Peter 4:2–3. [私欲=欲望和渴望]“私欲”一词指的是欲望、渴望和渴求。在彼得前书1:14和彼得前书4:2-3中使用的是同一个词。
• 1 Peter 1:14 “As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance…” 彼得前书1:14“你们既是顺服的儿女,就不要再效法从前无知的时候放纵私欲的生活。”
• 1 Peter 4:1–3 “Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, 2 so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God. 3 For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry.” It goes on to say they are surprised when you don’t join them in debauchery, and they malign you. This is the same picture we get here. 彼得前书4:1-3基督既然在肉身受过苦,你们也应当以同样的心志装备自己(因为在肉身受过苦的,就已经与罪断绝了), 2 好叫你们不再随从人的私欲,只顺从 神的旨意,在世上度余下的光阴。 3 因为你们过去随从教外人的心意,行邪淫、私欲、醉酒、荒宴、狂饮和可憎拜偶像的事,时候已经够了。接着说,当你不和他们一起放荡的时候,他们会很惊讶,他们会恶意诋毁你。这和我们在这里看到的画面是一样的。
[Carnal Desires Even Pagan’s Despise] These passions characterize their former way of life before Christ. They include sinful desires in general, but especially the types of things that even pagans and unbelievers would recognize as being bad for society, such as sexual immorality, drunkenness, and lawlessness, and other unrestrained carnal desires. These are still seen as bad both within the church, and in most parts of society. Peter is calling them to abstain from these sinful passions of the flesh, but instead to walk and live in the Spirit. Why? Because they “wage ware against their souls.” [连异教徒都鄙视的肉欲]这些私欲是他们在认识基督之前的生活方式的特征。它们包括一般的罪欲,但特别是那些连异教徒和不信的人都会承认是对社会有害的东西,如性不道德、醉酒、无法无天等不受约束的肉体欲望。无论是在教会内部,还是在社会的大多数地方,这些仍然被视为坏事。彼得是呼召他们戒除这些肉体的罪性情欲,而要在圣灵中行走和生活。为什么?因为它们“是与灵魂争战的”。
Part 3: Wage War against Our Souls 第三部分:与我们的灵魂争战
[Wage War on Our Souls] These passions—the natural human desires of the flesh (sex, power, money, fame, and physical pleasure without limits)—wage war against the soul. Our bodies and spirits are not disconnected and cannot be separated. While these desires might look tempting in the moment, they will inflict damage upon our souls. It will cause believers to be weak and ineffective, our abilities to see, know, love, and worship God will be diminished. [与我们的灵魂争战]这些私欲--人类肉体的自然欲望(性、权力、金钱、名声和无限制的肉体快乐)— 向灵魂发起了战争。我们的身体和灵魂是紧密结合,不能分开的。虽然这些欲望在当下看起来很诱人,但它们会对我们的灵魂造成伤害。它会使信徒软弱无力,我们仰望神、认识神、爱神、敬拜神的能力会被削弱。
[Illustration: Glow Worm] Pastor Ben mentioned how glowworms illustrate this point. In New Zealand and Australia, the larvae (or maggot) of the fungus gnat are carnivores. They emit a glowing light to attract insects that get caught in a snare of sticky threads, who become dinner. This light that they emit, in the darkness of pitch-black caves, much like a firefly, glows with this beautiful blue hue, irresistible to flying bugs, even as it leads them to their death. This is the image of the war that is being waged for our souls. Sin calls out with a beautiful voice, and a brilliant blue hue, and tells us it will feel good, advance your career, it will be satisfying, it will be worth it, or that no one will know. But it’s never worth it, and leads to death. [例证:发萤光的虫]本恩牧师提到发萤光的虫子如何说明这一点。在新西兰和澳大利亚,眼蕈蚊的幼虫(或蛆)是肉食性的。它们会发出萤光来吸引其它昆虫,昆虫被粘丝缠住,就变成晚餐。它们发出的这种光,在漆黑的山洞里,很像萤火虫,闪耀着这种美丽的蓝光,对飞虫来说,是无法抗拒的,甚至会把它们引向死亡。这画面很像我们灵魂的争战。罪用美丽的声音,和灿烂的蓝色调召唤着我们,告诉我们这样做会有好的感觉,会让你的事业进步,会让你满足,会让你觉得很值,或者说没有人会知道。但这是不值得的,会导致死亡。
