
一、Message from Michael Notaro
习惯的力量!亚里士多德曾经说过:“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit”。还记得头马的四个核心价值观吗?RISE,E就是Excellence。既然Excellence是一个Habit。那我们头马人的习惯又是什么呢?头马全球主席Micheal Notaro, DTM告诉我们,头马人有七个高效的习惯:
1) Be Early. 2) Be Prepared. 3) Be Positive. 4) Be Supportive. 5) Be Courteous. 6) Be a Goal-setter. 7) Be Ready for Anything.
二、Member Story
1. The Three Peaks Challenge
会员Hari Kalymnios爱运动也爱头马。在2011年6月,他参加了24小时登上英国三座高峰(Ben Nevis in Scotland 1344 m, Scafell Pike in England 978 m, Snowdon in North Wales 1085 m)的极限运动。当完成最后一座山时,他拿出了头马杂志请朋友帮他拍照留念。因为他相信,头马和登山一样充满了挑战。
2. Annemarie du LeBohn: Iron Woman
在Julie Bawden-Davis笔下,Annemarie du LeBohn的人生充满难以想象的艰辛,小时受到凌辱,长大又遭车祸。但是,看似残酷的铁人三项和大庭广众下的头马演讲改变了她,教会她正向思考。她说:“When we have negative thoughts, we’re usually casting ourselves in the victim role. The only way to experience a better life is to focus on the fact that we have control of our life.”她还说:“It is possible to be peaceful and powerful at the same time and to follow your dreams. And the sooner you set out after those dreams, the better.”是不是收到了她的力量和优雅呢?快来看看她的故事吧~
3.Speaking on the run
本期这是肿么了?会员都是非常运动挂吗?Jennie Harris介绍的Croix Sather, CC,CL从San Diego跑到New York,一共花了100天时间(平均一天一个全马啊),期间还做了100个speech。啥都别说了,头马人就是会玩儿鸭。快来听听他都说了啥?太打鸡血了。
三、Public Speaking Skills
1. Communication Tip – 如何去听?
1) Watch a person’s body language;
2) Make eye contact;
3) Don’t interrupt;
4) Listen to every last word;
5) Pause to process;
6) Ask questions
2. Milestone on the Path to CC
可能现在的小伙伴都不知道什么是CC了?CC就是Competent Communication的简写,是头马旧教育体系的两大支柱之一。CC手册有十个Project,从Ice breaker到Inspire Your Audience。本期,Beth Black, CC将带领大家一定聊一聊如何快速通关,提高技能。虽然,现在教育系统换成了Pathways,但是一些内容还是值得借鉴的。设立你的里程碑就是一个督促进度的好方法~不管怎样,记住啦:“Ultimately, no matter where your milestones lie along the CC path, it is important to keep moving forward, tackling each challenge and relishing each opportunity for success in reaching your public speaking goals.”
3. The Magic of Sense Appeal
演讲是理性的,也是感性的。怎样才能从感性上打动你的观众?Colleen Plimpton, ACB说,人有五感,视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉,一个都不能少。那么,咋个用法哩?除了用语言更加准确地描述之外,还有其他的方法。快去看看吧。
四、Toastmasters Enlightens Our Life
1. Career Boost – Membership benefits lead to professional opportunities
头马到底能给我们的生活和职场带来什么变化呢?Jennifer L. Blanck, DTM告诉我们,不妨给自己设定一个目标,看看这些目标能否在头马年中实现?每一个“小”技能后面都有一个真实的“大”故事。
1) Developing an demonstrating skills;
2) Volunteer activities offer high value: Initiative, Ability to Lead or Work on Teams, Working with Diverse People
3) Build and use your network
4) Practice quick responses
5) Market the benefits for recruiting
6) Action items to consider: For Yourself, For Your Club
2. How far has your bottle gone? – Ask the right questions when reviewing your life’s achievements
再回首,背影已远走。再回首,泪眼朦胧~谁没有梦想,谁又再回首时不唏嘘长叹呢?用尽全力扔出装有梦想的漂流瓶,发现他不过只走了几条街区。是失落还是不甘心?其实,人生不如意事之八九。Ernest Stalr告诉我们要问自己正确的问题,那才是真正的人生成就拷问。
1) How many times did I refuse to quit?
2) How many times did I learn from my mistakes?
3) How many times did I make a comeback?
4) How many times did I let somebody else have all the glory?
5) How many times did I take criticism gracefully?
6) How many times did I make somebody’s day?
About US and How to join?
1. Our TEAM

and YOU, who are intersted in the project.
Please leave your name, your club and which area, division and district below and we will contact you.
2. Our Vision, Mission and Core Value
Vision: Every Toastmasters’ member benefits from Toastmaster Magazine.
Mission: Through our Read and Share Toastmaster Magazine project, let more Toastmaster members in China start to know, read and benefit from Toastmaster Magazine.
Core Value: Explore and Share
“READ and SHARE Toastmaster Magazine”是19-20年度D88大区的LEAD (Leadership Experience for Advanced Development)项目之一。本活动旨在通过阅读和分享头马杂志内容,更加了解头马国际发展、认识全球优秀头马伙伴,学习演讲和领导力,达到更好的个人成长并宣传头马带来的好处。
欢迎关注,一起Read and Share,留下你的Comments吧~
President of Datang Advanced TMC (19.7-19.12)
PRO of D88 Div. H (19.7-20.6)