第一遍阅读时间:20分 Part One 句法词汇 1. strip n.a relatively long na...
Part One 听讲解(两种逻辑导图剖析) 记笔记 一种从行文思路出发、一种从抽取主要概念出发 哲学思辨散文:不...
Part One 听讲解(典故) 记笔记 1. Crime And Punishment Raskolnikov ...
>> On Self-respect Day15-16:【Classical Allusions & Litera...
>>On Self-Respect Joan Didion Day15 Vocabulary →I wrote ...
1. Phi Beta Kappa The Phi Beta Kappa Society (ΦΒΚ) is the...
1. marvel |ˈmärvəl| verb (marvels, marveling, marveled; c...
Step One 词汇: (1)innocence n.天真,单纯 innocence ends when one...
本文标题:Day 18 精读笔记 - Self-Respect 行文逻辑思