Application: War Raging For Your Soul 应用:灵魂的战争
[Warring Passions] Even this morning, there is a war being fought for your mind, heart, and soul. Your spiritual health hangs in the balance. We must beware of indulging in the passions of the flesh rather than abstaining from them. What does this war look like? Here are a few ways that sinful passions wage war against our soul: [与私欲争战]即使是今天早上,也有一场战争在为你的思想、心灵和灵魂而战。你的灵性健康岌岌可危。我们必须小心的是我们容易沉溺于肉体的私欲,而不是禁戒它们。这场战争是什么样子的?以下是罪的私欲向我们的灵魂发动战争的几种方式。
• Sinful passions dull us to the word of God. I don’t want to read the Bible when I know I’ve sinned against God. Perhaps the pure spiritual milk of God’s word is tasteless and bland to our spiritual taste buds, burned by sin. [Illustrate: Sour Skittles] Instead of quenching our thirst and satisfying our soul, Bible reading appears legalistic, boring, irrelevant, and ineffective, because our spiritual senses are dulled. • 罪的私欲使我们对上帝的话语感到索然无味。当我知道自己得罪了上帝时,我不想读圣经。也许神话语中纯净的灵奶对我们属灵的味蕾来说是平淡无味的,味蕾被罪烧焦了。[例证:酸果糖]读经非但没有解渴,没有满足我们的灵魂,反而显得律法主义、枯燥无味、不接地气、没有效果,因为我们属灵的感觉被钝化了。
• Sinful passions cause us to be cynical towards prayer. We may think some of the following: Why pray when I just sinned again? Will God even hear me or is he tired of me? I’m loathe to confess this sin again. I feel so guilty and so much shame; will God really forgive me? I don’t feel forgiven. Our sinful passions rot away the pillars of our faith, so that prayer feels precarious. We become indifferent rather than approaching his throne of grace with confidence. • 罪的私欲使我们对祷告态度悲观。我们可能会想:我刚刚又犯了罪,为什么还要祈祷?上帝会听我说话吗,还是说祂已经厌倦了我?我讨厌再认罪了。我感到很内疚,很羞愧,上帝真的会原谅我吗?我不觉得自己被原谅了。我们的罪性私欲腐烂了我们信仰的支柱,所以祈祷感觉岌岌可危。我们变得无动于衷,而不是满怀信心地靠近祂的施恩宝座。
• Sinful passions make us indifferent to the gathering of the church. Do our sinful passions make us timid or cautious at church or with fellow believers? Instead of finding help to overcome sin, we live in shame, fearful of being found out or discovered as a sinner or fraud. We dread going to church (because others might ask me how I’m doing) rather than see it as a place where I get encouragement and sharpening from fellow travelers on the same pathway of sanctification. • 罪性的私欲使我们对教会的聚会漠不关心。我们的罪性私欲是否使我们在教会或与信徒肢体相处时变得胆怯或谨小慎微?我们没有寻求帮助以战胜罪,而是活在羞耻中,害怕被觉察或发现自己是罪人或骗子。我们害怕去教会(因为别人可能会问我怎么样),而不是把它看成是一个地方,在这里我可以得到同路人的鼓励和砥砺,走在同一条成圣的路上。
[Fight Fire with Fire] When it comes to passions of the flesh, yes we abstain, but we must fight fire with fire. We need to overcome these sinful desires and passions with a greater more satisfying power. It is what Thomas Chalmers calls the “explosive power of new affections.” What’s the best way to stop gorging on candy, chips, and junk food. Not just sheer willpower and starvation. But eat a good, well-balanced, real food, protein rich meal. Fill yourself with a new and better affection. It’s what Matthew 13:44 says, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” [以火攻火]谈到肉体的私欲,是的,我们要禁戒,但我们必须以火攻火。我们需要用更伟大更令人满足的力量来克服这些罪性的欲望和私欲。这就是托马斯-查尔默斯所说的“新感情的爆发力”。能让你不再贪吃糖果、薯片和垃圾食品的最好办法是什么。不仅仅是凭意志力与饥饿感搏斗。而是要吃好的,均衡的,真正的食物,富含蛋白质的膳食。用新的、更好的感情来充实自己。这就是马太福音13:44所说的:“天国好像藏在田里的宝贝,有人发现了,就把它藏起来,高高兴兴地离去,变卖了他的一切,来买那田地。”
