Diary 2

作者: 柳絮飘飞夏已至 | 来源:发表于2017-10-16 23:15 被阅读13次
Diary 2

I’ll say I must be getting along.

“I don’t know about you but...”

“ know better than you.”

“ so you explain it to me carefully?”

“ I know my own mind.”

I’ve only a few days for exam, so I’d better make the most of it.

“You do make a difference in my life.”

We’ve seen the advantages and now we’re trying to get in on the act.

My old phone is done for. And I’ve make up for it.

It’s  hard to say what you like.

But if need be, please don’t turn me away.

“Think it over, and let me know what you decide.”

I hope to think on my feet.

“ please feel free.”

“I couldn’t say.”

“ you do have it correctly in your mind, don’t you?”

“Don’t ask me. How should I know?”

“You do know exam backwards.”

This opportunity turned up at just the right time for me.

“ I think you’re making a serious mistake.”

“ I have to say. Make sure of your facts.”

“I just make up for lost time.”


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