conundrum 难题

作者: 董八七 | 来源:发表于2019-05-31 10:23 被阅读7次

title: conundrum
date: 2019-05-31 10:16:41
NO_sents: 54
NO_references: 34


  • However, these interpretations do not help us explain the basic conundrum: the D. simulans genome is far from base composition homogeneity and stationarity for many site types. (Begun et al., 2007)
  • One potential solution to this conundrum is to study numerous loci spanning the genome to identify loci that possess patterns of genetic variation that are unusual relative to the rest of the genome. (Biswas, Akey, 2006)
  • This update presented a conundrum since the update includes a large number of InDels and our proposed downstream analyses would be improved by using the updated reference set. (Verma et al., 2014)
  • This apparent conundrum can be explained by the observation that for the majority of genes (~75%), homozygosity for LoF mutations is viable but confers a modest selective dis- advantage that is sufficient to preclude fixation of the mutations, which explains the evolutionary conserva- tion of the corresponding gene. (Georges, Charlier, Hayes, 2018)
  • Clinical trials and rare diseases: a way out of a conundrum. (Lau, Ioannidis, Schmid, 1997)
  • However, if a p-value is .0001, the chance of error is significantly less (1/10000). view boards, funding agencies and journals need a rationale for handling the statistical conundrum of MOMs. (Feise, 2002)
  • However, further studies will be required to resolve this conundrum. (Kumar et al., 2008)
  • This presents an interesting conundrum: How do we choose restoration targets when much of the world's ecosystem processes are in a state of flux and are likely to continue changing for the foreseeable future? (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • While some of this has to do with the limitations of protected areas, for example, limited size, area and resources for expansion, and a lack of spatial congruence with biodiversity conservation needs (Lindenmayer and Burgman, 2005), at the center of this conundrum lies conservation's inability to secure societal commitment and adequate responses to address the drivers of change in biodiversity both inside and outside of protected areas. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Africa has been held up to modelers of overkill as a conundrum. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • One reply to the conundrum is that in Africa and Asia there was sufficient time to evolve a balanced predator-prey relationship, perhaps with human populations locally suppressed by sleeping sickness and other endemic human diseases and on occasion by intertribal buffer zones (Martin and Klein, 1984). (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Therein lies the conundrum. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Many theories have been advanced to explain Hutchinson's (1961) paradox of the plankton, but the conundrum for a long time remained unsolved. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • This article assesses the overall sustainability conundrum using EF analysis and links the general problem to the specific issue of biodiversity conservation. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • This balance between differentiating selection and the homogenizing effects of migration can create a difficult conundrum for conservation biologistsFfor a rare species that exists in several small populations, it might be better to pool all the individuals together to bolster the size and viability of a single population. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Actually, the answer to this conundrum has been available for some 30 years. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Chalkia, 2013 Mitochondrial DNA genetics and the heteroplasmy conundrum in evolution and disease. (Wilton et al., 2018)
  • We also need to address an intriguing conundrum: if the LRR domain is acting as a negative regulator of the NBS domain and NBS-LRR proteins are monitoring the status of conserved host proteins, why is there frequently a strong evolutionary signal of divergent selection acting on solventexposed residues on the concave surface of the LRR? (McHale et al., 2006)
  • There are solutions to this conundrum that may fall within the realm of sub-genomic sampling. (Varshney, Tuberosa, 2007)
  • Surely, this is of prime importance, and while the statistician alone cannot solve this conundrum we must keep on at the breeder, at his supporting chemists, soil specialists, biologists and bug and nematode specialists to find the causes of the interactions to which our analysis has drawn attention. (Patterson, Silvey, 1980)
  • The way out of this conundrum may be to redefine the term once again. (Woese, 2004)
  • This illustrated that the interaction of multiple genetic barriers (pheromones, local adaptation to host plants, voltinism) can be so complex as to create a taxonomical conundrum even in well-studied taxa. (BIERNE et al., 2011)
  • However, D. melanogaster, C. elegans and other animals also show loss of 'essential' genes13,26,32, which raises a general conundrum: how can animals survive and compete while lacking core components of essential mechanisms? (Grohme et al., 2018)
  • Bonnet et al 1 propose an explanation for the snow vole conundrum which I think can be viewed as a (potentially important) variation on the "missing trait" scenario. (Kruuk, 2017)
  • In this connection, very low or even negative estimates of repeatability of means present a conundrum. (Burdon, 1998)
  • Depending on the objectives of tree growers, and because of the existence of G 搼㸷 E, the conundrum of whether to focus on producing genotypes for specific environments or genotypes suitable across multiple environments (Burdon 1977) needs to be addressed. (Suontama et al., 2015)