[New Identity, New Purpose, New Joy] This is precisely why Peter devoted so much ink to developing their new identity rooted in their new birth. You’ve been given new joys, that expel old and insufficient longings and desires. John Piper writes, “The root power of sin is severed by the power of a superior pleasure. The bondage to sin is broken by a stronger attraction — a more compelling joy.”1 [新身份、新目标、新快乐]这正是彼得花了这么多笔墨来论述他们植根于重生获得的新身份的原因。你已经得到了新的快乐,它驱逐了旧的和不足的渴望和欲望。约翰-派博写道:“罪的根源力量被一种超胜的喜乐的力量所切断。罪的捆绑被一种更强的吸引力— 一种更吸引人的喜乐所打破。”2
2. Display God’s Glory with Christ Honoring Conduct (2:12) 2.用尊崇基督的行为来彰显神的荣耀(2:12)
1 Peter 2:12 Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation. 彼得前书2:12你们在教外人中,应当品行端正,使那些人,虽然毁谤你们是作恶的,但因为看见你们的好行为,就要在鉴察的日子颂赞 神。
[Positive Exhortation] We go from a negative exhortation (don’t do or abstain), now to a positive exhortation (conduct yourselves honorably). There are three parts to this verse. [正面的劝勉]我们从一个负面的劝诫(不做或禁戒),现在变成了一个正面的劝勉(品行端正)。这节经文有三个部分。
(1)Keep your Conduct Honorable (1)持守品行端正
(2)When they Speak against You as Evildoers (2)他们毁谤你们是作恶的
(3)See Your Good Deeds and Glorify God (3)看见你们的好行为而荣耀神
Part 1: Keep your Conduct Honorable 第一部分:持守品行端正
[Honorable Conduct] The conduct or behavior that Peter has in view is likely what he just reference before: to abstain from the passions of the flesh. Peter’s readers were not to retaliate when under attack, or to shrink back in fear. Instead they’re called to persist and continue in conducting themselves in a way that even the pagans would recognize as virtuous by their own standards. It couldn’t be all the values of the society or culture, but certainly there would be some that would overlap, such that Christians could keep their identity and live honorably in a pagan society. [品行端正]彼得所看重的品行或行为,很可能就是他刚才提到的:要禁戒肉体的私欲。彼得的读者在受到攻击时,不要报复,也不要害怕地退缩。相反,他们被呼召恒久忍耐持守端正的品行,以致连异教徒照他们自己的标准都认为这是美德。它不可能是这个社会或文化的所有价值,但肯定会有一些是重叠的,这样基督徒就可以持守自己的身份,在异教社会中令人尊敬地生活。
[What Conduct?] I imagine that Peter has in mind what comes later in 1 Peter: [哪些品行?]我猜想,彼得想到的是彼得前书后面的内容:
• Submit to earthly authority. Be subject to human institutions and authorities, using our freedom not as a cover up, but living as servants of God. (1 Peter 2:13–17) 顺服地上的政权。要顺服人的一切制度和权柄,不要用我们的自由来掩饰邪恶,总要像神的仆人。(彼得前书2:13-17)
• Servants submit to masters with respect. Servants are to submit to their masters with respect, following in the footsteps of Jesus who endured unjust suffering. Again, be like Jesus. 仆人恭敬地服从主人。仆人要恭敬地顺从主人,跟随耶稣的脚步,忍受不公正的苦难。同样,要像耶稣一样。
[Display] Christians are to show the society and culture around them that they are honest, just, self-controlled, compassionate, kind, gentle, and loving to serve as evidence of their transformed life and faith. Again this goes back to the call for holy living in 1 Peter 1:15–16. A Christian’s holiness is to reveal and convey the character of our Father in heaven. [彰显]基督徒要向周围的社会和文化展示自己的诚实、公义、自制、同情、善良、温柔、爱心,作为自己生命和信仰改变的证据。这又回到了彼得前书1:15-16中对圣洁生活的呼召。基督徒的圣洁就是要彰显和传达天父的品格。
Part 2: When they Speak against You as Evildoers 第二部分:他们毁谤你们是作恶的
