独家采访狗狗币核心开发团队关于创始人Jackson Palmer

独家采访狗狗币核心开发团队关于创始人Jackson Palmer

作者: 甄视康视力防控 | 来源:发表于2019-03-08 21:15 被阅读0次

狗狗币Dogecoin核心开发团队成员在7月24日接受了以太经典ETC公众号的采访,Roy(狗叔UncleDoge)作为采访人对团队开发组长Max Keller进行了采访,这是国内媒体首次采访狗狗币核心开发团队,



Hi Max, very proud of being the first medium to have an interview with you. can you give an introduction of yourself and other members of Dogecoin core developers? 

Max:首先,我很抱歉这么久才回复你,上个星期太忙了。下面是我对你问题的回答。我的名字是Max Keller(马克斯·凯勒),今年28岁,来自德国。白天的时候我是一家大型公司的安卓工程师,同时在我闲暇的时候,我会做其它各种各样的项目,其中一个就是狗狗币。自狗狗币诞生伊始,也就是 2013年12月中旬,我就加入了狗狗币社区。目前,狗狗币的核心开发团队由3个以上的开发者组成,他们和我一样是志愿者。我们组织形式很松散,而且在社区主要活跃的的地方(狗狗币社区主要活跃的地方是Reddit)进行沟通和交流。这种方式使得我们的工作显得更开放和透明。

My name is Max Keller, I’m 28 years old and from Germany. I’m working as an Android engineer for a large company during the day and work on various projects in my free time, one of them being Dogecoin. I have been involved in Dogecoin since mid-december 2013, so just after Dogecoin’s launch. The Dogecoin Core Developer team currently consists of three more developers, all volunteers as myself. We’re loosely organized and mostly communicate using the same places the community can use so we try to be fairly open and transparent about our work. 


What are the current development jobs for the dogecoin? 

Max:目前,我们仍然在完成(核心钱包)1.14版本发布的过程中。遗憾的是,我们遇到了一些绊脚石,特别是在Mac操作系统版本的狗狗币核心钱包。同时,未来1.15和1.16版本也开始着手开发了。在核心团队之外,我也加入了狗狗币-以太坊桥接项目(Dogecoin-Ethereum bridge)。 

We are currently still in the process of finishing the 1.14 release. Sadly we had a few roadblocks especially with the Mac OS version of the Dogecoin Core wallet which are being worked on though. In parallel future versions like 1.15 and 1.16 are worked on. Outside of the Core team there is still work being done on the Dogecoin-Ethereum bridge project. 


Does Dogecoin have a full technical roadmap? Or just follow the Bitcoin technology stacks? 


Dogecoin Core has always been focused on providing a stable basis for the network. We follow the ideal that having a stable foundation for a coin is of utmost importance. This is why we have always been reluctant to just tack on any feature that is currently deemed innovative. We’ve been pushing for innovation to happen on top of the stable basis, not intertwined with it. Looking at the current state of the cryptocurrency space you will almost daily see a coins struggle with the largely untested and unproven technologies they implement. 


We know Dogecoin core developers are the part time team, is there any plan to build a full time team? 


We don’t currently see a possibility for us to handle the administrative workload required to build a full-time team, so no. 

Roy:杰克逊·帕尔默(狗狗币的创始人)在团队和社区中的扮演什么角色? 他回归了吗? 

What is the specific role of Jackson Palmer in the team or in the community ? Is he back to the community? 


Jackson has been in and out of the space a few times, and in and out of the community just the same. For a while now he has not been an active member of the Core team. We talk from time to time and chat about Dogecoin and the cryptocurrency space in general and we take his advice into account when working on things, but that is about the extent of his current involvement. 


What is Development of Dogecoin Foundation? Is it still alive? 


To my knowledge there is currently no active Dogecoin Foundation in that sense. 


What are the most necessary resources Dogecoin need? Do you think it is necessary to create a fund to support the development? 

Max:我们已经有一个发展基金了,我想,时间是我们最紧缺的资源  考虑到所有团队成员有他们自己正职工作和生活,有些时候,真的很难找到平衡点。 

A development fund already exists. I think the most needed resource for us would be time  Given all of the team members have day jobs and a life apart from development it’s hard to find the right balance here sometimes. 

Roy:你认为狗狗币在加密世界的角色是什么? 是什么因素让狗狗币在这个竞争异常激烈的加密货币世界中如此不同? 

What do you think about the role of Dogecoin in crypto world? What make Dogecoin special in this seriously competitive environment? 

