Oh, I'm in the clubhouse turn.
Oh, god damn it.
You want...you want a beer or something?
Let's just fuck.
Say that again.
Let's just fuck.
I don't make it a habit to sleep with my authors.
Too bad for them. So this is the week, huh? Your people break out the marketing plan for my book.
We're gonna make you into a best seller.
Yeah. I could do all the morning shows.
And you will.
I'm in the clubhouse turn 简直爽翻了
make it a habit to do 没有这样的习惯
break out 推广
Hey, Axe.
Scrumpet? You ever eat these? My parents own a deli in Kew Gardens. We used to sell them.
You grew up in Queens?
We moved there when I was 9, from Korea.
Oh, you speak the language?
Good to know. You worked in that deli?
Every morning, every afternoon, and I did the books on the weekends.
And then Stanford.
American dream.
Here's something they didn't teach you at Stanford, Ben. Whenever you can, put a company in your mouth. What do you think?
Not as good as I remember.
And that's a problem, cause I own a hell of a lot of these fucking things and I'm about to own more.
Deli n. (出售干酪、冷盘肉等的) 熟食店(常来自国外) delicatessen的简称
Yeah, Jack. What time is it? Okay. Well, that's crazy. Okay. Shit. Really? Fuck. Yeah, all right. Well, thanks for the heads up. Son of a bitch.
That was a courtesy call from an agent friend of mine working with the Eastern District.
Last night, they arrested this hedge fund guy in Greenwich on securities and wire fraud.
Get to the part I'm gonna hate.
The guy works for Decker. He's gonna flip on him to save his own ass.
Son of a bitch. What time is it?
flip on sb 背叛某人
save one’s ass 救某人的命 帮了某人大忙 还可以表示帮某人擦屁股,帮某人收拾烂摊子
Take it easy there, fella. Excuse me, sir.
You didn't clean up after your dog.
Yeah, I forgot the bag today.
Oh, I don't think so
because, you know, it's not just the statutory law, it's the law of civility, man. And I've seen you before. You come out of that building, your dog craps, and you just leave it where it falls.
Why don't you mind your business?
This is my business.
Oh, you're that guy.
I am that guy.
All right, well, do you have an extra bag?
No, no. See, I used mine.
Well, I'll get it next time.
No, I think you need to get it this time.
Why don't you let it slide?
"Let it slide."
That sounds simple, easy. Sure, let it slide. That's just some dog shit. But those are three devious little words. You know, if...if I let your dog shit slide, then I have to be okay with this whole plaza filling up with it, which it would before we know it. Oh, then it would be on our pant legs and our shoes, and we would track it into our homes, and then our homes would smell like shit, too.
It'd be easy to let it slide. You know, why don't we... why don't we let petty larceny slide, too? Some kids steal five bucks from a newsstand? Who cares? Well, maybe next time he decides to steal your TV or break into your brownstone and steal your fucking wife. But what difference does it make? Because by then, we're all living in shit anyway.
Come on, man. I don't have a bag.
You have hands
Use your hands.
Come on, man. Come on, buddy.
There we go. Thattaboy. That's the spirit.
Eastern's moved on Decker. They pinched one of his guys. Looks like he's cooperating.
He's gonna flip on Decker? Are you fucking kidding me?
We -- Goddamn it. Hold on. Hold on.
Sir, there's still some over here.
That's not Bobo's, man.
-It is now.
Fuck. Really?
Well, if they have Decker... ...then they have Axelrod, and we don't.
We know where this came from.
It's fucking Spyros.
Yeah, you know, while we're chasing down Birch, that glory hound gets Eastern to look into Decker.
Hold on just a second.
Sir? Thank you for doing your civic duty. Feels good, doesn't it? Okay.
Statutory adj. 法定的; 依法必须执行的;
Devious adj. 不诚实的; 不直率的; 欺诈的; 迂回的(路线); 曲折的(道路);
pant legs 裤脚
Newsstand n. 售报处;报刊亭
civic duty 公民义务
Brownstone a house with its front built of a reddish-brown stone, especially common in New York City 如下图
petty larceny 轻盗窃罪; 窃案; 轻微窃盗罪 小偷小摸
Larceny n. 盗窃罪; 偷盗; 盗窃;
与theft的区别 两者均有“盗窃罪”的含义larceny (也称为larceny by trick)指盗窃他人动产,原属于普通法上的犯罪,多为重罪(felony) theft的含义较广,其指未经同意而窃走他人财产或服务的犯罪,包括原先普通法上被视为不同犯罪的多种偷窃罪,SP “贪污,“诈骗他人财产”以及“盗窃”;在美国,larceny 均被视为是 theft 的一种,其指“非法窃走他人动产,旨在永久性剥夺所有人的权利”
petty adj. 小的; 琐碎的; 次要的; 小气的; 狭隘的;
They pinched one of his guys 他们抓了一个手下,这里用的pinch表示抓
glory hound 追名逐利的家伙