[Called Evil] Despite their good conduct and behavior, Christians will still be spoken against as evildoers. This is a hard word for some of you. You are tempted to be people pleasers and to seek acceptance. The very thought of someone not liking you brings you anxiety. You’re tempted to accommodate and shift in order to be accepted. Peter reminds us that we do not live for the approval of this world, society, or culture. We are aliens, sojourners, and exiles. [毁谤]哪怕基督徒的行为举止都很好,还是会被说成是恶人。这对你们中的一些人可能会觉得刺耳。你很想做一个讨人喜欢的人,寻求接纳。一想到有人不喜欢你,你就会感到焦虑。你很想迁就,为了被接纳而改变立场。彼得提醒我们,我们不是为了这个世界、社会、文化的认可而活着。我们是外国人、客旅和寄居者。
[Issues Spoken Against] There will be suspicion and hostility because they don’t live and approve of the ways of the world. This may be been honoring the social norms or the typical gods of the community. This is increasingly true of believers today. There are a wide range of issues where we may be spoken of us as evildoers. And we are to stand firm, as elect exiles, in the true grace of God. Some of those issues might be: [反对的问题]因为他们不认可,也不照着这个世界的方式生活,必定会遭遇怀疑和敌意。这可能是表现为尊重社会规范或敬重某个社区的神明。今天的信徒越来越多地遇到这种情况。在这五花八门的问题中,可能就有人说我们是作恶的。而我们作为蒙拣选的寄居者,要在神的真恩典中站稳。其中有些问题可能是:
• Marriage is between only two (not multiple) people, one man and one woman. • 婚姻是一男一女两个人结合(不是多人)。
• The Bible tells us that God made male and female, both made in the image of God. Those born a particular gender should distort God’s design. • 圣经告诉我们,上帝造男造女,都是按照上帝的形象造的。那些生来就有特殊性别的人,应该是扭曲了上帝的设计。
• Life is to be protected, worthy of dignity and respect, particularly those most vulnerable such as the unborn, disabled, and elderly. This is true regardless of skin color, socioeconomic status, or immigration status. • 生命应该得到保护,值得尊重和尊严,尤其是那些最脆弱的人,如未出生的人、残疾人和老年人。无论肤色、社会经济地位或移民身份如何,都是如此。
• Christians care about adoption and foster care to provide orphans loving adoptive homes. • 基督徒关心收养和寄养,为孤儿提供有爱的收养家庭。
• Pornography is an affront to God and those made in his image, perverting the God-given gift of sex, commoditizing and debasing the gift of human sexuality. • 色情制品是对上帝和照祂形象所造人类的侮辱,扭曲了上帝赐予的性的礼物,将其商品化,贬低了它的价值。
• Human trafficking is an attack on God’s design for humanity. • 贩卖人口是对上帝为人类设计的攻击。
• Commercial surrogacy distorts God’s design by turning women and their bodies into commodities, and makes children products for sale. • 商业代孕扭曲了上帝的设计,把妇女和她们的身体变成商品,使儿童成为待售的产品。
• All people, of every ethnicity and race, is made in the image of God and is worthy of dignity and respect, and should be treated justly. • 所有的人,不管是什么民族和种族,都是照上帝的形象创造的,都是值得尊严和尊重的,应该得到公正的对待。
[Applause & Vitriol] Some of those issues will garner applause and others vitriol. Nonetheless, believers are called to mainly live as citizens of heaven, seeking to honor Christ above all else. Peter wants believers to maintain their Christ-honoring conduct, that even a pagan society might recognize, so that they will see these good deeds and glorify God. [掌声和批评]其中有些问题会赢得掌声,有些问题则会赢得口诛笔伐。尽管如此,信徒被呼召主要是作为天国的公民来生活,寻求尊崇基督高于一切。彼得希望信徒保持他们尊崇基督的品行,让异教社会也能认识到,使他们看到这些善行,荣耀神。
Part 3: See Your Good Deeds and Glorify God 第三部分:看见你们的好行为而荣耀神
