BFG Repo-Cleaner - 从 Git 历史中真正删除

BFG Repo-Cleaner - 从 Git 历史中真正删除

作者: 不忘初心2017 | 来源:发表于2020-01-10 23:49 被阅读0次


Git 操作时,经常“不小心”上传一些不必要的(大)文件,或者私密数据,等等。

当然可以从本地把这些文件删除,加入 .gitignore, 避免下次再上传。

然而,之前已经上传过的,还遗留在 git 历史中,“有心人”还是会能挖掘到你的私密数据。。。


Git - git-filter-branch 可以从历史中删除文件,但据说“挺危险的”,于是前车之鉴我也没敢试试。

从大妈那儿拿到建议用 BFG Repo-Cleaner by rtyley,值得一试,这个大概是终极工具了。

BFG 删除历史文件


  • 环境:Java8+

  • git clone --mirror your-repo.git

  • cd your-repo.git

  • 下载bfg.jar,我为了省事,直接将其复制到 your-repo.git 目录下了(不建议参考哈)

  • java -jar bfg-1.12.16.jar --delete-files test1.py


--delete-folders "{folderA,folderB,folderC}" 这个就好了

  • git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive

  • git push


  • 最好把本地旧的 repo 删除了,不然可能又不小心 mess up 了
  • 通知其他仓库使用者重新 clone 吧,他们本地的旧的也好删除了。


  • BFG 默认不会 touch最新的commit,即如果你要删除的文件在最新的 commit 中,则不会删除之。为什么?因为最新的 commit 很可能是已上线在 production 的,所以~
  • BFG 用的是仓库镜像,具体是什么,见下文。
  • 如果要删除的文件在受保护的commit中,BFG 不会删,不建议删。至于commit什么情况下会受保护,我还不太清楚。

Git 仓库镜像

值得注意的是,BFG 用的是仓库镜像 git clone --mirror , 它和普通的git clone有什么区别?

git-clone doc:


Set up a mirror of the source repository. This implies --bare. Compared to --bare, --mirror not only maps local branches of the source to local branches of the target, it maps all refs (including remote-tracking branches, notes etc.) and sets up a refspec configuration such that all these refs are overwritten by a git remote update in the target repository.

我没看懂,对“refs"还是挺迷惑,模糊感觉, --mirror 类似深拷贝, 复制一切~, 具体理解还得和另外两种 git clone的方式结合起来:

  • git clone your-repo.git
  • git clone --bare your-repo.git: 这个貌似最浅层次的 copy 了(bare嘛)

What's the difference between git clone --mirror and git clone --bare - Stack Overflow 这里面有详细的讲解, 摘一段如下:

git clone --mirror origin-url: Every last one of those refs will be copied as-is. You'll get all the tags, local branches master (HEAD), next, pu, and maint, remote branches devA/master and devB/master, other refs refs/foo/bar and refs/foo/baz. Everything is exactly as it was in the cloned remote. Remote tracking is set up so that if you run git remote update all refs will be overwritten from origin, as if you'd just deleted the mirror and recloned it. As the docs originally said, it's a mirror. It's supposed to be a functionally identical copy, interchangeable with the original.

BFG 的原理

可能也是因为 --mirror 是深拷贝,复制一切,所以也便于更新修改了~

本来以为 BFG 也用了 git-filter-branch,查了一下源码,没找到类似的 git 命令,看到的是这样:



  • git-filter-branch 循环每一个 commit, 在每个 commit 中 walk 整个文件目录结构,慢而且浪费

  • BFG:用 git 下面这个特性,只具体处理要删除的文件或文件夹

    every file and folder is represented precisely once (and given a unique SHA-1 hash-id)

    不知道是否可以这么理解,用过 git log --oneline <文件名> 都知道,这个命令会显示文件的各个 commit 历史。BFG 大概用的这种每个文件在每次 commit 中都有一个 sha,找到这个文件所有的 commit sha, 然后再分别处理之似乎就可以了,不必考虑 commit 的文件目录循环了。




想贴出来这个,就因为挺好笑的~自己找, BFG repo 好多 commits message 也是 Trump~

Using repo : your-repo.git

Found 16 objects to protect
Found 26 commit-pointing refs : HEAD, refs/heads/test1, refs/heads/test2, ...

Protected commits

These are your protected commits, and so their contents will NOT be altered:

 * commit 260b0811 (protected by 'HEAD')


Found 81 commits
Cleaning commits:       100% (81/81)
Cleaning commits completed in 430 ms.

Updating 1 Ref

        Ref                    Before     After   
        refs/heads/test1 | 3db4545b | 87b66f4b

Updating references:    100% (1/1)
...Ref update completed in 46 ms.

Commit Tree-Dirt History

        Earliest                                              Latest
        |                                                          |

        D = dirty commits (file tree fixed)
        m = modified commits (commit message or parents changed)
        . = clean commits (no changes to file tree)

                                Before     After   
        First modified commit | 707a5be5 | 37820e97
        Last dirty commit     | 3db4545b | 87b66f4b

Deleted files

        Filename   Git id                          
        test1.py | 37677ac6 (28 B), d1758471 (20 B)

In total, 6 object ids were changed. Full details are logged here:


BFG run is complete! When ready, run: git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive

You can rewrite history in Git - don't let Trump do it for real!
Trump's administration has lied consistently, to make people give up on ever
being told the truth. Don't give up: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/trump-administration




      本文标题:BFG Repo-Cleaner - 从 Git 历史中真正删除
