

作者: softgoto | 来源:发表于2016-12-01 17:59 被阅读0次
1. Objective-C
Library name Description
AFNetworking 网络请求
FMDB 本地数据库
SDWebImage 图片缓存
RESideMenu 侧滑组件
Masonry 自适应布局
YTKNetwork 猿题库封装基于AFNetworking
REFrostedViewController 侧滑组件
REMenu 从Nav下拉菜单
SCNavigation A custom navigation for pan gesture pop & maximum customization
SCPullRefresh A pull refresh for easily customize refresh animation.
ZLSwipeableView 卡片视图
CBStoreHouseRefreshControl pull-to-refresh
fmpro_R 音乐播放器
MLTransition iOS7+, pop ViewController with pan gesture from middle or edge of screen.
KYCuteView 实现类似QQ消息拖拽消失的交互+GameCenter的浮动小球效果
UUChatTableView Cocoa UI component for group or private chat bubbles with text, images and audio support
iOS-System-Services iOS System Services is a class to gather all available information about a device. http://www.shmoopi.net/
Mantle Model层组件
SOMessaging Messaging library for iOS 7.x
CRToast CRToast is a library that allows you to easily create notifications that appear on top of or by pushing out the status bar or navigation bar.
M13BadgeView A customizable badge for iOS applications.
RDVTabBarController Highly customizable tabBar and tabBarController for iOS
PushMeBaby iOS Push Notification Debug App
ZipArchive zipping and unzipping files on iOS and Mac.
DynamicBlurView 动态模糊视图
JSQMessagesViewController messages UI library for iOS
SWTableViewCell TableViewCell侧滑
MJExtension JSON to Model Extension
MJRefresh 快速集成刷新组件
CocoaAsyncSocket Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS TCP & UDP
MMPlaceHolder 显示UIView的Size
EFCircularSlider 圆形的Slider
TB_CircularSlider 圆形的Slider
SAMultisectorControl 圆形多滑块控制器
ResearchKit null
iOS-Slide-Menu 侧滑
ICSDrawerController 侧滑
PPRevealSideViewController 侧滑
JDSideMenu 侧滑
UIAlertView-Blocks A category for UIAlertView which allows you to use blocks to handle the pressed button events rather than implementing a delegate.
XLPagerTabStrip 滑动切换页面
PNChart A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS
NJKWebViewProgress 浏览器进度条
KLSwitch An iOS 7 UISwitch clone that works on iOS 5+
SCLAlertView 带动画的AlertView
DBCamera DBCamera is a simple custom camera with AVFoundation
TGCameraViewController Custom camera with AVFoundation. Beautiful, light and easy to integrate with iOS projects.
DownloadButton 仿AppStore下载按钮
THPinViewController 手势锁
SCTableViewCell TableViewCell滑动
Kal 日历
MBCalendarKit 日历
MIHCrypto OpenSSL wrapper for Objective-C [cryptography]
RSA-objc RSA加密
UzysAssetsPickerController 图片选择
iCarousel 卡片视图
pop Facebook推出的动画库
CocoaLumberjack 日志框架
MMDrawerController 侧滑
AwesomeMenu 仿Path菜单
RWBarChartView 空气质量用的图表
Reachability 网络检查
TSMessages 消息提示,通知
SVWebViewController Web View Controller
SSKeychain keychain使用
CXAlertView Alert View
FXBlurView 模糊
YYText 超级文本显示
ZFPlayer 基于AVPlayer,支持横屏、竖屏(全屏播放还可锁定屏幕方向),上下滑动调节音量、屏幕亮度,左右滑动调节播放进度
C-41 开源项目
SCNavTabBarController Nav切换
MZFormSheetController 弹出controller
DOPNavbarMenu 导航栏下拉菜单
PSStackedView iPad横屏三栏
WYPopoverController 浮动弹出popview
DQKFreezeWindowView 类似Window Office
JZNavigationExtension 全屏手势滑动
FDFullscreenPopGesture 全屏手势滑动
MonkeyKing 社交分享
FDStackView Use UIStackView as if it supports iOS6.