[Good Deeds] Unbelievers ought to be able to see the good words of believers that permeate every dimension of life: honesty, honor, respect, kindness, gentleness, love, compassion, and so forth. They might not like what we believe, but in a way, they ought to respect it if we are being fully consistent with Christ’s commands. This is likely an allusion to Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:16, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Our lives are to shine forth and give glory to God. [好行为]不信的人应该能够看到信徒的嘉言善行,渗透到生活的每一个层面:诚实、荣誉、尊重、善良、温柔、爱、怜悯等等。他们可能不喜欢我们的信仰,但在某种程度上,他们应该尊重我们的信仰,如果我们与基督的命令完全一致的话。这可能暗指马太福音5:16中耶稣所说的:“照样,你们的光也应当照在人前,让他们看见你们的好行为,又颂赞你们在天上的父。”我们的生命要发光,将荣耀归给神。
[Salvation or Judgment] The big question is what does the phrase “and glorify God on the day of visitation” mean? There are two options. [救恩或审判]最大的问题是,“在鉴察的日子颂赞神”这句话是什么意思?有两种选择:
1. Unbelieving pagans see the good deeds of believers and come to faith in Christ, glorifying God on the day of visitation. 1.不信的异教徒看到信徒的善行,就信了基督,在鉴察的日子里颂赞神。
2. Unbelieving pagans see the good deeds of believers, refusing to believe, and will undergo judgment on the day of visitation in which God’s justice is glorified. 2.不信的异教徒看到信徒的善行,不肯相信,在神的公义得荣耀的鉴察之日,他们将受审判。
[Unbelieving Pagans Get Saved] I believe it is the former, where unbelieving pagans get saved. The verb “glorify” here is used 61 times in the New Testament and doesn’t speak of unbelievers who are forced to unwillingly glorify God. [不信的异教徒得救]我相信是前者,不信的异教徒会得到救赎。这里的动词“颂赞”在新约中用了61次,并不是说不信的人被迫不情愿地颂赞神。
• Revelation 16:9 says so explicitly, “They were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God who had power over these plagues. They did not repent and give him glory.” Judgment comes, and people double down in their hatred of God. • 启示录16:9明确地说:“人被高热烧烤,就亵渎那有权柄掌管这些灾难的 神的名, 并不悔改,把荣耀归给祂。”审判降临时,人们对上帝的恨意加倍。
• Romans 1:21 says, “For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” • 罗马书1:21说:“因为他们虽然知道 神,却不尊祂为 神,也不感谢祂,反而心思变为虚妄,愚顽的心就迷糊了。”
[Examples in Peter] Later Peter gives us two similar passages: [彼得信中的例子]后面彼得会给我们两段类似的经文。
• 1 Peter 3:1–2 says that unbelieving husbands might be won without a word by the conduct of their wives so that they would be saved. It says, “[1] Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, [2] when they see your respectful and pure conduct.” • 彼得前书3:1–2说信道的妻子可能凭她们的行为赢得不信的丈夫,使他们因此得救。它说:“ [1]照样,你们作妻子的,要顺服自己的丈夫,好使不信道的丈夫受到感动,不是因着你们的言语,而是因着你们的生活, [2] 因为他们看见了你们敬畏和纯洁的生活。 ”
• 1 Peter 3:15–16 says, “[15] but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, [16] having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.” • 彼得前书3:15–16说:“[15]只要心里尊基督为圣,以他为主;常常作好准备,去回答那些问你们为甚么怀有盼望的人, [16] 但要用温柔敬畏的心回答。当存无愧的良心,使那些诬赖你们这在基督里有好品行的人,在毁谤你们的事上蒙羞。”
[Saved to Glorify God] Peter’s point is that some unbelievers will be saved when they see the good and honorable conduct of believers. Some of will repent and be saved, and as a result of their salvation, glorify God. [得救以荣耀神]彼得的意思是,有些不信的人看到信徒的善行和可敬的行为,就会得救。有些人会悔改得救,并因他们的救赎而荣耀神。