  • This conundrum can be explained by statistical issues with accurate parameter estimation, 6TD$a3FI_ nd by biological mechanisms that interfere with the response to selection. (Pujol et al., 2018)
  • These findings reveal a conundrum in which the general expectation of an absence of response to selection derived from studies of these surveyed populations conflicts with the expectation of the presence of a response based on evidence from other types of studies. (Pujol et al., 2018)
  • We first summarize statistical explanations for this conundrum, namely that the measures of selection and quantitative genetic parameters are imprecise. (Pujol et al., 2018)
  • We then briefly discuss the alternative, but not mutually exclusive, role of biological explanations in explaining this conundrum. (Pujol et al., 2018)
  • One potential solution to this conundrum is to study numerous loci spanning the genome to identify loci that possess patterns of genetic variation that are unusual relative to the rest of the genome. (Biswas, Akey, 2006)
  • We believe that resolution of this conundrum depends largely on the timescale of concern. (Avise, Hamrick, 1996)
  • This poses a power conundrum: replication studies will be underpowered if they use the biased WGA estimates of effect size, but if successful, they can provide unbiased effect-size estimates of the loci initially identified by WGA. (Balding, Bishop, Cannings, 2007)
  • It was in New Zealand, where competition-induced tree mortality was often high, that the conundrum of what to do about thinning was a pressing issue, and where a radical approach was developed. (Burdon, Libby, Brown, 2017)
  • Such discrete variation, however, is the exception rather than the rule for most "important" traits in most organisms, including forest trees, which posed a conundrum for the early geneticists. (Burdon, Libby, Brown, 2017)
  • Numerous solutions to the conundrum of what maintains genetic variation under persistent directional sexual selection have been proposed, including large mutational targets formed by 'condition dependent' polygenic traits, non-additive genetic effects, indirect genetic effects stemming from interactions among individuals, sexual conflict, and frequencyand environment-dependence (Rowe & Houle 1996; Reinhold 2002; Neff & Pitcher 2005; Pischedda & 36 Q UA N T I TAT I V E G E N E T I C S I N T H E W I L D Chippindale 2006; Miller & Moore 2007; Kruuk et al 2008). (Charmantier, Garant, Kruuk, 2014)
  • Faced with this conundrum, you are forced to conclude that the electric field of a spherically symmetric charge distribution must be entirely radial. (Fleisch, 2008)
  • This logical conundrum arises from the question of what constitutes evidence for an assertion. (Krantz, 2017)
  • There is only one solution to this conundrum, and that is to gather as detailed an ecological database as one has on the phylogenetic relatedness PHENOTYPIC INTEGRATION IN A MODEL ORGANISM 1 71 Figure 7,6 The total phenotypic variance observed in a group of phylogenetically related taxa (top) is usually thought of as the result of two components, one accounted for by historical commonality (middle), the second by the specifics of the ecology of each taxon (bottom). (Pigliucci, Preston, 2004)
  • We are led, naturally, to the purpose of this chapter, which is to explore the conundrum of constraint and its role in our theories of phenotypic evolution. (Pigliucci, Preston, 2004)
  • In any case, the origin of life is still a conundrum for modern biology. (Saitou, 2013)
  • We face a conundrum: we can detect significant epistatic effects but not significant epistatic variance for grain yield in maize. (Unknown, 2001)
  • This scenario highlights a real conundrum. (Unknown, 2001)
  • Biol Control 90:193愼㹤199 Blok VC, Jones JT, Phillips MS, Trudgill DL (2008) Parasitism genes and host range disparities in biotrophic nematodes: the conundrum of polyphagy versus specialisation. (Varma, Sharma, 2017)
  • 62 Understanding Advanced Statistical Methods Thus, the conundrum regarding how to define the derivative when there is only one x value at the point of the tangent line is resolved by defining the derivative as the limit of successive approximations. (Westfall, Henning, 2013)
  • The Tending Regime Conundrum The traditional approach of thinning to produce intermediate yields of wood has posed problems for forest managers. (Burdon, Libby, Brown, 2017)
  • Some conundrums remain, however. (Burdon, Low, 1991)
  • Paris Z, Fleming IMC, and Alfonzo JD (2012) Determinants of tRNA editing and modification: Avoiding conundrums, affecting function. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • M. Understanding apomixis: recent advances and remaining conundrums. (Comai, 2005)
  • References Bicknell RA, Koltunow AM (2004) Understanding apomixis: recent advances and remaining conundrums. (Hou et al., 2011)
  • Indeed, the availability and desirability of using fertiliser for growing radiata can pose some major conundrums. (Burdon, Libby, Brown, 2017)
  • Nutrient Cycles and Fertilizer Need The study of nutrient cycling in forests of various ages has provided the explanations to a number of the conundrums posed by early work on fertilizer responses. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
  • There are large treatises in math and even philosophy concerning conundrums like this one, all having to do with infinitesimals. (Westfall, Henning, 2013)
  • House J, Archer S, Breshears DD, Scholes RJ and NCEAS Tree璆rass Interaction Participants (2003) Conundrums in mixed woody環erbaceous plant systems. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)


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