Day 7 Begin with the end

Day 7 Begin with the end

作者: 二可 | 来源:发表于2017-07-11 17:41 被阅读0次



影响;冲击 Something that impinges on you affects you to some extent.

E.g....the cuts in defence spending that have impinged on two of the region's largest employers.


Chanel into

to use your energy, ability, feelings, or ideas for a particular purpose

channel something into somethingShe channelled all her energies into her career.

Thesaurus: to use something, or to be usedsynonym

看到这个词想到了Verb+ prep.的用法,会使句子显得特别简洁有力


Trains propelled the country into the modern age, breaking social boundaries, spreading culture and make the population more mobile.


全知全能的;无所不知的;博闻广识的 If you describe someone as omniscient, you mean they know or seem to know everything.



今天阅读的这个部分主要讲了以principal center来进行人生各种事情的选择。文章说了许多center, 比如说money-centered, family-centered等等。文中举了一个父亲的例子让我印象特别深刻,在工作和家庭选择中,他选择了陪伴孩子,他说了这样一句话:

The work will come again, but childhood won’t

接着作者给出了一个做决定的方法,也就是principal- centered,因为别的都会改变,就像文中所说,前一秒还是高高在上,下一秒结局又将可能秒转,但是正确的原则是根深蒂固而不会改变的,我们可以依赖它。

As a person fluctuates form one center to another, the resulting relativism is like roller coasting through life.

As a principle- centered person, you see things differently. And because you see things differently, you think differently, you act differently. Because you have a high degree of security, guidance, wisdom, and power that flows from a solid, unchanging core, you have the foundation of a highly proactive and highly effective life.


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      本文标题:Day 7 Begin with the end