[Day of Visitation] This day of “visitation” is speaking of the day of divine judgment when Christ returns. On that day there will be consummated salvation for his people and judgment for those who reject him. This “day of visitation” shows up in Isaiah 10:3 in the Greek translation of the Old Testament (LXX). It reads, “What will you do on the day of punishment, in the ruin that will come from afar? To whom will you flee for help, and where will you leave your wealth?” (Isaiah 10:3). This indicates a day of judgment and punishment. [鉴察的日子]这个“鉴察”的日子,是说基督再来时神圣审判的日子。在那一天,祂的子民将得到圆满的救赎,拒绝祂的人将受审判。“降罚的日子”出现在以赛亚书10:3七十士希腊文译本中。它这样说:“到降罚的日子,那时你们要怎样行呢?你们可以向谁逃奔求助呢?你们可以把你们的财宝撇在哪里呢?”(以赛亚书10:3)这指的是审判或刑罚的日子。
[Double Meaning: Salvation & Vindication] So while I think the main thrust of Peter’s teaching is that some unbelievers will slander you, and as they see your good deeds, come to faith in Christ, there is also another element where no matter whether those who persecute you ultimately believe or not, you will be vindicated. Believers are always vindicated by Christ. Those who persecute believers unjustly will either see our good deeds and come to faith in Christ, having their sins paid for by Jesus, or they will be judged by God and receive a just punishment for their actions. [双重含义:救赎与平反]所以,我认为彼得教导的主旨是,有些不信的人会毁谤你,当他们看到你的善行时,就会信基督,但还有一个因素是,不管那些逼迫你的人最终信不信,你都会得到平反。信徒总是得到基督的平反。那些不公正地逼迫信徒的人,要么看到我们的善行,归信基督,由耶稣偿还他们的罪,要么就会受到神的审判,为他们的行为接受公正的惩罚。
Conclusion & Closing 结论和结束语
[Gospel Trajectory] The day of visitation is coming. Judgment will come for us all. This will be a day of great rejoicing for all those who are in Christ. We will be vindicated. It will be shown that fighting sin, living lives of holiness, loving Christ, persevering in the face of trials, and remaining steadfast was all worth it. Jesus Christ will never overpromise and under deliver. In fact, Jesus will deliver on all of his promises, and it will be better than we ever imagined it could possibly be. [福音的轨迹]鉴察的日子就要到了。审判会降临到我们所有人身上。这将是所有在基督里之人的大喜之日。我们将得到平反。这将表明,与罪作斗争,过圣洁的生活,爱基督,在试炼面前坚持不懈,坚忍不移,都是值得的。耶稣基督永远不会承诺过高而兑现过低。事实上,耶稣会兑现祂所有的应许,而且会比我们想象的更好。
[Unbelievers] If you don’t know what you will say on this day of visitation and judgment, let me call you again to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. There is a war for your soul this morning. Satan would like you to fall asleep, close your heart, convince yourself this is nonsense, or that you’re ok with a few good works to show on that final day. But don’t be deceived. Only those who are born again to a living hope in Jesus Christ will be saved. You can be among that new and chosen people in Christ by surrendering your life, repenting of your sins, and entrusting yourself to Christ. [不信者]如果你不知道在这鉴察和审判的日子里你会说些什么,让我再次呼唤你相信主耶稣基督。今天早上有一场争夺你灵魂的战争。撒旦希望你睡着了,闭上心扉,说服自己这是无稽之谈,或者说在最后的那一天,你能摆出几件好事就可以了。但千万不要被骗了。只有那些在耶稣基督里重生得着永活盼望的人,才能得救。你可以通过交出你的生命,悔改你的罪,并将自己交托给基督,成为基督里新的蒙拣选的人。
[Global Partner: Lynda Oatley] I began this sermon this morning by talking about Global Partner Lynda Oatley, and that’s where I want to end. I texted Pastor Brad whether I could share those details about her. Brad called her and here’s what he wrote: [全球宣教伙伴:林达-奥特利]今天早上我在讲道开始的时候讲到了全球宣教伙伴林达-奥特利,我也想以她的故事来结束。我给布拉德牧师发了短信,询问是否可以分享这些关于她的细节。布拉德打电话给她,这是他给我写道:
