词块学习 day 59

作者: 不是香蕉鱼 | 来源:发表于2021-12-07 15:15 被阅读0次

    1.binge on sth大吃大喝;狂欢作乐

    When she's down and depressed, she binges on snacks.她心情不好的时候就会狂吃零食。

    go on a binge饮酒作乐

    2.a congenial friend一个志趣相投的朋友

    It's quite difficult to find a friend in a congenial temper.找到一个志趣相投的朋友不容易。

    a congenial working environment宜人的工作环境

    be congenial to sth适合的;适当的suitable;proper

    3.impudent and insulting language侮辱性的语言

    a warped mind扭曲的心灵

    4.He is subservient and servile.恭敬顺从、卑躬屈膝

    in a ruminative mood陷入沉思thoughtful, pensive

    sink into deep melancholia陷入沉思

    5.find/seek solace in sth在……找到慰藉 find comfort in sth;consolation; relief

    Books are the avid reader's solace书籍是这位书迷的唯一慰藉。

    I seek my solace in writing diaries.我在写日记中找寻精神慰藉。



        本文标题:词块学习 day 59
