Hello, my angel (一)

Hello, my angel (一)

作者: Welm | 来源:发表于2018-11-29 23:03 被阅读0次
Hello, my angel (一)

Hello, my angel, I'm sorry to say about you by this way, but it isn't my forse, right? After all, I don't know you yet.

First, let me tell you about myself. I'm a college student. Oh, don't ask me my age. I'm in favor of reading, especially the novel, though I know it's terrible. But I will give up it, which takes time.

Second, I love watching movies, either in the cinema or in my phone. The theme of movies are mostly about emotion, action.

Then, I enjoy watching TV, the theme that attracts me most is about soldiers.

Last, I like listening to music. My favorite song is just met you.

Thanks for reading.


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      本文标题:Hello, my angel (一)