I just got off the phone with Lynda Oatley, our global partner in Brazil. She went there years ago to work with street kids! 我刚和我们在巴西的全球宣教伙伴林达-奥特利通了电话。几年前她去那里服务流浪儿童!
Currently she is bed ridden. She is able to get up and take a shower once in a while. She is hungry and thirsty all the time put has not eaten or drank anything for over a week. The tumors are so big in her abdomen that she can't eat or drink but the hunger is there all the time. The acid in her stomach gives her a heart burn sensation. She is always nauseous! She is thankful she is not in a lot of pain. She told me she hungers and thirsts more for Jesus than delicious food or drink that she is continually craving. 目前她已经卧病不起。她能够偶尔起来洗个澡。她一直又饿又渴,已经一个多星期没吃没喝了。腹部的肿瘤很大,她不能吃喝,但饥饿感一直存在。胃酸让她感觉心如灼烧。她总是感觉恶心想吐!她很感恩自己没有很多疼痛。她告诉我,比起不断渴望的美味食物或饮料,她更渴望耶稣。
Her system is not able to keep the fluids moving in her body so her feet swell up all the time and are very large which makes it hard for her to walk. She told me she thinks she will be gone in a week or so. But she is happy in the Lord and ready to be with him. She says, “If Jesus is taking me home my job here must be done!” 她的循环系统无法保持体液正常流动,所以她的脚一直在肿胀,肿得很大,这让她难以行走。她告诉我,她认为她会在一个星期左右离世。但她在主里是幸福的,准备与主同在。她说:“如果耶稣要带我回家,我在这里的工作必须完成!”
[Eternal Perspective] She is a hero of the faith, and even in the midst of pain and suffering she has not lost sight of her identity and purpose. She knows that her true and lasting home is to be with God and the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven. Though she is literally starving to death, she is even more hungry for more of Jesus. Though her body wastes away, she is being renewed day by day to look more and more like her Savior. And I imagine as she dies—those street children she ministers to in Brazil—will see and glorify God for her life, and they too will know and love Jesus. O may God help us to have that same eternal perspective. [永恒的视角]她是信心英雄,即使在痛苦和磨难中,她也没有忘记自己的身份和目标。她知道,她真正而永久的家是在天上与上帝和主耶稣基督同在。虽然她是真的饿得要死,但她更渴望得到更多的耶稣。虽然她的身体正在朽坏,但她却一天天被更新,越来越像她的救主。我想像她死后--她在巴西服事的那些街头儿童--会因为她的生命而看到并荣耀神,他们也会认识并爱上耶稣。哦,愿上帝帮助我们拥有同样的永恒视角。
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Sermon Title: Live So Others Will See & Glorify God 讲道标题:活着是为了让别人看见并荣耀神
Sermon Text: 1 Peter 2:11–12 讲道经文:彼得前书 2:11-12
Main Point: Citizens of heaven live—through killing passions and honorable conduct—in order to display the glory of God so that some might be saved. 要点:天国公民的生活—通过禁戒私欲和品行端正--是为了彰显神的荣耀,使一些人可以因此得拯救。
Outline: 纲要:
1. Wage War Against Christ-Dishonoring Passions (2:11) 1.向不敬畏基督的私欲开战(2:11)
a. Sojourners and exiles a.作客旅和寄居的人
b. Passions of the flesh b.肉体的私欲
c. Wage war against our souls c.与灵魂争战
2. Display God’s Glory with Christ Honoring Conduct (2:12) 2.用尊崇基督的行为来彰显神的荣耀(2:12)
a. Keep your conduct honorable a.持守品行端正
b. Speak against you as evildoers b.毁谤你们是作恶的
c. See your good deeds and glorify God c.看见你们的好行为而荣耀神
Intro Question: Do we feel “at home” here in America? Why or why not? 引子问题:我们在美国觉得是“在家”吗?为什么是,或为什么不是?
