- 数据驱动(数据改变 -> Diff算法 -> update界面)
- 可重复单元和组件的更好体系结构
- 解耦的差异算法
- 可以为数据模型自定义差异算法
- 可扩展的API
- IGListAdapterUpdater : 是一个实现了IGListUpdatingDelegate协议的对象,负责处理row和section的刷新。
- Controller : Adapter和Controller互相持有的同时,也负责管理着SectionController。
- WorkingRange : 可以为不可见范围的section准备内容。
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInCollectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView {
return self.sectionMap.objects.count;
- (NSInteger)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView numberOfItemsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
IGListSectionController * sectionController = [self sectionControllerForSection:section];
IGAssert(sectionController != nil, @"Nil section controller for section %zi for item %@. Check your -diffIdentifier and -isEqual: implementations.",
section, [self.sectionMap objectForSection:section]);
const NSInteger numberOfItems = [sectionController numberOfItems];
IGAssert(numberOfItems >= 0, @"Cannot return negative number of items %zi for section controller %@.", numberOfItems, sectionController);
return numberOfItems;
- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
IGListSectionController *sectionController = [self sectionControllerForSection:indexPath.section];
// flag that a cell is being dequeued in case it tries to access a cell in the process
_isDequeuingCell = YES;
UICollectionViewCell *cell = [sectionController cellForItemAtIndex:indexPath.item];
_isDequeuingCell = NO;
IGAssert(cell != nil, @"Returned a nil cell at indexPath <%@> from section controller: <%@>", indexPath, sectionController);
// associate the section controller with the cell so that we know which section controller is using it
[self mapView:cell toSectionController:sectionController];
return cell;
- (UICollectionReusableView *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind:(NSString *)kind atIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
IGListSectionController *sectionController = [self sectionControllerForSection:indexPath.section];
id <IGListSupplementaryViewSource> supplementarySource = [sectionController supplementaryViewSource];
UICollectionReusableView *view = [supplementarySource viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind:kind atIndex:indexPath.item];
IGAssert(view != nil, @"Returned a nil supplementary view at indexPath <%@> from section controller: <%@>, supplementary source: <%@>", indexPath, sectionController, supplementarySource);
// associate the section controller with the cell so that we know which section controller is using it
[self mapView:view toSectionController:sectionController];
return view;
- (nullable IGListSectionController *)sectionControllerForSection:(NSInteger)section {
return [self.sectionMap sectionControllerForSection:section];
- (NSInteger)sectionForSectionController:(IGListSectionController *)sectionController {
IGParameterAssert(sectionController != nil);
return [self.sectionMap sectionForSectionController:sectionController];
- (IGListSectionController *)sectionControllerForObject:(id)object {
IGParameterAssert(object != nil);
return [self.sectionMap sectionControllerForObject:object];
- (id)objectForSectionController:(IGListSectionController *)sectionController {
IGParameterAssert(sectionController != nil);
const NSInteger section = [self.sectionMap sectionForSectionController:sectionController];
return [self.sectionMap objectForSection:section];
@interface IGListSectionMap : NSObject <NSCopying>
- (instancetype)initWithMapTable:(NSMapTable *)mapTable NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
The objects stored in the map.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSArray *objects;
Update the map with objects and the section controller counterparts.
@param objects The objects in the collection.
@param sectionControllers The section controllers that map to each object.
- (void)updateWithObjects:(NSArray <id <NSObject>> *)objects sectionControllers:(NSArray <IGListSectionController *> *)sectionControllers;
Fetch a section controller given a section.
@param section The section index of the section controller.
@return A section controller.
- (nullable IGListSectionController *)sectionControllerForSection:(NSInteger)section;
Fetch the object for a section
@param section The section index of the object.
@return The object corresponding to the section.
- (nullable id)objectForSection:(NSInteger)section;
Fetch a section controller given an object. Can return nil.
@param object The object that maps to a section controller.
@return A section controller.
- (nullable id)sectionControllerForObject:(id)object;
Look up the section index for a section controller.
@param sectionController The list to look up.
@return The section index of the given section controller if it exists, NSNotFound otherwise.
- (NSInteger)sectionForSectionController:(id)sectionController;
Look up the section index for an object.
@param object The object to look up.
@return The section index of the given object if it exists, NSNotFound otherwise.
- (NSInteger)sectionForObject:(id)object;
@interface IGListSectionMap ()
// both of these maps allow fast lookups of objects, list objects, and indexes
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSMapTable<id, IGListSectionController *> *objectToSectionControllerMap;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSMapTable<IGListSectionController *, NSNumber *> *sectionControllerToSectionMap;
@property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSMutableArray *mObjects;
- (void)updateWithObjects:(NSArray *)objects sectionControllers:(NSArray *)sectionControllers {
IGParameterAssert(objects.count == sectionControllers.count);
[self reset];
self.mObjects = [objects mutableCopy];
id firstObject = objects.firstObject;
id lastObject = objects.lastObject;
[objects enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id object, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
IGListSectionController *sectionController = sectionControllers[idx];
// set the index of the list for easy reverse lookup
[self.sectionControllerToSectionMap setObject:@(idx) forKey:sectionController];
[self.objectToSectionControllerMap setObject:sectionController forKey:object];
sectionController.isFirstSection = (object == firstObject);
sectionController.isLastSection = (object == lastObject);
sectionController.section = (NSInteger)idx;