自译:It was the first year when I entered the Peking women's Normal University, my chinese teacher spoke to us: " Now you are college students, you can choose the title for your artical and hand in at least seven or eight articles in every semester. The more, the better in case of every every article should be at your best and perfunctory is not allowed.
张培基译:At the beginning of my first year at Peking women's Normal University,our teacher of chinese said to the class, " Now that you're university students, you may write on any subject of your own choice. You must each hand in for each semester at least seven or eight compositions, The more, the better. But, mind you, each composition should be well written, not slipshod.
1. “女师大”属于专有名词,指当时的“北京女子师范大学”,译为Peking women's Normal University
2. Peking women's Normal University已经为特指,前面不加The
3. “国文老师”为“teacher of Chinese”, 而不是“my chinese teacher”,意为中国国籍的老师
6. 翻译是语义对应,而不是字字对应的死译,所以原文中的“但是有个条件”译为“But, mind you”更符合原意
7. 原文中“篇篇都要好文章,不可敷衍”译为“each composition should be well written, not slipshod”更加简洁,不拖沓
adj. 潦草的;穿著不整洁的;穿著踏跟鞋的
英文释义: marked by great carelessness