Day36:square 正方形;公正的;He is a square straight man.
Day35:long 长;渴望; I’m longing for a true love.
Day34:entrance 进入;陶醉;I became entranced by her voice.
Day33:cement 水泥;加强巩固; Nothing cements a friendship so much as mutual understanding.
Day32:beam 光芒;微笑 She beamed at him, saying “Pay up!”
Day31:dwell 居住;沉湎于 He always dwells on his unhappy past.
Day30:suffer 遭受;变糟,变差 His grades are starting to suffer
Day29:want 缺少 He wants courages
Day28: attend 出席,专心做某事 Attend to work and stop talking!
Day27: jar 瓶子,震动,The ship jarred a little.
Day26: minute 分钟,微小的 The kitchen on the board is minute.
Day25: facility 设备 天赋 He plays the piano with surprising facility.
Day24: lay 放置 不专业的 He is a lay person in English.
Day23: pant 裤子 ,气喘吁吁 He pants when he runs.
Day22: wear 穿 , 忍受 I can't wear his bad temper.
Day21: fast :快的,亲密的 we are fast friends.
Day20: observe: 观察,遵守 you must observe the traffic rules.
Day19: game:勇敢的 You must be game enough to say I love you!
Day18: season 季节,经验丰富 He is a seasoned doctor.
Day17: chemistry 化学,默契 I have good chemistry with my boss.
Day16: weather 天气,安全度过危机 She weathered the financial crisis.
Day15: flag 旗子,衰退 My love for you is flagging.
Day14: milk 牛奶,骗取 She milked a lot of money from her husband.
Day13: otherwise 否则,原本地 Her husband is otherwise a beautiful woman.
Day12: industry 工业,勤奋 I need a man of industry.
Day11: husband 节省 节约 Husband the natural resources.
Day10: sport 体育,炫耀 She always sports her villa.
Day9: duck 鸭子 躲开 I'll duck when I see him.
Day8: rail 铁轨 责备 Don't rail against me.
Day7: nose 鼻子 慢慢地进入 He nosed into the room.
Day6: but 但是 只不过 He is but a two-timer.
Day5: air 空气 炫耀 She always airs her wealth.
Day4: clinical 诊所的,简陋的 It's a clinical house.
Day3: negotiate 谈判 ,跨越 穿越 Negotiate the huge peaks.
Day2: fashion 时尚,方式 方法
Day1: system 系统,身体
typical 普通的,常态化的
grasp 理解
pull 诱惑
tell 分辨
fierce 激烈的;狂热的;
Underly 潜在的,构成。