In the sky,
Teacher is like the moon.
Students like stars.
Moon and stars study together.
They will very happy~
your sky and my sky is different!
When the sky was blue, the sun was always in the sky, and...
the night sky is dark and clear the moon in the sky is so...
SKY (1) How often do you look at the sky? Well,to be hone...
Sky is blue sea, you can see everything you want. Sky is ...
The Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival平溪天灯节 Taiwan's Pingxi Sky ...
此刻,時間指向黃昏,天空仍舊一片蔚藍。 這種藍色略顯疲態,像一位尚未發作的抑鬱病人,也像極一隻倦鳥,所有的事物已經...
sky是一只奶白色的老狗。 惺忪睡眼,你孱弱的身体迎面朝我涌来。 胸椎和锁骨,骨节嶙峋, 我想起超级市场的砧板上,...
因为一部电视剧,喜欢上一个单词。过了十多年,这部剧也不太好查,就只有“FLY”还陪伴着现在的我。 喜欢冲撞、卡丁车...