vector<pair<int, int>> getSkyline(vector<vector<int>>& buildings) {
// use walls to record buildings; left wall is an insertion event, and right wall is a deletion event
vector<pair<int, int>> walls, ans; // first: x, second: height
for (auto b : buildings) {
// push in left / right walls
// let left wall has negative height to ensure left wall goes to multiset first if with same 'x' as right wall
walls.push_back(make_pair(b[0], -b[2]));
walls.push_back(make_pair(b[1], b[2]));
sort(walls.begin(), walls.end()); // sort walls
multiset<int> leftWallHeights = {0}; // keep left wall heights sorted; dummy '0' for convenience
int top = 0; // current max height among leftWallHeights
for (auto w : walls) {
if (w.second < 0) { // it's a left wall, insert the height
} else { // it's a right wall, delete the height
if (*leftWallHeights.rbegin() != top) { // mark a skyline point if top changes
ans.push_back(make_pair(w.first, top = *leftWallHeights.rbegin()));
return ans;