XLForm 动态表单
iConsole 在控制台查看日志输出
CMPopTipView 浮动弹出popview
RxWebViewController 实现类似微信的webView导航效果,左滑返回上个网页,就像UINavigationController
ios-charts Charts
UDPTrans-OC 基于UDP协议的数据传输 OC版本
JMRoundedCorner 圆角禁止离屏渲染
UICKeyChainStore Keychain
DateTools Dates and times made easy in Objective-C
CTAssetsPickerController 图库选择图片
QBPopupMenu 自定义popup menu
UAAppReviewManager 提示用户APP反馈
FCCurrentLocationGeocoder 地理位置转换
AFSwipeToHide 滑动折叠隐藏Nav
JSBadgeView Badge View
TOWebViewController Web View Controller
CNPPopupController Pop弹出Controller,实用
PulsingHalo 雷达搜索波纹效果
JMHoledView 用户指引蒙版层
RKNotificationHub 通知提示数量显示
KeychainIDFA 获取idfa标示当设备唯一识别,并保存到keychain中.基本不变.除非刷机.
DZNEmptyDataSet 当数据空时显示的提示信息,实用
SwipeView 卡片滑动视图
areapicker 省市区级联选择器
VPImageCropper 图片选择裁剪
RNCachingURLProtocol Simple offline caching for UIWebView and other NSURLConnection clients
JTCalendar 日历控件
MMPopupView 自定义弹出框
WLButtonCountingDownDemo 倒计时按钮
2. Swift
Library name Description
Timepiece NSDate扩展
Alamofire 网络请求
AMScrollingNavbar Scrollable UINavigationBar that follows the scrolling of a UIScrollView
SwiftyJSON SwiftyJSON makes it easy to deal with JSON data in Swift.
SnapKit Swift版本的Masonry
TKSubmitTransition 带动画的提交按钮UIButton
LiquidFloatingActionButton 有趣的菜单按钮
LiquidLoader 液体动画
Nuke 图片加载、预处理、缓存
XXYAudioEngine 基于NSURLSession和AVAudioPlayer封装的一个播放在线音乐的工具,可以把音乐下载至本地,支持清除缓存
Blurable 模糊
mobileplayer-ios A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS.
SimpleMemo Swift APP源码
Swift-Radio-Pro 音乐播放器
UIViewXXYBoom 好玩的爆炸效果
Reachability.swift 网络检测
iBBS-Swift 开源项目
SKPhotoBrowser 图片预览
PeekAndPopSimulator 3D Touch Pop
recordDemo 录音Demo
Instructions 用户引导
DGElasticPullToRefresh 很酷的下拉刷新动画
SweetAlert-iOS 自定义AlertView
animated-tab-bar 会动的tabbar
PNChart-Swift 图表
Cartography 布局
ImageViewer 类似于Twitter的图片预览
PullToMakeSoup 下拉动画
GearRefreshControl 下拉动画
ElasticTransition 视图滑动弹的动画,很炫
KMNavigationBarTransition Navigation Bar Transition
ESTMusicIndicator 网易云音乐中的音乐播放指示器
PromiseKit null
Kingfisher 网络图片下载缓存
DrawerController 侧滑
AlamofireObjectMapper An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using ObjectMapper
ObjectMapper Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift
KVOController KVO
V2ex-Swift 开源项目
WaveLoadingView 水波效果,很炫
TransitionTreasury 转场动画
KeychainSwiftAPI Keychain
ReplaceAnimation 下拉刷新动画,很炫
UDPTrans-Swift 基于UDP协议的数据传输 Swift版本
SubtleVolume 替换系统音量样式
BetterSegmentedControl An easy to use, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl & UISwitch.
PinterestAnimator 动画 transition animation
YAScrollSegmentControl scrolling segment control 分段滑动控制
WebViewJavascriptBridge An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript in UIWebViews/WebViews
DynamicButton 动画按钮
Spring 动画库