Max:我认为这可能是狗狗币不会刻意去变得具有竞争性的原因所在;) 我们一直都是一个非常注重货币本身的社区,而不太强调竞争。通过查看统计数据,你就会发现按照日常交易数据和其他的因素,狗狗币仍然是最好的加密货币之一。我想,当你看到这里,它已经说明了,相比之下,它是多么不需要变得具有“竞争力”。我明白在大量其他货币的流入下,现在的加密货币世界比2013年的时候要严酷地多,但我们很自豪我们今天仍然能够跻身于顶尖加密货币的行列。即使它只是作为一个玩笑而被创造出来。

I guess the fact that Dogecoin does not try super hard to be competitive  We have always been a very community focused coin which put much less emphasis on competition. If you check statistics, Dogecoin is still one of the top currencies in terms of daily transactions and other factors. I think it speaks for itself when you see this compared to how little we had to be “competitive”. I know the current space is much harsher than it was back in 2013 given the huge influx of other coins, but I’m proud that we can be a part of the top currencies still to this day. Even after being created as a joke. 


We know Dogecoin had a tipping application named dogetipbot in Reddit, but is dead now. Do you still think Dogecoin is a tipping coin? What is the best application scenario for the Dogecoin? 


是的,在现在的各种各种的社区里小费打赏仍然是最受欢迎的事情,但是考虑到狗狗币的高速交易和交易吞吐量,进入低门槛和容易操作,我认为狗狗币在网上购物、贸易、尤其是购买数字产品等许多其他场景中,狗狗币也是大有用处的。我自己也在不同的地方使用狗狗币来购买真实世界的物品  

Yes, sadly dogetipbot’s history ended badly. But the community was able to quickly build a new reddit tip bot only shortly after dogetipbot went down. This again speaks for the power of the community. And yes, tipping is still to this day one of the favorite things in the various communities. But given Dogecoin’s high speed and high transaction capability, low barrier of entry and easy handling I think Dogecoin can also be very useful in many other scenarios like online shopping, trading and especially buying of digital goods. I myself use Dogecoin in various places to buy real world articles too  


There is a big community for the Dogecoin in China. Most of them have a faith in Dogecoin. What’s your suggestion for the Chinese Shibes or investors? 


I feel that gaining better adoption of Dogecoin by users and e.g. online shops we can show the world that Dogecoin has legitimate uses and is far more than just a meme currency. As you may know only recently FastTech, a large online store based in China, has started accepting Dogecoin among other currencies. I have seen many people already order there using Dogecoin, including myself. I think adoption like this can help grow the market much better than artificial market movements that we see in so many other cryptocurrencies, So I’d say promoting adoption is the best we call can do. 


Do you have any plan to do some projects related to cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology in the future? 


I don’t really plan my side projects. I didn’t plan to get into crypto either. But if an interesting opportunity comes up, and time permits it, I’m open to many things. 


What is your perspective for cryptocurrency in the future? How cryptocurrency and Blockchain change our world? Do they make a better world for the human being? 


I feel like it’s important to distinguish here between the underlying blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, which are built on top of that technology. Blockchain tech itself is still in very early stages and I think it can do much more than just host cryptocurrencies. But somehow it seems to me like we haven’t found the “killer usecase” for it yet. I welcome the experimentation that goes on in the space and think cryptocurrencies will be with us for a long time, in one form or another. 


We know there is a tight regulation for cryptocurrency in China. This makes the cryptocurrencies adoption difficult in China including Dogecoin. How cryptocurrencies fit for the regulation in the future? 


This is pretty tough to answer as regulations are so fundamentally different in different places. I think we need to educate regulators about how blockchain and cryptocurrencies work and can help us so they better understand what the are trying to regulate. I also think that a certain amount of regulation is required in a space that is currently still experiencing major losses seemingly every few months due to various different issues. Yet, we need to make sure that regulation and innovation can co-exist, but that is a very thin line which sadly some regulations have already crossed. In the end, a middle ground will hopefully be found that promotes innovation on one hand, but also helps protecting users on the other hand. 


How Dogecoin and cryptocurrency change your life? 


I think the best thing out of all this was the opportunity to meet so many different people throughout the time I have been part of the community. I found some new friends and had lots of great discussions about topics in and out of the crypto space. Obviously there were hard times too and tough decisions had to be made but I see the positive side of that too. I was able to learn a few lessons that have been useful since in my day to day life and job. Overall it’s been a great time. 

Roy:你和其他团队的成员有没有可能来访中国,来给中国社区做个演讲? 如果这样,我们可以协助这趟行程。 

Is it possible for you and other members of team to visit China, have a speech to Chinese community? If so , we can help with this trip. 


I can only speak for myself and as much as I’d like to visit China it is currently not possible for me to fit this into my work schedule. But if I ever have the ability to spend some time in China I will surely let you know! 




      本文标题:独家采访狗狗币核心开发团队关于创始人Jackson Palmer
