1. Objective-C
Library name | Description |
AFNetworking | 网络请求 |
FMDB | 本地数据库 |
SDWebImage | 图片缓存 |
RESideMenu | 侧滑组件 |
MBProgressHUD | HUD |
Masonry | 自适应布局 |
YTKNetwork | 猿题库封装基于AFNetworking |
REFrostedViewController | 侧滑组件 |
REMenu | 从Nav下拉菜单 |
SCNavigation | A custom navigation for pan gesture pop & maximum customization |
SCPullRefresh | A pull refresh for easily customize refresh animation. |
ZLSwipeableView | 卡片视图 |
CBStoreHouseRefreshControl | pull-to-refresh |
fmpro_R | 音乐播放器 |
MLTransition | iOS7+, pop ViewController with pan gesture from middle or edge of screen. |
KYCuteView | 实现类似QQ消息拖拽消失的交互+GameCenter的浮动小球效果 |
UUChatTableView | Cocoa UI component for group or private chat bubbles with text, images and audio support |
iOS-System-Services | iOS System Services is a class to gather all available information about a device. http://www.shmoopi.net/ |
Mantle | Model层组件 |
SOMessaging | Messaging library for iOS 7.x |
CRToast | CRToast is a library that allows you to easily create notifications that appear on top of or by pushing out the status bar or navigation bar. |
M13BadgeView | A customizable badge for iOS applications. |
RDVTabBarController | Highly customizable tabBar and tabBarController for iOS |
PushMeBaby | iOS Push Notification Debug App |
ZipArchive | zipping and unzipping files on iOS and Mac. |
DynamicBlurView | 动态模糊视图 |
JSQMessagesViewController | messages UI library for iOS |
SWTableViewCell | TableViewCell侧滑 |
MJExtension | JSON to Model Extension |
MJRefresh | 快速集成刷新组件 |
SVProgressHUD | HUD |
CocoaAsyncSocket | Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS TCP & UDP |
MMPlaceHolder | 显示UIView的Size |
EFCircularSlider | 圆形的Slider |
TB_CircularSlider | 圆形的Slider |
SAMultisectorControl | 圆形多滑块控制器 |
ResearchKit | null |
iOS-Slide-Menu | 侧滑 |
ICSDrawerController | 侧滑 |
PPRevealSideViewController | 侧滑 |
JDSideMenu | 侧滑 |
UIAlertView-Blocks | A category for UIAlertView which allows you to use blocks to handle the pressed button events rather than implementing a delegate. |
XLPagerTabStrip | 滑动切换页面 |
PNChart | A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS |
NJKWebViewProgress | 浏览器进度条 |
KLSwitch | An iOS 7 UISwitch clone that works on iOS 5+ |
SCLAlertView | 带动画的AlertView |
DBCamera | DBCamera is a simple custom camera with AVFoundation |
TGCameraViewController | Custom camera with AVFoundation. Beautiful, light and easy to integrate with iOS projects. |
DownloadButton | 仿AppStore下载按钮 |
THPinViewController | 手势锁 |
SCTableViewCell | TableViewCell滑动 |
Kal | 日历 |
MBCalendarKit | 日历 |
MIHCrypto | OpenSSL wrapper for Objective-C [cryptography] |
RSA-objc | RSA加密 |
UzysAssetsPickerController | 图片选择 |
iCarousel | 卡片视图 |
pop | Facebook推出的动画库 |
CocoaLumberjack | 日志框架 |
MMDrawerController | 侧滑 |
AwesomeMenu | 仿Path菜单 |
RWBarChartView | 空气质量用的图表 |
Reachability | 网络检查 |
TSMessages | 消息提示,通知 |
SVWebViewController | Web View Controller |
SSKeychain | keychain使用 |
CXAlertView | Alert View |
FXBlurView | 模糊 |
YYText | 超级文本显示 |
ZFPlayer | 基于AVPlayer,支持横屏、竖屏(全屏播放还可锁定屏幕方向),上下滑动调节音量、屏幕亮度,左右滑动调节播放进度 |
C-41 | 开源项目 |
SCNavTabBarController | Nav切换 |
MZFormSheetController | 弹出controller |
DOPNavbarMenu | 导航栏下拉菜单 |
PSStackedView | iPad横屏三栏 |
