流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 3·Unit 3

流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 3·Unit 3

作者: 羲之大鹅video | 来源:发表于2020-05-20 11:18 被阅读0次

    Life & Conditions 2

    In modern times we humans face changing conditions.

    For humans to live, we need clean air and clean water.

    Pollution is now a growing problem around the world.

    Pollution poisons the air and water that we depend on.

    Polluted air makes people sick and afraid to go outside. 

    Polluted water poisons our food supply.

    As a result, we never know which foods are safe to eat.

    Human beings cannot live in a poisoned environment.

    Therefore, pollution is a major threat to our existence.


    1.what is a major threat to our existence?


    2.what poisons the air and water?


    3.Polluted air makes people sick and afraid to go outside. 

    Humans need temperatures to be in a comfortable range.

    To be in a comfortable range means to be neither too hot nor too cold. 

    With global warming, global temperatures are rising.

    As temperatures rise, the polar icecaps will melt.


    temperatures温度; 气温; 体温; temperature的复数

    rise增加,提高; 加薪; 工资增长; 增强; 上升; 攀升; 提高; 达到较高水平; 起床; 起立; 站起来; 升起

    polar极地的; 近地极的; 南极的; 磁极的; 完全相反的; 截然对立的

    will将; 愿,要,会,定要; 烦劳别人做事时用; 想要; 希望; 愿意; 喜欢; 立定志向; 决心; 决意; 立遗嘱将赠与; 立遗嘱赠与; 意志; 毅力; 自制力; 意愿; 心愿; 遗嘱

    melt熔化,融化; 软化,变得温柔

    icecaps 冰盖

    As the polar icecaps melt, ocean levels will rise.

    Areas of some countries will soon be under water.

    People will be forced to relocate from flooded areas.


    1.As temperatures rise, what will happen to the polar icecaps ?

    the polar icecaps will melt.

    2.To be in a comfortable range means to be neither too hot nor too cold. 

    3.Areas of some countries will soon be under water.

    4.Pollution is now a growing problem around the world.

    In nature, even small changes can sometimes have large effects.

    It’s difficult to predict what’s going to happen.

    The entire ecosystem that we depend on is changing.


    entire全部的; 整个的; 完全的


    depend on依赖,依靠depend on(upon)不用于进行体。; 相信;信赖; 随…而定depend on(upon)作此解时,不用于被动结构,也不用于进行体。

    changing改变; 变化; 使不同; 变换,改换,变成; change的现在分词

    Some of  these changes are irreversible.


    changes改变; 变化; 使不同; 变换,改换,变成; 变更; 变革; 替代; 更换; 替代物; change的第三人称单数和复数

    irreversible无法复原的; 不能倒转的

    Irreversible changes cannot be undone.


    cannotcan 的否定形式

    undone未扣; 未系; 松开; 未完成; 未竟; 完蛋; 一蹶不振; 无出头之日; 打开; 解开; 拆开; 消除,取消,废止; 打败; 挫败; undo的过去分词


    1.what can small changes sometimes cause?

    have large effects.

    2.what kind of changes can not be undone?

    Irreversible changes cannot be undone.

    3.The entire ecosystem that we depend on is changing.

    Let’s hope that humans are smart enough to understand how the world is changing.

    With more understanding, we can make better choices about what to do.

    We can face the challenges of pollution and global warming.

    We need to do this before it’s too late.

    This planet Earth is our only home and we need to protect it.


    1.what challenges do we need to face?

     pollution and global warming.

    2.With more understanding, we can make better choices about what to do.

    3.It’s difficult to predict what’s going to happen.

    4.The entire ecosystem that we depend on is changing.



          本文标题:流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 3·Unit 3
