

作者: MTI考研 | 来源:发表于2018-08-21 21:51 被阅读8次

Conventional measures pose the wrong productivity question


Is the world running out of ideas? This pessimistic view seems amply justified by stubbornly slow productivity growth in many economies.


Today’s new technologies are nothing like as important economically as the innovations of the early 20th century, as Robert Gordon has argued: in an influential book he compared video gaming to indoor sanitation. In a recent paper a group of economists from Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology — two of the world’s hot springs of idea-generation — calculate that it now takes more than 20 times the number of researchers to generate the same economic growth as it did in the 1930s.

正如罗伯特•戈登(Robert Gordon)所言,当今新技术对经济的影响远不及20世纪初的创新那么大:在一本颇具影响的著作中,他把视频游戏与室内卫浴设施做了对比。斯坦福大学(Stanford University)和麻省理工学院(MIT)是当今世界上的两大创意发源地。这两所大学的一组经济学家最近发表的一篇论文推算称,现在要想产生跟1930年代相同的经济增长,所需研究人员的数量是那时的20多倍。

Studies of specific phenomena support the slowdown hypothesis: Moore’s law is fizzling out; new pharmaceutical products take far more investment than they used to; agricultural productivity seems to have ground to a halt.

对特定现象的研究支持了放缓假说:摩尔定律(Moore’s law)开始失效;开发新药所需的投资远远超过以往;农业生产率似乎已陷入停滞。

Set against this evidence, should we see the promise of artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, graphene, cheap clean energy, and other emerging technologies as mere hype? Some of these innovations must surely contribute to productivity and economic growth.


The question matters. As Alfred Marshall, one of the founding fathers of modern economics, pointed out in 1890, people cannot produce new matter, only new ideas: people’s “efforts and sacrifices result in changing the form or arrangement of matter to adapt it better for the satisfaction of wants”.

这个问题很重要。正如现代经济学的奠基人之一阿尔弗雷德•马歇尔(Alfred Marshall)在1890年指出的那样,人们不能产生新物质,只能产生新创意:人们的“努力和牺牲结果只是改变了物质的形态或排列,使它能较好地适合于欲望的满足”。

One explanation for the combination of dismal productivity figures and exciting innovation is delay: it takes a long time for new technologies to be turned into widely used commercial applications. The more fundamental the innovation, the longer the lag is likely to be. This was true for electricity, for computers in the early days, and will be true for newer technologies such as AI. Other potential factors include demographic change, the hangover from the financial crisis and misallocation of capital.


Another explanation favoured by some economists — and by the tech community — is that output, and therefore productivity, are being mis-measured. The Stanford/MIT paper defines an “idea” as a unit of national output (as currently measured) divided by the total number of researcher hours. In the advanced economies, the number of people engaged in research and development has grown steadily over the decades. So the question — are ideas becoming harder to find? — really asks why output growth has slowed. The answer, in part, is because of the way economic output, as gross domestic product, is defined.


The issues with the definition are well known. For one thing, it excludes unpaid work in the home. Hence the steady transition of women into paid work during the second half of the 20th century flattered that era’s growth and productivity figures. For another, the investment figures included in GDP have omitted intangible investments, including in ideas. Statistics agencies are only just starting to incorporate these, so all of those researchers have been generating some uncounted output.


Another shortcoming, less noticed, goes deeper. GDP is a measure of final output after all intermediate outputs have been netted off, which seems perfectly logical.


But then why do businesses change the structure of production? The advantages of specialisation — lower cost and better quality — have driven a massive reorganisation of production chains globally during the past generation, enabled by information and communication technologies. Companies now outsource many activities they previously did in house, from payroll and cleaning to the supply of sophisticated components or computing services. Another form of this kind of outsourcing can be seen in the transition to cloud computing.


Companies outsourcing activities think it will improve their profitability — why else bother? But how does this tally with slowing productivity growth? It is because GDP excludes all the intermediate links in the chain and the additional value is netted out. GDP statistics shed no light on worldwide disruptions to production since the 1980s because they literally do not account for it.


The definition of economic output is a matter of convention. A broader concept is gross output, which adds in the intermediate links. Marshall would understand it; he argued that every stage of production involved valuable ideas and no stage was intrinsically more or less useful than the others.


The opposite of pessimism is not Panglossian optimism. There is plenty wrong in the economy, not least the fact that so many households have seen no increase in their incomes for so long. But productivity calculated by taking account of intangibles and on this alternative definition of economic output would look somewhat better than the current statistics suggest.