WYPopoverController | 浮动弹出popview |
DQKFreezeWindowView | 类似Window Office |
JZNavigationExtension | 全屏手势滑动 |
FDFullscreenPopGesture | 全屏手势滑动 |
MonkeyKing | 社交分享 |
FDStackView | Use UIStackView as if it supports iOS6. |
XLForm | 动态表单 |
iConsole | 在控制台查看日志输出 |
CMPopTipView | 浮动弹出popview |
RxWebViewController | 实现类似微信的webView导航效果,左滑返回上个网页,就像UINavigationController |
ios-charts | Charts |
UDPTrans-OC | 基于UDP协议的数据传输 OC版本 |
JMRoundedCorner | 圆角禁止离屏渲染 |
RRFPSBar | 显示FPS |
UICKeyChainStore | Keychain |
DateTools | Dates and times made easy in Objective-C |
CTAssetsPickerController | 图库选择图片 |
QBPopupMenu | 自定义popup menu |
UAAppReviewManager | 提示用户APP反馈 |
FCCurrentLocationGeocoder | 地理位置转换 |
AFSwipeToHide | 滑动折叠隐藏Nav |
JSBadgeView | Badge View |
TOWebViewController | Web View Controller |
CNPPopupController | Pop弹出Controller,实用 |
PulsingHalo | 雷达搜索波纹效果 |
JMHoledView | 用户指引蒙版层 |
RKNotificationHub | 通知提示数量显示 |
KeychainIDFA | 获取idfa标示当设备唯一识别,并保存到keychain中.基本不变.除非刷机. |
DZNEmptyDataSet | 当数据空时显示的提示信息,实用 |
SwipeView | 卡片滑动视图 |
areapicker | 省市区级联选择器 |
VPImageCropper | 图片选择裁剪 |
RNCachingURLProtocol | Simple offline caching for UIWebView and other NSURLConnection clients |
JTCalendar | 日历控件 |
MMPopupView | 自定义弹出框 |
WLButtonCountingDownDemo | 倒计时按钮 |
2. Swift
Library name | Description |
Timepiece | NSDate扩展 |
Alamofire | 网络请求 |
AMScrollingNavbar | Scrollable UINavigationBar that follows the scrolling of a UIScrollView |
SwiftyJSON | SwiftyJSON makes it easy to deal with JSON data in Swift. |
SnapKit | Swift版本的Masonry |
TKSubmitTransition | 带动画的提交按钮UIButton |
LiquidFloatingActionButton | 有趣的菜单按钮 |
LiquidLoader | 液体动画 |
Nuke | 图片加载、预处理、缓存 |
XXYAudioEngine | 基于NSURLSession和AVAudioPlayer封装的一个播放在线音乐的工具,可以把音乐下载至本地,支持清除缓存 |
Blurable | 模糊 |
mobileplayer-ios | A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS. |
SimpleMemo | Swift APP源码 |
Swift-Radio-Pro | 音乐播放器 |
UIViewXXYBoom | 好玩的爆炸效果 |
Reachability.swift | 网络检测 |
iBBS-Swift | 开源项目 |
SKPhotoBrowser | 图片预览 |
PeekAndPopSimulator | 3D Touch Pop |
recordDemo | 录音Demo |
Instructions | 用户引导 |
DGElasticPullToRefresh | 很酷的下拉刷新动画 |
SweetAlert-iOS | 自定义AlertView |
animated-tab-bar | 会动的tabbar |
PNChart-Swift | 图表 |
Cartography | 布局 |
ImageViewer | 类似于Twitter的图片预览 |
PullToMakeSoup | 下拉动画 |
GearRefreshControl | 下拉动画 |
ElasticTransition | 视图滑动弹的动画,很炫 |
KMNavigationBarTransition | Navigation Bar Transition |
ESTMusicIndicator | 网易云音乐中的音乐播放指示器 |
PromiseKit | null |
Kingfisher | 网络图片下载缓存 |
DrawerController | 侧滑 |
AlamofireObjectMapper | An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using ObjectMapper |
ObjectMapper | Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift |
KVOController | KVO |
V2ex-Swift | 开源项目 |
WaveLoadingView | 水波效果,很炫 |
TransitionTreasury | 转场动画 |
KeychainSwiftAPI | Keychain |
ReplaceAnimation | 下拉刷新动画,很炫 |
UDPTrans-Swift | 基于UDP协议的数据传输 Swift版本 |
SubtleVolume | 替换系统音量样式 |
BetterSegmentedControl | An easy to use, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl & UISwitch. |
PinterestAnimator | 动画 transition animation |
YAScrollSegmentControl | scrolling segment control 分段滑动控制 |
WebViewJavascriptBridge | An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript in UIWebViews/WebViews |
DynamicButton | 动画按钮 |
Spring | 动画库 |