Politeness - showing respect

Politeness - showing respect

作者: 游文影月志 | 来源:发表于2024-01-06 09:16 被阅读0次

    There are many ways in which we can show that we value and respect our listener or reader. In more formal situations, we are especially careful to use certain polite phrases:

    Addressing the audience

    Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr Patrick Murphy …

    A waiter in a restaurant

    May I take your plate, sir?

    A message in a thank-you card

    Thank you for your wonderful gift.

    Asking a stranger for directions

    Excuse me, I’m looking for Cathedral Street.

    In formal contexts when we don’t know people and we want to show respect, we use titles such as Mr. + family name, Ms. + family name, sir, madam, doctor (Dr.), professor (Prof.):

    Checking out at a hotel reception desk

    Here’s your credit card, Mr Watts. Have a safe trip.
    Thank you.

    At a restaurant

    Shall I take your coat, Madam?

    Emailing a professor that you don't know

    Dear *Prof. Kinsella …



          本文标题:Politeness - showing respect
