被封印的文集和月光幻化的书名  The Sealed Antho

被封印的文集和月光幻化的书名  The Sealed Antho

作者: 消失在空气中 | 来源:发表于2020-05-12 07:25 被阅读0次


In ancient times, there was a tribe. People of the tribe lived on the plain and were suffering from the hunger. There was a forest in the distance, and no one paid any attention to it.



The other day, a young man from the tribe came to the forest by chance. He found fruits in the forest, so he went back to the tribe happily and said:

"Come with me, everyone, there are plenty of fruits in the forest!"





But people were so suspicious that no one wanted to move.

The next day he talked about the fruit.

On the third day he mentioned the fruit again.

Still no one was tempted.




On the fourth day he acclaimed in a loud voice:

"Good heavens, I went to the woods and I met a fairy. How amazing! I can't believe it!"

The tribesmen were still suspicious, but the temptation to meet the fairy was too great and they finally followed the man and went to the forest.




From sunrise to sunset, they searched and searched.Where was the fairy?Nobody saw even one.

But when the evening sky was full of rosy clouds, they saw the delicious fruits in the hands of themselves, and they have picked them all the way as they looked for the fairy.

From then on,the grove became their paradise.





So,are there really any fairies in the forest?

Absolutely, I AM the little fairy!

But, during the early days, I was only a little tiny fruit.

I grew in a  forest which was too small to be seen, too far away to be found.I could see the little trees growing inch by inch from the roots. I could see the small fruits growing bit by bit as time went by.




We little green fruits gradually turned red when few people noticed; We little hard fruits gradually turned soft, when few people touched; We little bitter fruits gradually turned sweet, when few people tasted.

The sun rises and the moon sets, once in a night with bright moonlight, I sighed a little.Just at that moment,the Moon Fairy sighed too.

I woke up in the moonlight and found myself shining. I BECAME a fairy.





And when men came to seek me, I sat at my leisure among the branches, and watched them pluck the fruits.

If, on a moonlit night, a visitor looked up and saw me, I would say to him with a smile:

"Hey, the legend is true! I am the little fairy who bears her fruit with her heart."

Then I disappeared in the dark green leaves , leaving only the trees full of fruits in the moonlight.

后来的后来,我把这鲜美芳草 、缤纷落英、馥郁果林封印在一本文集里,把唤醒我的那一夜的月光,幻化成书名:


Later, I put these fragrant grass, colorful fallen petals, juicy fruits together and sealed them in an anthology, then turned the moonlight which woke me up that night into the title:

《Dreamland in reality, reality in dreamland》


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    本文标题:被封印的文集和月光幻化的书名  The Sealed Antho
