头马杂志真的很爱用“XXX 101”鸭~~~比如【导读1810】中有“Speech writing 101”的文章,本期又出了“Pathways 101”。辣么,什么又是“101”?稍等,我来查一下。
“In universities, courses are (usually) marked by numbers, i.e., three-digit system to identify the courses. First number corresponds to study year this course should be taken in, followed by 2 (or 3) course IDs. Therefore, most basic course would be 101 then as the first 1 is for the 1st year and 01 is the 1st course.”
Did you get it? “101” always represents a basic beginning course.
言归正传,本期的Theme是“The Link between LISTENING and SPEAKING: making meaning from sound”
一、Message from Lark Doley
八月八日是立秋,早晚可以穿长袖。天气变化,我们也在变化。变成什么样呢?Lark告诉我们“Be the Change You Want to See”。
这个头马年,小伙伴是否注意到了头马的变化:总部从California搬到Colorado;教育系统从CC/CL转到Pathways;大区峰会的次数从一年2次减到1次等等。种种变化的背后是头马更加Focus,聚焦在我们的更加紧密的链接。我们希望大家发掘头马带来的好处,乐于分享头马的ROI(Return on Investment)故事。
在竞选头马全球主席的演讲结尾部分,Lark引用了Mahatma Gandhi的名言“Be the change you want to see in the world”。金姨相信在她任期内的变化是值得拥抱的,并值得记住的。(金姨就要卸任了,不舍。还记得她给我说的话:Leon, I married Toastmasters.)
二、The 2019 Convention Speakers
第88届头马国际峰会将于8月21-24日在Colorado的Denver召开,谁会在国际头马峰会上做主旨演讲呢?我们先一睹为快吧。Their words and wisdom will take Toastmasters to new heights.
Keynote Speaker
1. Phil Hansen, Title: Embrace the Shake: Transforming limitation into opportunities
2. Michael Notaro, DTM (past international president, 2012-2013), Title: The call of the leader
3.Craig Valentine (1999 World Champion of Public Speech), Title: How to present with impact and persuade with ease
4.Lee Rubin, Title: Function at full capacity
5.Ruby Newell-Legner, Title: How to create a peak experience at every meeting
6.Nick Jack Pappas, Title: The magic power of humor
7. Nicholas King, Title: Becoming a thinking mechanic
8. Carol Bausor, Title: Speaking confidently in a new language
除了这些Speaker之外,头马全球峰会还有一个重要奖项,就是“Golden Gavel Award”。今年的奖将要颁给了一位中国人,蒋甲(Jia Jiang),他是畅销书《碰壁一百天》的作者,也是“Rejection Therapy”的倡导者。你有过被拒绝的经历吗?你是否也能从拒绝中找到成功的催化剂?来听听Jia的演讲吧。
【小知识】Toastmasters’ most prestigious award is the Golden Gavel. It has been given annually since 1959 to an individual distinguished in the fields of communication and leadership.
三、Public Speaking
1. 3 Steps to Comedic Confidence
有没有可能来一场“Open Mic”活动呢?这需要你有更多的勇气和自信。Nick Jack Pappas(国际峰会有他的keynote speech哟)告诉你三个小秘密:Find the right open mic;Be ready to bomb;Set the stage for improvement。如果能像喜剧演员一样自信,Joke Master自然不在话下了。
2. The link between LISTENING and SPEAKING*
非常喜欢作者Julian Treasure的副标题“Communication is a spinning circle, where the way I speak affects the way you listen, and the way you listen affects the way I speak.”是呀!就连头马也说public speaking,而不怎么提public listening,难道listening就真的不重要或者已经十分完美了吗?Julian告诉你几个真相:
a) Listening is a SKILL, different from hearing.
b) You listen through FILTERs.
c) Everyone’s listening is UNIQUE.
d) You can change your REALITY.
e) You always speak “Into a Listening”.
所以,什么是Listening?Julian说“I define listening as making meaning from sound”。为什么人和人的listening不一样,因为我们有不同的filter吧。好文章,值得一读。
3. 5 Ways to Reach Your Audience with a Better Phrase
什么是一个好演讲的基石?自然是词汇和短语。D82大区的PRM Thomas T. Abraham分享了如何成为一个无畏的词语达人的方法,快来看看吧。
a) Favor exactitude and specifics, rather than approximations and generalizations.
b) Recognize and treat words as you treat people.
c) Metaphors and famous names offer high-density communication packages.
d) Elevate the writing to the flab-free, six-pack state.
e) Avoid the expected; instead, innvate.
4. The CAMERA never lies
不能同意Jesse Scinto, DTM的话更多了,“A video recording will tell you what your friends won’t”。在准备Video的时候或电视采访的时候,应该注意什么呢?Frist Impression/ Rehearsing for Video/ Mirror, Mirror…/ Using Videoin Toastmasters/ Honest Feedback.
5. Making the Most of Evaluations*
评估是头马的核心之一,如何有效评估?Megan Preston Meyer指出了两点非常关键。一是It is a conversation, not a monologue。会前,会中和会后让评估更加立体。二是Know your audiences。应该注意,你的评估“should be full of universal feedback, backed up by specific examples from the speaker’s speech”。非常好的关于评估的小文章,强烈推荐,
6. Use the Stage as a Visual Aid
什么?Stage是一种Visual Aid?对的,你没看错。来看看Bill Brown, DTM的见解吧。Bill推荐了三种方法来有效提高舞台的利用效果。
a) Reenact a personal or illustration
b) Incorporate the image of a continuum, or scale
c) Use your creativity
四、Pathways 101
2020年6月30日,记住这个时间节点吧。从这以后,再无旧教育系统了。如果你还不了解Pathways的话,就来看看这篇Pathways 101课程吧。
1. 为什么要Pathways?答:头马需要教育现代化、多样化、资源共享化和更多的可以应用于实际生活和工作的projects。
2. Pathways的结构是什么?答:11条paths + 至少14个Projects for each Path+ 5 Levels + Evaluations + Translations
3. 5个Level是什么?答:
Level 1:Mastering Fundamentals
Level 2:Learning Your Style
Level 3:Increasing Knowledge
Level 4:Building Skills
Level 5:Demonstrating Expertise
Pathways is designed to keep club meetings at the center of your Toastmasters experience。其他问题可以翻看杂志哟。
五、会员故事 - How to benefit from CHANGE
1992年头马世界演讲冠军Dana Lamon, DTM, AS说“Branching out can be scary, but that’s where new growth happens”。无变化,无成长。如何在变化中最大化你的收益,这取决于你的六个能力。他们是:Attitude/ Desire/ Vision/ In-nergy/ Control/ Excellence.
记住了吗?这是DTM, AS送给大家的ADVICE。
“READ and SHARE Toastmaster Magazine”是19-20年度D88大区的LEAD (Leadership Experience for Advanced Development)项目之一。本活动旨在通过阅读和分享头马杂志内容,更加了解头马国际发展、认识全球优秀头马伙伴,学习演讲和领导力,达到更好的个人成长并宣传头马带来的好处。
欢迎关注,一起Read and Share,留下你的Comments吧~
President of Datang Advanced TMC (19.7-19.12)
PRO of D88 Div. H (19.7-20.6)