Discussion Questions: 讨论问题:
1.What does it mean to be sojourners and exiles? Where else in Scripture or 1 Peter are these themes touched upon? 1.作为客旅和寄居的是指什么意思?在圣经或彼得前书中还有哪些地方触及到这些主题?
2. What does it mean to abstain from the passions of the flesh? What “passions” are likely in view? 2.禁戒肉体的私欲是什么意思?这里的“私欲”可能是指哪些?
3. How do these passions wage war against our souls? 3.这些私欲如何与你的灵魂争战?
4. What conduct does Peter have in view in verse 12? 4.彼得在第12节中所指的品行是指什么?
5. What is likely in view on this “day of visitation” and what does it mean for unbelievers to “glorify God?” 5.“鉴察的日子”可能是指什么?不信者“颂赞神”是什么意思?
Application Questions: 应用问题:
1. How can you more fully embrace your identity as one who is beloved, but also a sojourner and exile here on earth? 1.你如何才能更充分地接受自己的身份,既是一个被爱的人,又是一个在人间的客旅和寄居者?
2. What passions of the flesh do you need to abstain from? 2.你需要禁戒哪些肉体的私欲?
3. Do you see the war that rages for your soul? How can your small group help you battle these soul endangering sins? 3.你看到灵魂的争战了吗?你的小组如何帮助你对抗这些危害灵魂的罪?
4. How can you stand firm in the true grace of God as you’re spoken against as an evildoer? 4.当你被人说成是恶人的时候,你怎么能在神的真恩典中站稳呢?
5. How can our lives reflect, honor, and glorify God among unbelievers? How can we engage one or two unbelievers in our spheres of influence with good deeds that point to Jesus? 5.我们的生命如何在不信的人中体现、尊崇、荣耀神?我们如何在自己的影响范围内用指向耶稣的善行吸引一两个不信的人?
Prayer Focus: 祷告焦点:
Praise God for being deserving of honor, glory, praise, and worship because of what his Son Jesus Christ has accomplished on the cross for sinners, and praise God for your new identity in him. Confess your sinful “passions of the flesh” that are waging war against your soul. Repent of those sins. Thank God for the forgiveness that is available in Jesus, and that Jesus calls us elect and watches over our souls. Ask God for help in abstaining from these passions of the flesh, ask him for greater satisfaction in Christ, and ask God for help to live so others will see and glorify God through salvation. 赞美神,因为祂的儿子耶稣基督在十字架上为罪人所成就的,所以配得尊贵、荣耀、赞美和敬拜,赞美神,因为你在祂里面的新身份。承认你罪性的 “肉体的私欲”,这些私欲正在向你的灵魂发动战争。忏悔那些罪。感谢神在耶稣里的饶恕,感谢耶稣呼召我们为选民,看顾我们的灵魂。求神帮助禁戒这些肉体的私欲,祈求在基督里得到更大的满足,祈求神的帮助,活着让别人看到并因得救而荣耀神。


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